Complimentary Wines.

I dont care what you do. But the guy with you will get a charge if the cops happen to see the booze there and you and him are drinking.

I know, I know, he can say "Officer, she brought it with her or had it"

That will work out great.

Now he admits that he knew booze was in the room with someone underage.

Good times will be had for all.

But you will look classy drinking wine with a client. Cheers! Originally Posted by Gotyour6

Oh yes because vice is going to be searching for underage drinking if they want to bust me.

You seem pressed, we're not going to have an appointment together so worry about yourself and your own providers.

I'll let you know if someone has an issue in the next two months seeing as my birthday is in Oct.

Miss Lola Luxe
Gotyour6's Avatar
You keep saying your birthday is in October.

And vice care about you selling your pussy.

It would be a bonus to get a guy for underage serving.

You will do what you want and you are right. It doesn't involve me what-so-ever.

I am just warning you that it has been done and guess what?

It didn't end well for the guy at all.


The best way to become familiar is to drink a lot of different wines - varietals and producer labels.....also, get to know a wine guy at a good local wine shop.....ask a lot of questions, educate yourself and you will become comfortable within no time. You will soon learn what you like and what you don't like.

Pairing isn't as important today as it once was. Just enjoy the glass you are having today !

Right now my favorite for casual drinking is a Nero D'avola from Sicily. A not so bold Red that is similar to a Shiraz or Zin, but not as spicy. It would make an excellent pairing for a charcuterie board. Goes great with cheeses and sausages of all kinds. A very decent Nero D'avola should cost you around $9 to $15 per bottle. ND is a varietal produced by many vintners on Sicily. It should be widely available in most large urban areas.
