I like new cars also. A three year old car is a junker to me. I get a new one every year or 10,000 miles.
With 60% of battery recharge energy coming from fossil fuels I am staying with with gas powered for now. Until it all becomes sustainable without government subsidy may be jumping the gun. If government subsidy goes away the EV could become a boat anchor. I prefer to see what happens with hydrogen & fuel cells as putting all your trust in the electrical grid may leave you powerless across the board.. home, car, phone laptop. May hit the hobby budget as collateral damage
Originally Posted by sexman333
New one every year. You're luckier than most, especially that one who has that 20 yr old junker.
Got a long wait for hydrogen which is too expensive and fuel cells which are only good for putting us on the moon.
EVs show the most advances lately. Batteries just get better, along with solar which enhance the grid, in most States, except for Texas.
Government subsidy??? When will Oil become sustainable without government subsidy??? Over the years Big Oil has raked in more government subsidy than all the others you mention so far!