What time of day do you hobby?

runswithscissors's Avatar
Daytime Monday through Saturday for me; my business is 98% European and Asian based; I am at home in the evenings when I am in Austin so I can be in sinc with the Asian Markets; Sunday is exclusively for me; no phone, no computer, my complete down time..
After the sun goes down is best for me.
Hands_on_alot's Avatar
Most men’s testosterone is 30% higher in the morning than in the evening and as we get older that becomes somewhat important.

Hobbyists w/ GFs, SOs or wives mostly hobby whenever the coast is clear. Often it is easier to clear things at work than at home, so weekdays during the business day are usually best, unless traveling.
10:30 am - 1:00 pm M-F
Nightcrawler29's Avatar
6:25pm - 12:58am for me
KissLover's Avatar
I prefer EXTREMELY early before 6am even better, not many options available unfortunately
  • Paven
  • 03-08-2011, 11:44 PM
Wow, lots of early risers lol. I bet it is hard to find ladies up and at em' really early. Maybe I should adjust my schedule a few days a week maybe starting at 8am and see what happens.
Wow, lots of early risers lol. I bet it is hard to find ladies up and at em' really early. Maybe I should adjust my schedule a few days a week maybe starting at 8am and see what happens. Originally Posted by Paven
I guess most mongers assume it's fresher in the morning. First in line and all that. Would that assumption be accurate?
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-09-2011, 06:49 AM
I guess most mongers assume it's fresher in the morning. First in line and all that. Originally Posted by Codybeast
When I started out, I would always try to be the first appointment of the day for this reason. In practice, however, I've found that the reputable ladies are fresh regardless of the time of day you see them. And the overall experience is a lot better when the lady is wide awake and engaged in making you happy!

(Face it... most of the young ladies (<24) are not morning creatures. They stay out late with their friends partying. You're asking for a lackluster performance by scheduling with them for 8am, some even at 10 or 11am. )
  • Jax
  • 03-09-2011, 09:45 AM
Mid-day during the week only for me. I usually have to arrange my schedule to fit when there will be blocks of time that are open.
Centexlicker's Avatar
After 7pm
  • E2
  • 03-09-2011, 12:48 PM
Another vote for the early risers. No pun intended, well maybe !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
RIGHT NOW! See you later boys and girls!

Love mid-morning around 9 or 10, especially if I can catch a lady fresh from the shower.
  • Paven
  • 03-09-2011, 01:55 PM
I'm always fresh out of the shower for all of my appointments no matter what time of day.

Uh oh Yssup is getting some hehe.