A Sinners Prayer

KalyEscort's Avatar
Personally, I find big boobs to be pretty effective at manipulating my weak mind. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
hahahahaha Touché

While going to Church may not necessarily be illuminating, it's probably good for your health.
To illuminate your interior, you don't need to belong to any multinational corporation sick with greed and power, whose members kill, perform genocides, sexually abuse to minors, send people to suicide missions, finance wars and participate in politic issues. To enlighten your soul, it's enough to practice a philosophy of life where you have empathy with people, practice charity, be a good person and help those in need. You can meditate under a tree if you want, you don't need to hit your chest and scream that you're good, just try to be without fucking the lives of other people.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5s9OvEItNc"> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5s9OvEItNc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

  • Tiny
  • 07-10-2019, 02:24 PM
To illuminate your interior, you don't need to belong to any multinational corporation sick with greed and power, whose members kill, perform genocides, sexually abuse to minors, send people to suicide missions, finance wars and participate in politic issues. To enlighten your soul, it's enough to practice a philosophy of life where you have empathy with people, practice charity, be a good person and help those in need. You can meditate under a tree if you want, you don't need to hit your chest and scream that you're good, just try to be without fucking the lives of other people.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5s9OvEItNc"> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5s9OvEItNc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

Originally Posted by KalyEscort
Man Kaly, that's hard core. The black metal arsonists, Satanists and murderers glorified in the link are every bit as evil or brainwashed as Islamic jihadists and cultists like Jim Jones.

Yes, you've got a point, the Catholic Church, the institution, has performed some heinous acts over the course of history. Painting your run-of-the-mill worshiper with the same broad brush isn't fair though. And your argument doesn't wash at all with some groups like Buddhists and Methodists. Overall they're a force for good in the world, and practice what you preach: "it's enough to practice a philosophy of life where you have empathy with people, practice charity, be a good person and help those in need."
KalyEscort's Avatar
Institutions in all religions are involved in corruption, sex - drugs scandals, etc. Even the buddhists https://newhumanist.org.uk/articles/...de-of-buddhism

I was talking about you on your own. If you try to be a good person, you don't need the social - educacional idea about guiltiness with the prize (heaven-salvation), punishment (hell-sentence).

I was living in Brazil and is interesting because they have African influence and in african religions you don't have the construction of hell-heaven. They believe in entities with certain evolution that represent forces of nature and in another plane closer to the humans, performing the function of mediators as a bridge between humans and orixas, other entities that at some point were human and seek to evolve.

The image of the devil emerges in the process of consolidation of papal power and the figure of the autocratic king as turrets of strength, capable of resisting an increasingly powerful and antagonistic god of evil. Peace and order, prize-punishment.

About dark metal, let me tell you something. Mayhem weren't the inspiration for terrorists, who prodided training and armament wasn't the dark metal group, was UK-USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm9-Bp8B-h0

But hey, in the end the religions are interesting to study them from the sociological and anthropological focus.
Pangolier's Avatar
While going to Church may not necessarily be illuminating, it's probably good for your health. Originally Posted by Tiny

I don't want a provider forum straying down a dangerous route, so I'll keep this brief.

Attending church is not what results in the health benefits; rather it's the mindset of the people who believe in religion. If you've managed to delude yourself into thinking that the very moment you die you will suddenly reemerge in the clouds looking at some massive dude with long hair and a robe, surrounded by white pillars and golden castles, then you may very well have something positive to look forward to or even a bit less fear of death - until it actually encroaches next to you.

If you think that some guy died on a cross for you, and that the injustices of the world will be corrected by an ethereal ghost, then your blood pressure may be lower than some person who goes around retaining anger and ranting at everything.

It's not the religion that is having a physiological affect on the body, it's the thinking pattern of the person. The thing is... you can still find benefits from something even if what you believe in is entirely fictitious. You know how you can test a religious person? When reality flies in the face of their beliefs, you are guaranteed one of two responses. The first response is sudden anger, then later followed by denial. Or the second possible response is that the person realizes their theology was not grounded in fact, and they then abandon their "religion." There is no 3rd reaction; you will only get one of those two.

On that note, a significant number of providers claim to be religious. And a much higher % of clients claim to be as well. As to how many of them actually believe what they state; that I could not say.
  • Tiny
  • 07-10-2019, 09:40 PM
Kaly, Intriguing thoughts, thanks. Your arguments are directed toward the social effects of religion. So you're not arguing whether there are health and psychological benefits to practitioners of religion and spirituality, which was the primary point of my earlier post? Replies are in red below.

