I have been lucky. Four years in the business and not one NCNS. Whewww!! I love my clients!!!!
Sam, who in their right mind would ever NCNS on you? I felt bad enough having to cancel meeting you. Not only are you smoking hot but with your skills with a racket, I would be scared you would hunt me down and use my balls for a tennis match if I NCNS you.
theboss21422's Avatar
Maybe karma playing its part
NCNS suck even more when you get a reference request from another provider for the same guy that was suppose to meet with you at 7 ....

Biggest slap in the face...EVER.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-25-2014, 08:10 AM
NCNS suck even more when you get a reference request from another provider for the same guy that was suppose to meet with you at 7 ....

Biggest slap in the face...EVER. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Just tell the other girl he NCNS you to meet her
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
NCNS suck even more when you get a reference request from another provider for the same guy that was suppose to meet with you at 7 ....

Biggest slap in the face...EVER. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Have that t-shirt.

There have been more and more cancellations, and ncns's, in the past several months than I've had combined in the past few years. Something is in the water.

Last month, I went to a lot of trouble to meet a regular at 4 AM. We arranged the time. Confirmed late in the evening the night before. This was a big deal for me because I keep regular business hours and rarely see someone super early in the morning like this.

I actually got to my incall late the night before, slept there, and got up at 3 AM to get ready for him.

At 4:10 AM, I sent him a text. He said that he couldn't make it. At 4:15 AM that morning, I felt like strangling someone!

This is someone that I've been seeing for several years but I hadn't seen him in several months but still, he was a regular (and a friend) in my book. Not a "sorry" or a "fuck you, Elisabeth" or nothing. And I haven't seen him since.

Just absolutely surprising. And it's happened like that a few times lately. Although, that was the only middle-of-the-night one that did that.

Sorry it happened to you. I can only imagine that it's the glutted market that is causing some men to behave poorly because I guess, they think that they can?

NCNS's are just inexcusable, for females and/or males.
I have been lucky. Four years in the business and not one NCNS. Whewww!! I love my clients!!!! Originally Posted by samantha thom
Well you are just a lucky girl. You should play the lottery girl.
White Tiger's Avatar
Happens all the time, on both sides. It is hard not to take it personally, even when you know it's not. It also seems to go in streaks for me, which is weird. Sometimes I think the providers are all playing an enormous joke on me, which of course is ridiculous. A couple of months ago I had an incall set up with a well established provider here on eccie. Made and confirmed the appointment a couple of days in advance through P411. Sent her a text the morning of reminding her I would be there at 3. Drove from FW to Dallas and sat in a nearby bar having a beer so I would be in the neighborhood on time. Texted her at 2:30 for the address. She sends back a note something like, oh, I have a conflict, she thought the appointment was at 5? Really? After three messages from me? Happens all the time. I don't even let it bother me any more--thank heaven for AMP's.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well you are just a lucky girl. You should play the lottery girl. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
LOL. Really!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... It is hard not to take it personally, even when you know it's not. It also seems to go in streaks for me, which is weird... Originally Posted by White Tiger
Yes, it's very difficult to NOT take it personally when you've gone to a lot of trouble to meet with someone, getting dressed and ready and well ... everyone here knows the drill ... and then, they just don't show up?

I have never really had a good excuse, when I've gotten one later on, for a ncns.

It's a very dumb thing to do to another person.
TinMan's Avatar
I wonder, Elisabeth, if the increase in cancellations is a function of more demanding work schedules now that the economy is back on track. That's always been somewhat a problem for me, just because of the nature of my job, but I can see an increase in general business activity, too. It would not surprise me if many professional men are having a bit of a challenge juggling work and play.
White Tiger's Avatar
Here's a related question. First of all, I have never NCNS'd a provider, ever. But in the past I admit that I have sent multiple appointment requests for the same time slot. The reason is that I find that even using P411 appointment requests or the eccie PM system, where it's obvious who you probably are, I tend to get no response either yes or no from more than half the providers (if I haven't seen them before), especially if I send the request too far in advance (more than a couple of days). Yet if I wait until the last minute, and don't get a response from the first and maybe even second provider I contact, then I'm stuck without an appointment. This is especially unsettling when I'm traveling to another city. I used to figure, first one who responds, I'm in, and then re-contact the others that my plans have changed. I was cured of this one time when a lady in Denver that I cancelled on found the review I had done of the other provider I had seen and called me out on it. Any suggestions for this kind of problem that are fair to provider and hobbyist alike?
TinMan's Avatar
Perhaps state that you're not 100% certain yet, but you believe you will be available at such and such a time? The second to respond shouldn't have a problem if you didn't commit to her. "Something came up" could mean anything, and most providers should know it's pretty common for guys to put out multiple feelers when looking for a quick fix.
Yes, doing a NCNS is dumb and should land guys on many providers DNS list, not just the one time offender, but if he is reportedly to have done that multiple times. Personally, I have not NCNS, but I have cancelled a few times due to car trouble or some other unforeseen event. When a guy gets NCNSed, he should report it on Eccie, without the backlash from WKs and/or other guys who have seen her for a session, and if she is a repetitive NCNS provider, hopefully, her income is hurt so severely, she has to quit or find a RW job to make ends meet. NCNS rarely happened to me before I joined Eccie, then it happened with more frequency, and with popular and well established providers. One of the many reasons I now do all my appointments through P411 and get a confirmation from the provider that she read it, agrees to it and confirms it at least a few hours before the appointment time, and if she NCNS me, I will report it to Gina for either a tick mark on her profile or if it is not the first NCNS reported on her, then maybe she gets booted. If a provider refuses or says that it is not necessary to go through p411 to set an appointment, a red flag comes up and it is big enough for me not to even set with her. If she is not on p411 and I want to see her for a session, I may or may not take that chance, but I try to have some sort of documentation, either PM or text showing an appointment was set and confirmed. Since you cannot reveal private communications on Eccie, it is tough to report a NCNS without it being he said/she said and the junior detectives taking sides.

Sometimes, you have to do what White Tiger has done as far as contacting multiple providers and sending out feelers. Reason being is many of them will not get back to you in a timely manner. Not saying a provider should have a computer connected to her hip that beeps when she gets a message and she has to respond right away regardless, we all have lives, but when she puts an ad out that she will be available for the certain times a hobbyist wants, and he does his due diligence, contacts her and she never responds or responds a day or two later, by then it is too late, then a guy has no other choice but to contact several providers for backup purposes, it is called plans B, C and D. If by the off chance a guy gets a couple of providers who immediately respond, then he has to make a choice and hope his plan A choice does not NCNS him, and if he is so daring, but honest, he will let the other provider know that she is his plan B this time and if plan A falls through (NCNS or cancels last minute), then if she is still interested, he would love to come see her. If plan A does come through, then you better make your plan B provider your plan A next time you want a session.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Hell.. I've even had some P411 guys cancel very last minute or not show at all in the past few weeks. It has been rampant.