Creepy guy for out call in Dallas

My bad. I didn't observe that she was a newbie. Sorry velvet and feel free to reach out all you want girl. Maybe you get help from a Ginger or bashed by a nurse. Just roll with the flow and always consider the source of the posters and have safe fun. It's not all bad
Ginger, I'm totally fine with my handle - thanks. I don't ever recall fat shaming anyone on his thread - not my style, even if I'm lil crazy. If I'm not into your appearance, I won't reach out... Pretty simple. I apologize to Velvet if she thought my response was mean spirited... It's a Silence of the Lambs creepy reference.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Sooooooo who's the guy?? That's great that she wants to warn us, but if we don't know who she's warning us about, without any indication whatsoever... it really doesn't help or make any sense unfortunately.
I'm pretty geographically inclined and I have no idea where Brooklyn street is.
Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
Wow ya know I've come up with the perfect solution.. What the point in an alert? Really when all you people do is bad mouth and you weren't even in the situation. I mean seriously the girl that got robbed etc how do we know she really did??? Maybe she likes to start drama? And besides the fact how about I just get your info and I'll refer you to him and you can find out for yourself if he was a creep. Btw I def would advice you to try his drink... Mmm I bet it was good... You people are a bunch of jerks no wonder you set behind computers and bad mouth what you don't even know. Oh I was mistaken yes you actually think you know it all that why you act like an ass to the new girl. Furthermore I've been doing in calls for 6 months now. I was doing body rubs before I even got on this website.. Idk the point in alerting someone when you get bashed,belittled and in the end don't give a care.. What the point really anyway of having this section?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Ginger ( my name is Chung, btw, not Chan), like someone else said, why don't you help her articulate, rather than come behind our posts and snap at us? you are vocal against racial inequities, yet Velvet appeared on the ECCIE scene with more racial hostility than I have seen in many months here.. you seem to give her a pass. that is why some of us are on the wrong foot already with velvet.. whom, btw, declared herself proud to rub people wrong, and be who she is.. why can't we be who we are to her?
Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
GingerKatt aware of why I don't see AA... The Brooklyn st near i30 and not to far from downtown Dallas. I use that reference due to he called me and didn't give a handle but he knew enough that he's likely on here.. I was just giving a warning due to when you listen to your gut you know what they are capable of.. If I can protect someone from getting hurt in the future I choose to do so.. As for racist I'm nice to everyone.. I've had Mexican and Indonesian clients and in the past AA for body rubs but do to things if the past is why I'm as I am.. If you wish to call me racist so be it.. I'm sure the men are picky on who they see. Some providers are as well. Some providers aren't so picky. Each to his own.. Don't put labels on the things you know nothing about!!
Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
was going to post part the number never mind...
Ok, now I'm actually feeling sorry for the OP. There's something missing... possibly some cells or chromosomes, I'm not quite sure.

You're doing so well here! Keep it up, good job! Thanks for the alert.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
So some random dude calls you and you don't screen him whatsoever and then you decided to go to his private residence and things got creepy. Got it.

We all know what some of these guys are capable of...hence the screening.
GingerKatt aware of why I don't see AA... The Brooklyn st near i30 and not to far from downtown Dallas. I use that reference due to he called me and didn't give a handle but he knew enough that he's likely on here.. I was just giving a warning due to when you listen to your gut you know what they are capable of.. If I can protect someone from getting hurt in the future I choose to do so.. As for racist I'm nice to everyone.. I've had Mexican and Indonesian clients and in the past AA for body rubs but do to things if the past is why I'm as I am.. If you wish to call me racist so be it.. I'm sure the men are picky on who they see. Some providers are as well. Some providers aren't so picky. Each to his own.. Don't put labels on the things you know nothing about!! Originally Posted by Velvetangeltouch
What does you not seeing AA's have to do with this post?, obviously this alleged creepy guy was NOT an AA, so what's your point?. As for you not being a racist who are you trying to convince, you or us trying to understand what you are writing about since you seem to mention something negative about AA's in most of your post.

And stop attempting to play the poor little victim in your quest for attention. You gave no details or useful information in this scatter brain illegible post, that is in no way an alert to any possible danger.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-16-2016, 05:56 AM
I was just giving a warning due to when you listen to your gut you know what they are capable of.. If I can protect someone from getting hurt in the future I choose to do so. Originally Posted by Velvetangeltouch
The problem with the "alert" is that there really is no information that could help your fellow providers. You gave a general location, you don't know his handle or if he really is on here or not.
I think most other providers on the site know to trust their instincts which I think is what you're saying here. I don't doubt you were in a situation that was "creepy" or even potentially dangerous but this alert needs more information to be helpful.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
She has a lot to learn so we should cut her some slack.

Thanks for the heads up but next time, please provide a handle and a little bit of info.
Mojojo's Avatar
Moved to co-ed its not an alert..
ShysterJon's Avatar
I'll just say this: If a little good-natured ribbing causes a provider to get offended and insult her potential clients, maybe she shouldn't be on Eccie. Maybe she should choose a profession that reflects her sensitivity, like a poet or working for animal rescue.
Newbie or not the OP didn't finish her story, what ensued.....why is that so hard to understand?