Institutions in all religions are involved in corruption, sex - drugs scandals, etc. Even the buddhists https://newhumanist.org.uk/articles/...de-of-buddhism

Most human institutions are to some extent involved in corruption and scandals, not just religions. About your link, the writer criticizes Buddhists for viewing life through a filter of regret and shame. Well, based on my limited experience, some Buddhist businessmen in southeast Asia, like their evangelical Christian brethren in the USA, should take the regret and shame thing a lot more seriously. When they ask you to get down on your knees and meditate or pray, get ready for a good ass fucking. Some of the Sinhalese Buddhists that persecute Hindus and Moslems would benefit from practicing their religion as well. My point, religious beliefs, in particular those associated with Buddhism and Christianity (except for the fire and brimstone types), can cause a person to lead the type of life you extol -- "empathy with people, practice charity, be a good person and help those in need, be kind."

I don't believe his story is typical about the monks telling a woman she was a murderous dictator who burned books in a past life. He must have been teaching in some kind of a cult. I don't believe mainstream Buddhists believe anyone except you and the Buddha can know the details of your past lives. Ordinary monks don't have that ability.

I was talking about you on your own. If you try to be a good person, you don't need the social - educacional idea about guiltiness with the prize (heaven-salvation), punishment (hell-sentence).

Probably works with some people, not with others.

I was living in Brazil and is interesting because they have African influence and in african religions you don't have the construction of hell-heaven. They believe in entities with certain evolution that represent forces of nature and in another plane closer to the humans, performing the function of mediators as a bridge between humans and orixas, other entities that at some point were human and seek to evolve.

The image of the devil emerges in the process of consolidation of papal power and the figure of the autocratic king as turrets of strength, capable of resisting an increasingly powerful and antagonistic god of evil. Peace and order, prize-punishment.

Not sure I understand you, but if you mean some religious and political leaders have used the threat of eternal damnation to achieve their ends, I agree.

About dark metal, let me tell you something. Mayhem weren't the inspiration for terrorists, who prodided training and armament wasn't the dark metal group, was UK-USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm9-Bp8B-h0

Again, not sure I understand. Si explicara esto de otra manera o en espanol probablemente yo lo entenderia mejor.
Mayhem not only was one of the inspirations, one of their members actually torched a church. The UK and USA governments had nothing to do with providing training or armament for the Church bombings.

But hey, in the end the religions are interesting to study them from the sociological and anthropological focus.Agreed! Originally Posted by KalyEscort
  • Tiny
  • 07-10-2019, 09:44 PM
Attending church is not what results in the health benefits; rather it's the mindset of the people who believe in religion. If you've managed to delude yourself into thinking that the very moment you die you will suddenly reemerge in the clouds looking at some massive dude with long hair and a robe, surrounded by white pillars and golden castles, then you may very well have something positive to look forward to or even a bit less fear of death - until it actually encroaches next to you.

If you think that some guy died on a cross for you, and that the injustices of the world will be corrected by an ethereal ghost, then your blood pressure may be lower than some person who goes around retaining anger and ranting at everything.

It's not the religion that is having a physiological affect on the body, it's the thinking pattern of the person. The thing is... you can still find benefits from something even if what you believe in is entirely fictitious. Originally Posted by Pangolier
Agreed. If you were an atheist and were able to brainwash yourself into believing you're not, you're probably better off health-wise.
KalyEscort's Avatar
Kaly, Intriguing thoughts, thanks. Your arguments are directed toward the social effects of religion. So you're not arguing whether there are health and psychological benefits to practitioners of religion and spirituality, which was the primary point of my earlier post? Replies are in red below. Originally Posted by Tiny
Good for your health is the therapy, great psychological benefits. The religions were made to control, manipulate and get power and money. Religion is an effective regulator of human behavior, they achieve a high state of suggestiveness that is usually confused with relaxation or meditation.

Fear and guilt are used by all religions, without exception. It's the main technique in which a belief allows its expansion and lasts over time, promoting "the inheritance" in the different generations. The technique of fear of death is the most used.

A sense of belonging is created by appealing to feelings, to the feeling of family and of sharing emotional bonds. It seeks to suppress doubt and resistance to new ideas by exploiting the need to belong. Integration with the group is reinforced by participating economically in its financing, feeling responsible for the group's achievements in the same way as it is in sustaining a family.

Religious fantasies are always ridiculed against reality. Religious fantasies can't explain reality. When this confrontation is unsustainable confused phrases or extremely elaborate explanations are used that say nothing but appeal to the trick of intellectual superiority. It seeks to gather believers to avoid private reasoning in this way.

It's no coincidence that religions have a greater presence in less developed countries and in the poorest and most marginal environments. The more advanced the society, the less attachment to religions and superstitions. Because people do not need to feel fear or guilt to control themselves or to be happy.

Here I see you have a special fascination for army and church. Really dangerous and I don't feel me comfortable to find people use this forum to highlight both institutions.
Monica13's Avatar
The only church that illuminates is a burning church.

