Trip to Vegas

derek303's Avatar
From what I've seen overnights are about 2,000.00 so 2 days 4,000.00? Screw that. You could get several differant hot escorts a day (2 or 3 a day) and come out way ahead. If money was no object and there was a girl here you really clicked with maybe. But be careful.....maybe neither know the real you or her. What if after 3 drinks she's a loudmouth and obnoxious etc....She has the same concern but she's getting paid. I was looking at TER the other day and there are several in Vegas that are in the Top 100. Sounds like a safer bet.
Girls gotta get paid.

Remember while they are out in Vegas with you enjoying your free meals, they still have bills to pay when they get home. Plan on paying them for their time.

Too many problems in this arrangement to even make it interesting. Rent your girls in Vegas, they need money too :-)
seems to be pretty unanimous. muchos gracias.
WhoKnew2's Avatar
I've done this with Vegas a couple of times....I prefer New Orleans. Stay near Harrahs and you can have the gambling too.

You can ABSOLUTELY find a fun lady to travel with who you do NOT have to pay a donation in addition to the expenses.

But you aren't going to cut that deal with someone you don't know well....nor would you want to travel with someone you hardly know.

Seriously...consider New Orleans...before it gets hot.
I've got just one on the brain & know I've got to not obsess...but its hard right now... Originally Posted by Toyz

When it comes to ladies I have a short attention span, you should see me in a strip club. I'm on my way to vip with one lady when I steer off to give the homie hug to two others.

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