COF, I can have an award for you in about 15 seconds. It can come on very nice stock or on a roll of toilet paper done either in caligraphy, Ye Olde English, or with krayolie.
Critical thinking, eh? I wonder how many home schooling parents employ the Socratic method? I'll wager that it will be a lot fewer than the ones employing the Pauline method. I suspect that they get a lot more of the latter from the Rev. and the assistants down at the non-denominational, birther, Mega-Church of the New Confederacy. So much for the milk of human kindness. Hmmm, I think there may be a lot of "teaching the test" going on, too. Since most State Boards of Education at some point verify progress among the home schooled, the need to accumulate and regurgitate information for a standardized "achievement" test is paramount. Perhaps the reason Sexycentric1's cousin's kiddos blew up on the ACT/SAT is that one had to figure out what A, B, C, or D is from information contained in the question. There is, after all, a reasoning component to "critical thinking."
Of course, if they want to pool their resources and hire a ball-busting Jesuit and a couple of nuns with moustaches sporting man-hater footwear, we might have something to discuss. Oh, yeah - they would also have to be from Rhode Island, Pennsylvania or some other foreign country east of Texarkana.