you ladies should start unemployment claim...profession professional pussy peddler lol...but seriously I fucking love it 1104 a week to stay home.. fuck yeah... lol Originally Posted by Funtimes44I think it's great that the republican party was able to draft a bill that in part at least actually benefits working American citizens for once.
$600 in supplemental unemployment insurance for people who need it, along with what essentially acts as a temporary ubi for middle-class individuals is a good thing for those who have paid taxes for their entire lives and who can use this money.
Who can argue with this? Not talking about the entire bill, just these entitlements for the middle class.
If this upsets you or if you aren't benefiting because you don't pay taxes or don't qualify due to income requirements, then tough shit.
Regular working people have been carrying the load for many of you for their entire lives.
Show some appreciation and lose the entitlement mentality.