Do Most Escorts Enjoy Sex with their Clients?

JRLawrence's Avatar
I understand that some may have initially been attracted by money, but hopefully there are many more that both truly enjoy their time with clients in addition to the money it provides.

..... Originally Posted by pTopaz58
Watch it closely. Money is never, ever, the only motivation for anything. Not for work, or personal. We all need money, and it is important: it is just not the only thing in life. It has been said that "the love of money is the route of all evil". The key thought her is "the love of money", not money itself.

We all love sex: if a loving partner is not available, we all still love and want sex and caring. Just like the guys, there are ladies here that want sex and they are without a life partner. In those cases, the money is secondary. There are willing partners for both men and women partners, if you are not a jerk.
DallasRain's Avatar
MMM Paul youre one of my ATFs!!

I have found this line of work to be the easiest...funnest {is that a word?? lol}....and most lucrative! I have met some very interesting people and done some really cool unique things!
People with Tourettes work at bars or as Military drill Sergeants.
Nyphos are Escorts.
Who stays at a job for xx amount of years and not enjoy it most of the time?
MactheKat's Avatar
A book called "Brothel" came out about 2001. The writer, Alexa Albert, was a feminist who had worked with the teenage prostitutes of Times Square with some kind of runaway-outreach NGO. She later went to investigate the public health aspects of the Nevada brothel industry, specifically, the industry PR organization's claim that their condom and medical checkup policies had resulted in no AIDS cases. In her interviews with the Nevada, legal-house girls, she related that about one-half of the girls enjoyed the sex with customers while the other half either disliked the sex are were indifferent to it. She said about one-fifth of the girls were in it primarily for the sex.
Pangolier's Avatar
People have been asking the same question for about as long as the job has existed. The only real answer is that it is variable. Sometimes the women do enjoy it, sometimes they don't. Each occasion is way too subjective to all parties involved to give a generalized answer. If I ever got any indication any of the women I ever saw were not acting of their own volition, I would not see that particular person. Now whether each girl enjoyed the meeting as much as they made it seem like they did would simply be guess work / speculation on my part. Maybe some were putting on an act, maybe some weren't, I really don't know. My personal opinion is that most of the women I've seen thoroughly enjoyed their time with me, but again, you're just getting my hypothesis that can't really be validated. Though in some cases I did get some very nice "thank yous" and compliments long after they left my room and knew full well they would never see me ever again (different side of the world I would not be traveling back to).

If the opposing thought makes you feel uncomfortable, you can always choose not to participate.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
yes, us ladies that actually enjoy our profession, yes we do this because we enjoy it honey.
GypsyHeart's Avatar
I enjoy my time especially if I can tell he is enjoying his. Nothing is more of turn on than clicking on all levels though. You get what you give with me.
Naughty_Piper's Avatar
I love what I do! Yes, there are some people that I don't really care for being with sexually, some that are sweet and enjoyable, but then there are those few too who just do something else lol. Those are the ones that I look forward to seeing and sometimes have even been known to plan a whole tour around what 1 day works best for them because the sex is just incredible!!
pyramider's Avatar
The only time a lady has orgasmed with me was when the door closed behind me as I leave.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Providers enjoy sex with me all the time, so much so that they reject my donation.
The only time a lady has orgasmed with me was when the door closed behind me as I leave. Originally Posted by pyramider
Silly boy... Females don't have orgasms!! Hahahahaha!!
pyramider's Avatar
Well it is the closest a woman comes to orgasming ...
KosherCowboy's Avatar
They ALL said yes!! Every single one of them!!
Which ones do you think would come here and say "Nah...not really"???

Welcome... glad you joined... I can't wait to see Post #2.
Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Exactly, what lady is going to post and reply with the real answer and ' bite the hand that feeds them. ' Looks like some of the guys here ' drink the kool aid'; I think your reply says it all. I agree w both M and F respondents that no matter how one answers this question is that respect, politeness and hygiene go a long way and are essentially to any business relationship. Yes, some clients are enjoyed more than others and yes, some clients ( seen it first hand) are so rude and disrespectful I have seen or been told by a girl ' I need to take a break after him and get my head back together.' Despite the fact respect goes a long way ' no money no honey' holds true around the world. Don't be fooled by freebies and free time either usually it is an extension of the paid time ( or to get more appts)and the girls will disguise such as ' liking' the man when in reality their eyes see $'s the whole time.

I like the honest ones who tell me the truth and fuck me for my money literally and figuratively. About two weeks ago maybe less I sat with a girl I have seen ( and paid!) over a year now who had just had a bad session with a rude guy who told me ' I hate the men in this club' to which I replied ' What about me?'

' I hate you but I want you fuck me' with a smile as she draped her legs over mine and reached under my towel saying ' but I love your money' as three fingers slid up her pussy. She heard thru the grapevine I was headed back next week and in the middle of the night sent me a ' I miss you' WA message, LOL; I told her this AM she misses my Euros and she replied with the heart emoji to which I replied ' Going Geldautomat today ( ATM) ' and she said ' you fuck other girl here I kill you and no forget my perfume only big bottle and I want two hour room and tip.' ; and she shall get all. Honesty goes a long way with me and is rewarded. Bullshit can fly.

Enjoy sex with us? As one lady stateside in fact told me ' We may seem like we enjoy it but we are immune to it, but we never grow immune to the money. 'To the guys who have been on the board 2X-5X as long as most of the women or at this game 20-30 + years as well look at all the girls who come and go over the decades, retire and un-retire and it isn't to enjoy sex with us they come back for the money! I really laugh at the overused post ' Back from retirement: I missed you guys so much'. That exact post almost verbatim has been used since I joined TBD in 1992 about 27 years ago on every board nationwide both online and offline today. The game doesn't change boys, just the players and the currency we pay in...

Your money and your time, do what you want and believe what you want. The ladies are here for our money, it is a job to them not a hobby, to us it is just fun and games a way to piss our money away as we choose. They say what they want you to hear and IMHO I say what you need to hear and call it as I see it ( better said Pay for it) after my 30 years and 4k-5k sessions. Feel free to agree or disagree with me or agree with the women or disagree just remember one thing..

Withhold payment and see how much they enjoyed sex with you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-02-2019, 12:54 PM
You have gotten a range of answers, because the answer really is "it depends".

It depends to a large degree on the lady and how she sees the work, how much she does or doesn't screen for compatability.

But it also depends a lot on the client. How he behaves, how he treats her. And whether he values chemistry and uses it as a consideration in who he sees.

You have replies here, mostly from guys, that say "she only cares about the money", and those guys--with the women they select--that is likely true. A lot of guys do not care if the lady enjoys the date, and in those cases, she probably sees it as a commercial transaction just as they do.

At the other end of the spectrum, some guys invest effort/time into wanting her to enjoy the time as well.
In those cases she probably does enjoy it more.

What % is each? I don't know. Which is better? You need to decide which is preferable for YOU. Invest more effort ((not talking more money) and you will get more out of it.
If a lady has an orgasm, great.
If not, it's only because she won't tell me what I need to do.
I love foreplay. I can sometimes tell when they want to do something but are afraid to ask.

Some will come out and tell you, with no issues.
I am all for everyone having fun. If a lady is too scared or embarrassed to let me know what she likes, then I will still have a good time, even though she may not.