Off The Pole, Take Down The Ads, Put Away The Red Lipstick And Then.....

2 years is a long time. :-) Plenty of time to change your mind. Nothing wrong with making a few bucks on the side, unless you and bf or hubby decide not to do that.
Yeah it is,but I have been around long enough. And 2 years is just to finish with a BANG!! lol lol
I am not married nor do I have a bf so that isn't a factor nor will be a factor. The only man in my life has 4 legs and I don't think he has a problem with what I do as long as I feed and love on him! lol lol
Plus the date I picked will be my 30th Bday! That is the main reason for choosing that date.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Anybody else ever wonder what escorts and strippers do or plan to do once they decide to give this industry up? Or maybe there is no plan. What about money?? What about a career? Why do we come back? And, why do escorts keep their p411 and Eccie pages active if they've only just retired?? What is the next step for a retired hooker??

These are just a few questions that run through my mind as I slowly make my exit from this hobby (as I have been trying to do for the last few years.) I know I have taken breaks from this lovely world I find myself so engulfed in and am also guilty of 'retiring..' Yet, here I still am. LOL! And we roll our eyes at others' retirement threads, but I 'get' it and start thinking of my future. I wish I had been more focused when I first began... but coming from absolutely nothing turned to having things I never even dreamed of seemed so Hollywoodish to me that I didn't think about anything else. Of course, NOW that I'm older (just a lil bit, sheesh) and have slowed down hobbying (quite a bit, no shit!) I decide to think things through!

Or, maybe some of us will never actually retire because this is just too easy of a fall back plan...... And, I hate when my thoughts fight in my damn head!! I can't think clearly (or, perhaps I'm over-thinking) and create threads such as this.

So, I wonder what it is that will finally make a girl wanna get off the pole, take down her ads and put away the red lipstick.

.....Just a few thoughts of a Midwest Hooker (One who's thinking of retiring?? COLD turkey this time? Mmmm Maybe....Or Not) Originally Posted by Gemma34
It is about having goals. The hobby has been a fine way for some of the ladies I have known to obtain the funds needed to get the training for a career change.

One lady I met in the late 70s, and saw for 5 years, used the hobby to go to nursing school. She had no dollar help from her family. I encouraged her and helped with some of the science lessons for more than a few nights. I even went to her graduation, and sat in the back so her family wouldn't meet me.

Another lady I knew, saved up enough money to buy a beauty salon and pay for the cosmetology school. She later bought too more shops.

It is all about setting goals for yourself, and saving the money to help achieve your goals. If you don't have money set aside, it is hard to achieve goals that require financing.

Recently, one of the ladies lamented that she didn't have any credit. When we reviewed her expenses I pointed out that she was spending enough at hotels that if she put it on a credit card, and was absolutely sure she always paid it off ahead of time, never late, she would be able to build a fine credit history and a good credit rating. At the same time she was able to obtain hotel discounts, and free travel points with AE.

Nothing should ever come ahead of paying off your credit cards - ever.

You are in control of your own future. If you want to do something else besides what you are now doing, you must receive the training to be qualified.

All humans, and animals, enjoy sex. Are we qualified to do other things.

All life is about learning. I do not do any of these things to earn money, but I have learned to do them all to save myself a lot of money. I could go to work tomorrow as a:

dry wall installer
heavy equipment operator
The point, there are a lot of things each of us can do.

BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Knew a gal in Vegas that retired when she hit 40. She lived a frugal lifestyle while working and invested at least half of what she brought in. She's now travelling the world on her own terms.

Get a good accountant, declare your entertainment income, invest your money. Cash in hand is easy to burn through and if this is your only profession there isn't going to be any SSI.
That's really interesting that you actually have set a date to 'hang up your heels' Nikki. I wonder if more ladies do that as well... It makes sense actually, its sort of like setting a goal for yourself and your life and giving yourself some time to actually reach it. I think a lot of times us providers just get tired or feel so overworked or overwhelmed with the hobby that we impulsively decide to 'retire.'

Good luck with your goals and thanks for your thoughts.
Well Gemma, if you do a farewell tour, let me know! I'd try to drive to Wichita to see you one last time!
It is about having goals. The hobby has been a fine way for some of the ladies I have known to obtain the funds needed to get the training for a career change.

