Clearly the Labeling of "white privilege" and "cracker" are in some poster's mind a LEFTy thing. There are so many examples of crazy lefy's picking up firearms and shooting up the joint! -NOT!
I would say that is total nonsense and that any disparaging comments and labels are used MUCH more so on the fine folks of FOX, Breitbart, Newsmax OAN and thier viewers.
The term Democrat has come to be synonymous with things like Libtard, Socialist, Leftist MOB, and Communists on these channels and those here from the conservative aisle use them religiously to demonize anyone who fails to conform to their ideas. And god forbid you are a Mid-of the-Road Republican, you are castigated as a RINO and good for nothing in their crowd. You're either 100% on the Radical-Right MAGA mindset, or you're a boot licking liberal; or worse a RINO - a guy / gal who knows the dirty secrets of the GOP and won't vote in lock step. Ask Liz Cheney or her Dad, or even Mitt Romney or anyone who didn't slobber on trumps boots before or after licking them.
What lightbulb moment was supposed to be garnered by any of the above posts anyway? Some subtle innuendo or nugget of reality that was gonna give an "AH HA" moment?
Perhaps if it was better written or presented with citing an example or even some sort of grain on truth to back up the intended conclusion would have helped? Sorry if that feels passive aggressive in some small way- I'd realy rather get your point in the first place vs. having to ask for retorts on a hooker board.