Happy Birthday Kitten

Happy Birthday Kitten!!
jr4u's Avatar
  • jr4u
  • 12-16-2010, 10:54 AM
SASpurfan's Avatar
"Meow" to my very special friend. Happy Birthday, babe. You are one of a kind and I am lucky to know you. Enjoy your special day.

coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 12-16-2010, 11:53 AM
Happy Birthday to my favorite chat lap warmer!

Much hobby love,

Kitten's Avatar
HUGS & KISSES to all of you! Thank you Nova for this wonderful present. It has been such great pleasure to know all of you.

robs4.1's Avatar
Well better late that never so HAPPY BDAY Kitten hope it's a great BDay for u and that u get lots of great gifts as well as some great BDay Sex! lol
Lana Warren's Avatar
Hope you had a wonderful time on this special day, sweetheart!
flexywun's Avatar
Happy Birthday Kitten darling. better late than never. i owe you some birthday swats.
Papacorn's Avatar
Hope you enjoyed your day Kitten!
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 12-17-2010, 11:28 AM
Sorry I'm a day late but I hope this year is better than the last and you still look young and hot.
Kitten's Avatar
Thank all of you for the wonderful wishes. It was a great day , I went to the Cheese Cake Factory and ate way to much lol. I am not older because cat years are not the same as human years. LOL