One lady I met in the late 70s, and saw for 5 years, used the hobby to go to nursing school. She had no dollar help from her family. I encouraged her and helped with some of the science lessons for more than a few nights. I even went to her graduation, and sat in the back so her family wouldn't meet me.

Another lady I knew, saved up enough money to buy a beauty salon and pay for the cosmetology school. She later bought too more shops.

It is all about setting goals for yourself, and saving the money to help achieve your goals. If you don't have money set aside, it is hard to achieve goals that require financing.

Recently, one of the ladies lamented that she didn't have any credit. When we reviewed her expenses I pointed out that she was spending enough at hotels that if she put it on a credit card, and was absolutely sure she always paid it off ahead of time, never late, she would be able to build a fine credit history and a good credit rating. At the same time she was able to obtain hotel discounts, and free travel points with AE.

Nothing should ever come ahead of paying off your credit cards - ever.

You are in control of your own future. If you want to do something else besides what you are now doing, you must receive the training to be qualified.

All humans, and animals, enjoy sex. Are we qualified to do other things.

All life is about learning. I do not do any of these things to earn money, but I have learned to do them all to save myself a lot of money. I could go to work tomorrow as a:
dry wall installer
heavy equipment operator
The point, there are a lot of things each of us can do.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
A lot of good points JR. And I've even went to cna school, cosmetology school, received my associates of science degree and am currently taking some random classes. I always finish the schools but then I decide I really don't want to pursue that as a career. So my problem is I'm indecisive and unsure of what I truly want to do for the rest of my life. It's not that I'm unable to do something else, as I'm MORE than capable, I'm just unsure which route I want to take. Lol

I am trying to figure out my next and final step at this time.... Until then, I will continue to enjoy life and make some money while doing so.
Sound advice BigMike.
And you are tooooo sweet Tony!! I will make sure I post it if and when I do.

Thank you guys!
It is about having goals. The hobby has been a fine way for some of the ladies I have known to obtain the funds needed to get the training for a career change.

One lady I met in the late 70s, and saw for 5 years, used the hobby to go to nursing school. She had no dollar help from her family. I encouraged her and helped with some of the science lessons for more than a few nights. I even went to her graduation, and sat in the back so her family wouldn't meet me.

Another lady I knew, saved up enough money to buy a beauty salon and pay for the cosmetology school. She later bought too more shops.

It is all about setting goals for yourself, and saving the money to help achieve your goals. If you don't have money set aside, it is hard to achieve goals that require financing.

Recently, one of the ladies lamented that she didn't have any credit. When we reviewed her expenses I pointed out that she was spending enough at hotels that if she put it on a credit card, and was absolutely sure she always paid it off ahead of time, never late, she would be able to build a fine credit history and a good credit rating. At the same time she was able to obtain hotel discounts, and free travel points with AE.

Nothing should ever come ahead of paying off your credit cards - ever.

You are in control of your own future. If you want to do something else besides what you are now doing, you must receive the training to be qualified.

All humans, and animals, enjoy sex. Are we qualified to do other things.

All life is about learning. I do not do any of these things to earn money, but I have learned to do them all to save myself a lot of money. I could go to work tomorrow as a:
dry wall installer
heavy equipment operator
The point, there are a lot of things each of us can do.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I agree 100%

In my mind I can do anything I want if I do my research and learn what I need to learn to be successful.

You can do anything you want if you have time and money.

Learning is so fucking easy these days I do not understand why people do not learn as they live.

I too have many skills that I have been able to acquire over the years although pilot is not one of them.

As far as hanging up the heels, My 25 yr Management career is day to day and I might be painting any day.

The thing is we all have it in us to do what we want to do , we just have to do it.
I agree 100%

In my mind I can do anything I want if I do my research and learn what I need to learn to be successful.

You can do anything you want if you have time and money.

Learning is so fucking easy these days I do not understand why people do not learn as they live.

I too have many skills that I have been able to acquire over the years although pilot is not one of them.

As far as hanging up the heels, My 25 yr Management career is day to day and I might be painting any day.

The thing is we all have it in us to do what we want to do , we just have to do it. Originally Posted by SixShot
I truly love what you've said here! I read and reread this and it made me stop and really think about things. skills, my goals, likes..dislikes etcetera.

Great post!
I truly love what you've said here! I read and reread this and it made me stop and really think about things. skills, my goals, likes..dislikes etcetera.

Great post!
Gemma Originally Posted by Gemma34

Thank you Gemma....