Pres & VP at Basketball game

boardman's Avatar
Well, considering I have little faith in any of them the line of succession at this point is irrelevant to me. Anything is going to be a cluster f&ck. Like it is now.
Al Haig was in Reagan's cabinet and called the press conference when Reagan was shot by Hinkley, if I recall correctly. Haig thought he was another Eisenhower or Grant or Caesar, and had presidential aspirations. This was not his finest day.
boardman's Avatar
Al Haig was in Reagan's cabinet and called the press conference when Reagan was shot by Hinkley, if I recall correctly. Haig thought he was another Eisenhower or Grant or Caesar, and had presidential aspirations. This was not his finest day. Originally Posted by randyrogue
Yes, Haig was SecState. The above quote was his response to the question from the press. The statement by itself may seem responsible enough as written but it was the way in which he delivered it that caused the uproar.
To futher complicate the matter no one had declared Reagan as unfit so the statement seemed to be doing that as well. It was as if Haig was making the determination on his own and setting the succession in motion.
He was butchered for it and rightfully so. He never really recovered completely always seen by some as being either too ambitious or reckless.
Geritol's Avatar
Haig was wrong. The argument, as I recall, and it's been a while, was that Reagan was never not in charge. Bush-41 would have been in charge when Reagan went under anesthesia. Haig was at that point little more than a press secretary.

I hate to say this but I would feel "somewhat" better if Secretary of State was next in line after VP on the current case.

boardman's Avatar
Haig was wrong. The argument, as I recall, and it's been a while, was that Reagan was never not in charge.
G Originally Posted by Geritol
Yes, that's exactly what stirred the hornets nest. It also opened a debate about at what point is CINC unable to fulfill his duties.
Geritol's Avatar
I had misunderstood your Quote of Haig's as you saying that SOS was next in succession after VP.

I remember where I was when Reagan was shot.

toyrrific's Avatar
Things I fear in life: ED, VD, and most frightening is RCB - Robert C. Byrd, President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate, a 92 year old Segregationist; 4th in line of succession to the Presidency of the United States. Damn, folks, the old geezer still uses the term "nigg*rs."
Haig was wrong. The argument, as I recall, and it's been a while, was that Reagan was never not in charge. Bush-41 would have been in charge when Reagan went under anesthesia. Haig was at that point little more than a press secretary.

I hate to say this but I would feel "somewhat" better if Secretary of State was next in line after VP on the current case.

G Originally Posted by Geritol
The succession has to do with the USA being a republic, and the House is more representative (consisting of districts of equal numbers) than the Senate (two per state, less proportionate, e.g. Montana has 2 as does Texas).

After that are the Cabinet posts in the order in which they were authorized by First Congress, the Secretary of State having been the first.

Geritol's Avatar
Understood, just stating what my current prefferences would be.

Things I fear in life: ED, VD, and most frightening is RCB - Robert C. Byrd, President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate, a 92 year old Segregationist; 4th in line of succession to the Presidency of the United States. Damn, folks, the old geezer still uses the term "nigg*rs." Originally Posted by toyrrific
I see many black people use it without flinching, calling each other that on the street, on stage, . . . Remember what Redd Foxx said about Richard Pryor? So the 'N'-word has been hijacked by the black community, for their use only. There is no justice there, only another form of racism. If it is wrong for non-blacks to say it, then it ought to be excised, erased and eliminated from the black slang-vocabulary, too. We are all created equal, and none possess unique rights derived from their race, religion, etc.

By the way, in the mixed race community where I reside, we refer to some white trash as 'white n******.' These 'trailer park trash' have brought their broken down cars to park in their driveways and at the curb of our middle class single family 1- and 2- story brick veneer homes. The 'N'-word refers to a people who have categorized themselves by their slovenly lifestyle. Wherever they go, property values go down as they denigrate their homes, the rental properties they inhabit by failing to maintain them, and by extension their neighborhoods as it becomes ugly and uglier lot by lot.

I would hate for Sen. Byrd to become Pres. Byrd, as much as I hate that the incompetent bho will be POTUS for another three years. We need a plain spoken leader of insight and integrity. Where is Ross Perot when we need him? Remember what he said about NAFTA? It has all come true. If not Powell, or Perot, then whom? (Please, do NOT say Palin!)

Independently yours,

boardman's Avatar
The pendulum is swinging. We went so far left and now most of the country has realized the mistake we made. I'm afraid that instead of that "plain spoken leader of insight and integrity" we are going to be charmed by someone who is just as far right as bho is left. A charismatic "Pat Robertson" if you will.
Is there another Ronald Reagan out there?
Geritol's Avatar
Is there another Ronald Reagan out there? Originally Posted by boardman
I'd be fine with that.

The pendulum is swinging. We went so far left and now most of the country has realized the mistake we made. I'm afraid that instead of that "plain spoken leader of insight and integrity" we are going to be charmed by someone who is just as far right as bho is left. A charismatic "Pat Robertson" if you will.
Is there another Ronald Reagan out there? Originally Posted by boardman
". . . the country has realized the mistake we made. Is there another Ronald Reagan out there?"

His name is Colin Powell, but I fear he is not the patriot RR was, or he would step forward to serve, IMHO.

The 'rogue' in me wants to ask, "What about JEB?" But I do not want to open that can of worms.

Geritol's Avatar
"The 'rogue' in me wants to ask, "What about JEB?" But I do not want to open that can of worms. Originally Posted by randyrogue
Can of worms?? You opened it. I believe that this was necessary. If McCain had been elected, we'd still get where we are. We would just be getting here slower. The country needed this massive failure to wake us up. I have thought about JEB in the past, but being as unhappy with his brother as I was by the end of his 2nd term, got a bad taste in my mouth. We need NEW blood. Really new blood. Not Palin, not anyone currently in the limelight. We need someone that doesn't want to be there, but will do it for his country, like Washington.

Just my nickle,

boardman's Avatar
Jack Ryan?