Religion is the best way to manipulate weak minds, making the guiltiness a great bussines. Originally Posted by KalyEscort

I love you! I could not have said it better myself.

Science also proves religion wrong on so many aspects.
  • Tiny
  • 07-11-2019, 04:55 AM
Here I see you have a special fascination for army and church. Really dangerous and I don't feel me comfortable to find people use this forum to highlight both institutions. Originally Posted by KalyEscort
I didn't say anything whatsoever about the army and am not nearly as fascinated by the church as you are. What I was attempting to highlight was that sex workers and their customers shouldn't wallow in guilt because of religion. You took us down this road when you said religious people are weak minded and glorified church bombings.
KalyEscort's Avatar
I didn't say anything whatsoever about the army and am not nearly as fascinated by the church as you are. What I was attempting to highlight was that sex workers and their customers shouldn't wallow in guilt because of religion. You took us down this road when you said religious people are weak minded and glorified church bombings. Originally Posted by Tiny

Is your interpretation about what I wrote. Not what I wrote in fact. Don't make it personal, if you need a priest in your life take desitions for you, is your life, go ahead. Be free.
  • Tiny
  • 07-11-2019, 10:21 AM
Is your interpretation about what I wrote. Not what I wrote in fact. Don't make it personal, if you need a priest in your life take desitions for you, is your life, go ahead. Be free. Originally Posted by KalyEscort
You’re right. I should have said “church burnings,” not "church bombings."

The only church that illuminates is a burning church.

Religion is the best way to manipulate weak minds
, making the guiltiness a great bussines. Originally Posted by KalyEscort
Your video link below requires some explanation. It's a tune by the Black Metal group Mayhem, playing while Norwegian churches burn. Contrary to what you said below, Mayhem not only inspired the burnings, they instigated them, to promote their album, "De Mysteriis Dom Santhanas." And because they're Satanists who hate Christianity. The video is accompanied by comments like these,

The burning of a thousand churches will never make up for what the Christians tore to the ground.

Why just churches and not synogogues and mosques as well It's all the same crap

This make me smile

Lock pedophiles priests inside and then set it on fire.

It's sad because no burning church is enough to forgive clerks who burned people in Midle Ages

Flames are a form of art.The aesthetics here are beautiful.


Burn the church burn the church yeeeeeeeeeeaaaahh


beautiful shots....

churches are build on holy places from acients so burn them down I..I.

A church burning down is music to my ears.

so goddamn satisfying

Let's burn mosques next with their imams in them.


This is the most satisfying thing I have ever see

We need this shit here in the US.

beautiful view


Burn all church

Some people might feel anger, disgust or sadness when watching these beautiful buildings burn, but personally i feel triumphant and hopeful


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5s9OvEItNc"> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5s9OvEItNc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

Originally Posted by KalyEscort
About dark metal, let me tell you something. Mayhem weren't the inspiration for terrorists, who prodided training and armament wasn't the dark metal group, was UK-USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm9-Bp8B-h0 Originally Posted by KalyEscort
All Political & RELIGIOUS discussions belong in the political forum.
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
All Political & RELIGIOUS discussions belong in the political forum.
https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=754558 Originally Posted by papadee
Really? Two completely different subjects, and the Political Forum description mentions nothing about religion.

Discuss anything related to politics in this forum. World politics, US Politics, State and Local.
Regardless, this is where the admin dropped it, so it fits here. The other suitable forum would be the Sandbox.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-11-2019, 11:20 AM
All Political & RELIGIOUS discussions belong in the political forum.
https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=754558 Originally Posted by papadee
I completely disagree. The Political forum was set up to protect the rest of the board from the mind-numbing attack mode barfing that has been the political "discussion" here for years.

I would hope that reasonable discussions about the moral or religious or legal aspects of escorting can be discussed here. Those that are not interested in the topic can very easily skip the thread.
Really? Two completely different subjects, and the Political Forum description mentions nothing about religion.

Regardless, this is where the admin dropped it, so it fits here. The other suitable forum would be the Sandbox. Originally Posted by RocketSurgeon
That's what Chica Chaser wrote, and I C&P'd it from the Sandbox.
I completely disagree. The Political forum was set up to protect the rest of the board from the mind-numbing attack mode barfing that has been the political "discussion" here for years.

I would hope that reasonable discussions about the moral or religious or legal aspects of escorting can be discussed here. Those that are not interested in the topic can very easily skip the thread.
Originally Posted by Old-T
There's 2 different issues here. One is having a civil conversation, and the other is the topic of that conversation.

I enjoy discussing politics. And I can do it civilly & politely. But even doing it civilly, it would be wrong for me to post it in the MDF. The political forum is a cesspool of silliness, but that's where political & religious discussions are supposed to go. Maybe we need 2 political forums. One for civil discourse, and one for what it is right now.