Dumbfounded and Agog: Voter ID AGAIN?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It's simply a problem that doesn't happen on any sort of large scale. What is typically thought of as "voter fraud" is usually just clerical errors.

Think about it - we can barely get people to get off their asses to vote once and now we're spending all of this time and effort to try and stop people from voting twice?

Btw, I'm not saying that voter fraud doesn't happen or that it's not a bad thing. I'm just saying that statistically,
1) It's not a large problem by any means
2) we are wasting a bunch of time and resources on a basically nonexistent problem
3) the voter ID laws that claim to be aimed at stopping voter fraud actually have an impact of preventing those who do have the right to vote from voting.

John Oliver had a pretty good segment on the subject. Probably NSFW due to language.

Originally Posted by jbravo_123
anomalies with votes were due to clerical errors? thats a good one. try saying that with a straight face to the people who found out their votes were compromised.

you have indicators of fraud only after the vote has been done with.

Truethevote.com has reported anomlies like finding a town having registered voters twice the size of its population.
There was a story I heard in an undergraduate government class at UT Austin in the early 1970s.

Nixon lost the Presidential election in Chicago. One of the challengers opposing Daley for Mayor was suspicious, and demanded a recount. The Daley machine hemmed and hawed, and finally said they'd recount one precinct a week. (At that rate, it would have taken twenty YEARS to recount Chicago.) They started, recounted several precincts. The challenger picked up a few votes, but not enough to make it look statistically likely that he'd actually prevail, and he gave up.

In the process, however, Nixon picked up enough votes to swing Chicago. That would have swung Illinois. THAT would have swung the Electoral College, and we would have had Dick Nixon inaugurated in 1961, instead of John F. Kennedy.

That's the story we heard, in 1973.

What is known is that Nixon knew he'd been robbed in Chicago in 1960, and his people were VERY alert in Chicago in 1968, and again in 1972.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They are pulling the noose tighter around the necks of productive citizens in favor of their own dependent, lazy and violence creating troublemakers.

Amerika is totally fucked. Originally Posted by DSK
Sounds like Donald "wild in the streets" Trump.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Fact - if you are a citizen because you were born here then you speak English. If you can vote because you are a naturalized citizen you had to learn English in order to become a citizen and vote. So if your giving a speech to legal voters then there is absolutely no need to do so in any language other than English. BEWARE OF VOTER FRAUD!!! They need to be watching closely in Florida, California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. And anywhere else they feel a need to campaign in Spanish or where the democrats are contesting voter ID laws.