Newbie: worried about being arrested

Ashphuckems01's Avatar
Here is the thing OP, hobbying is a risky business... You can do EVERYTHING right(not talk about money, specify you want nothing but time, etc.) and you can still be arrested just for showing up!! As much as spending a few hours in jail sucks, getting convicted is much more damaging...

I'm no Perry Mason or Johnny Cochran BUT if you follow a few simple rules then I can guarantee that the DA will have a hard time prosecuting you if you're ever arrested...

1) NEVER, under any circumstances, discuss on the phone or in person about what you want or details about the service... If she ever does then either end the discussin or walk away...
2) if you ever are arrested and you've said NOTHING about any services that you want, then STFU!!!! Do not talk or answer any questions!!! Invoke your right to remain silent and ask for a lawyer... LE officers are very slick and will try to make it sound like they are your friends and that they are nice guys... DON'T fall for their bullshit and make it easier for them to make a case for the DA... STFU!! Don't even say "I haven't done anything wrong"!!! Just say I'd like to talk to a lawyer or I don't have anything to say... I've actually seen the cuffs go on people who have invoked their right to remain silent, don't give the police any evidence, and then released when LE realizes, the chances of getting a conviction are slim to none... Many people have been arrested and convicted due to incriminating themselves!! Don't be one of them and just STFU!!
3) RESEARCH!!! As others have stated check out her reviews AND longevity... Also if she is relatively new and have several reviews by "hobbyist" who are also new or have only one or two reviews, then you might want to avoid her until more trusted hobbiest see and review her...
4) Last but not least if you're going to gamble on backpage then trust your instincts... If you come across pics that seem TGTBT then most likely she is... I mean if someone looks like a 9 or a 10 and you can't find any reviews on eccie or other sites then I'd stay away...

Again this hobby is not without risk but if you're smart and take some of the advice given, the chances of you getting into trouble are VERY slim... Enjoy and have fun!!
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
Yes, good advice from my fellow brethren above. The only thing I would add that hasn't been mentioned is to use discretion if you're meeting the woman at a hotel. Don't sit in your car in the parking lot and text, text, text, thereby drawing attention to yourself. Park somewhere close by and get the room number, but don't sit in your car in the parking lot. Also, make sure you have some idea of the layout of the lobby and ask if there's a way to discreetly get to the elevators without passing by the front desk. In other words, just act like you belong and know what you're doing, even if you're quaking in your shoes! LOL. We've all had the first time jitters. Have fun!
icansmile's Avatar
After you manage to not get arrested you can worry about getting robbed, mugged, or that new rash.
Invisible1's Avatar
Paranoia will not move you toward the date that you want when you are a newbie. Relax. Read all the suggestions above. And, follow these simple steps toward a safe FIRST DATE:

1. Research ECCIE for established well reviewed providers who seem to be newbie friendly and pick your 3 favs. (You may not be able to read ROS, but that does not matter. Many provider ads will indicate whether they are newbie friendly)

2.Get a hobby phone. (there are threads on this, Search is your friend) note: although a pay as you go phone will request another phone number or email that you can be contacted at, you dont have to provide one (or you dont have to provide your real info). Pay cash for the phone and the minutes card.

3. Become a member of (pay for a year.) P411 will not ruin your life or your job. P411 is one of the few entities that is about as safe as it gets with the minimal personal info you must provide. Of course, nothing is perfect. Use a purchased temporary credit card to pay for P411. Pay for the temp credit card with cash.

4. Find your 3 favs on P411 (you may find other girls too). P411 will clearly indicate if each of your favs are or are not newbie friendly. P411 also has a search function to make this process very easy.

5. Use P411 to request a date with one of your favs and wait no less than 2 days for a response. If no response in 2 days, then move on and repeat with your next fav. Only send one request. The requst should not mention any sexual activities or $. If you want your potential date to know what you are looking for then write something in the about you area of your P411 profile.....hopefully she will read it.

6. After one of your favs agrees to meet you for a session, request her phone number and switch all communication with her to your hobby phone. Use text or call....whatever works best. Never discuss money or sexual activities...period.

7. Go on your date and arrive on time. if possible be squeaky clean And presentable. Bring the necessary gift from the advertisement in cash in an envelope. Write Congratulations or something on the outside. You dont need to seal the envelope. Leave anything you wont need or dont want to have during the date in your car or at home.

8. Your date will tell you where she is by text or phone at least a few hours prior.

9. Park, go to door, and knock. When you are greeted, be happy to see your date. Hug, kiss and say "hello". Make small talk. Place the envelope on a counter where she can see it or where previously instructed (Do not give it to her directly). Do not mention any sexual activities. Let the date a date. If you want to, ask if you can take a shower. Oh...and start making out. All should be safe and well from this point on. (If she is not responsive to making out, dont say anything about it being a sex session. Instead, gather your stuff, tell her its not working out, and leave.....with or without the envelope..... just as if you are breaking up or on a blind date or hook-up that went sour)

10. After your date, feel the new found sexual euphoria or your conscious being not quite sure how to respond. Then write a review on ECCIE to obtain access to additional reading and research areas. If your date no-called-no-showed (NCNS) please write a review about that also in the coed section.

Again, calm....and be safe.
KaitlynDior's Avatar
Hey hun I am a newbie friendly provider I do have a light screening process but I have 170+ Reviews you can check to verify that I'm legit
I'm sure there are tons of other ladies that are newbie friendly as well
rexdutchman's Avatar
Invisible 1 is right on ALL counts , I will not do hotel/motel to easy to 'set up'
pyramider's Avatar
Here is the thing OP, hobbying is a risky business... You can do EVERYTHING right(not talk about money, specify you want nothing but time, etc.) and you can still be arrested just for showing up!! As much as spending a few hours in jail sucks, getting convicted is much more damaging...

