What to do when it just is not "right"

daty/o's Avatar
To me, the single biggest drawback to the way our Hobby works is that we, the hobbyists, have the advantage in that we know more or less what to expect when we open the door. The providers do not. It always amazes me how well most of them handle that disadvantage. I, for one, would make a terrible provider and would be happy to provide more information or even pictures if someone were to request it. Perhaps this was one time when she could not mask the fact that there was no chemistry. I know it happens. If that was the case, it was indeed her failure and your response was very generous.
*WildStar*'s Avatar
Well, good Chem is always good, but I have a great imagination... If paid, I would cover up, close my eyes, and see just what I wanted.... Haven’t we all done a little charity work now and again!!!!

I might have handed her a salvation army bell, just to make that donation feel a little better....

Hate that for you man, but if the money didnt hurt you, shake it off, and get back in the game!!!!!