I'm no Perry Mason or Johnny Cochran BUT if you follow a few simple rules then I can guarantee that the DA will have a hard time prosecuting you if you're ever arrested...

1) NEVER, under any circumstances, discuss on the phone or in person about what you want or details about the service... If she ever does then either end the discussin or walk away...
2) if you ever are arrested and you've said NOTHING about any services that you want, then STFU!!!! Do not talk or answer any questions!!! Invoke your right to remain silent and ask for a lawyer... LE officers are very slick and will try to make it sound like they are your friends and that they are nice guys... DON'T fall for their bullshit and make it easier for them to make a case for the DA... STFU!! Don't even say "I haven't done anything wrong"!!! Just say I'd like to talk to a lawyer or I don't have anything to say... I've actually seen the cuffs go on people who have invoked their right to remain silent, don't give the police any evidence, and then released when LE realizes, the chances of getting a conviction are slim to none... Many people have been arrested and convicted due to incriminating themselves!! Don't be one of them and just STFU!!
3) RESEARCH!!! As others have stated check out her reviews AND longevity... Also if she is relatively new and have several reviews by "hobbyist" who are also new or have only one or two reviews, then you might want to avoid her until more trusted hobbiest see and review her...
4) Last but not least if you're going to gamble on backpage then trust your instincts... If you come across pics that seem TGTBT then most likely she is... I mean if someone looks like a 9 or a 10 and you can't find any reviews on eccie or other sites then I'd stay away...

Again this hobby is not without risk but if you're smart and take some of the advice given, the chances of you getting into trouble are VERY slim... Enjoy and have fun!! Originally Posted by Ashphuckems01

He forgot to mention the ABILITY to stay silent is beyond the reach of most fucktards.
Ashphuckems01's Avatar
He forgot to mention the ABILITY to stay silent is beyond the reach of most fucktards. Originally Posted by pyramider
Unfortunately you're right... ALMOST everyone wants to "tell their story"... That shit NEVER helps!!! Again I'm no lawyer but I minored in Criminal Justice in college and talked to numerous lawyers and each one of them told me that if their dumbass clients had kept their mouth shut, after being arrested, they probably could have gotten them off or at least gotten them a lighter sentence...

I love watching the old "To Catch a Predator" on YouTube and even though they deserve what happens, I'm amazed at how many of them incriminate themselves!! I mean I can understand being under pressure and just wanting to go home but talking to cops, if you're the subject of one of their "investigations" is NEVER A GOOD IDEA...
ibupro01's Avatar
I once heard a lawyer say there are 2 rules when talking to LE.

1st, Keep your mouth shut!
2nd, Keep your DAMN mouth shut!
doug_dfw's Avatar
I once heard a lawyer say there are 2 rules when talking to LE.

1st, Keep your mouth shut!
2nd, Keep your DAMN mouth shut! Originally Posted by ibupro01
Mine have always said:
1. Do as they ask.
2. Be courteous, not defensive.
3. If and when they ask questions other than about your immediate welfare, say I am advised by my attorney not to answer unless I have had counsel from him and he is present when I answer.

If only 1 and 2 were followed, so few would die fighting or running.
3 slows things down.

Depending on the circumstances, of course. Since we are talking about vice and not homicide here, the matter will likely just end up with admonishment.
You'll learn a lot just from lurking. I spent about a month just reading EVERYTHING. Hop into chat, just talk with people.
Stand on top of the high five with your dick out fully erect and a 100$ bill in your hand and then yell "i will pay a woman 100$ to suck my dick". Sometimes attaching the money to your dick like a flag helps.
Then report back here your findings.
Roly-Poly's Avatar
You'll learn a lot just from lurking. I spent about a month just reading EVERYTHING. Hop into chat, just talk with people. Originally Posted by pathfinder420
Yep. Returning here and finding some gems is a good thing. Hell I've been here for years and haven't yet done anything that would get me arrested. I'm being very, very cautious.

Two random other points for the OP:
- Providers aren't robots or slaves; they are people who even in a place like this can say "no" to anything
- Surely there are exceptions, but generally speaking if you think you're falling for a provider then your head is in the wrong place and you need to reevaluate
seanj317's Avatar
9........ Oh...and start making out. All should be safe and well from this point on. (If she is not responsive to making out, dont say anything about it being a sex session. Instead, gather your stuff, tell her its not working out, and leave.....with or without the envelope..... just as if you are breaking up or on a blind date or hook-up that went sour)
Again, calm....and be safe. Originally Posted by Invisible1
Invisible, I don't get the part about 'not responding to making out'.
Before eccie, meaning bp/cl/aspd, I would never kiss on a date. But sometimes will now. I assume you are referring to what a UC can and can't do without it being called coercion?
Or do you mean that such a failure of iop is grounds to bailout?
Thanks, I really want to understand your point.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Stand on top of the high five with your dick out fully erect and a 100$ bill in your hand and then yell "i will pay a woman 100$ to suck my dick". Originally Posted by mediavolume
I did that once.. on one of the icy days when the News Crews were out filming the sliding vehicles.. I was drunk and didn't realize Remeisha Shade would be INSIDE doing the weather report..

Invisible, I don't get the part about 'not responding to making out'.
Before eccie, meaning bp/cl/aspd, I would never kiss on a date. But sometimes will now. I assume you are referring to what a UC can and can't do without it being called coercion? Originally Posted by seanj317
I wondered for a moment to, I think that is what Invisible means.. not all Providers respond to attempts at making out, even after they are paid.. if I know that in advance, I don't book with them.. I agree with Invisible that it's a good move to detect LE..