Idiots, morons, and fools...

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  • WTF
  • 08-24-2022, 07:23 AM
So, tried to look these sources up and my results:

First reference: Pulls up the site but not a working link. I tried a search on National Guard and it pulled up nothing.

Second reference: Valid link, I didn't read the whole article, stopped at "alleges", let the courts sort out the facts.

Third reference: Returns a 404, not found web code

Fourth reference: Yep, it's a site but returns this message:
Nothing Found

Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.

So the only thing that actually is readable is the NBC article, in case curious minds want to know and not assume... Originally Posted by 69in2it69
And the NBC link didn't even say what he purported it to say.

What kind of hogwash thread has Barelycorn started. None of his supposed supporting links work and the one that does, doesn't say wtf he says it says.
Barley has a bad relationship with the truth and an even worse one with facts. They broke up long ago.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A little bird told me that some of my links didn't work. So, I'll do the rudimentary research and post again.

Now this first one is interesting. Reuters is running a story from May of 2021. They have some wrong facts, but the basis of the story is that Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller said that Trump did request National Guard troops that day. Five people did NOT die that day and no policeman was killed on that day.

Here's another from the World Socialist Web site. Though they get the motivation wrong because of TDS, they do admit that Trump wanted the National Guard on the job.

And this one where General Kellog testified that Trump did order National Guard troops that day only to be shut down by Mayor Muriel "what me worry" Bowswer.

Kash Patel in his own words talking about the authorization for troops days before the 6th. Go to 7:38 to catch Kash.

Here is a letter from Mayor Muriel Bowser saying that no request had been made by her and there was no need for federal troops. In other words, Washington DC did not need any help, was not requesting help, and did not want any federal troops in their city.

There's more but I'll let it go here. I have more important things to do. I checked these links out after posting and they work.
A little bird told me that some of my links didn't work. So, I'll do the rudimentary research and post again.

Now this first one is interesting. Reuters is running a story from May of 2021. They have some wrong facts, but the basis of the story is that Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller said that Trump did request National Guard troops that day. Five people did NOT die that day and no policeman was killed on that day.

Here's another from the World Socialist Web site. Though they get the motivation wrong because of TDS, they do admit that Trump wanted the National Guard on the job.

And this one where General Kellog testified that Trump did order National Guard troops that day only to be shut down by Mayor Muriel "what me worry" Bowswer.

Kash Patel in his own words talking about the authorization for troops days before the 6th. Go to 7:38 to catch Kash.

Here is a letter from Mayor Muriel Bowser saying that no request had been made by her and there was no need for federal troops. In other words, Washington DC did not need any help, was not requesting help, and did not want any federal troops in their city.

There's more but I'll let it go here. I have more important things to do. I checked these links out after posting and they work. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights." Can you please provide the link where Trump says he wants the Capitol, Congress and supporting staff protected? Or...are you implying that Trump wanted the presence of the National Guard supporting his protesters?

Kash Patel? Another grifter...isn't the orange ape enough to fleece you sheep?

And you, resorting to a socialist website...come on BC surely you can do better than that.
A little bird told me that some of my links didn't work. So, I'll do the rudimentary research and post again.

Now this first one is interesting. Reuters is running a story from May of 2021. They have some wrong facts, but the basis of the story is that Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller said that Trump did request National Guard troops that day. Five people did NOT die that day and no policeman was killed on that day. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Did you read the article?

Here's the reason I ask, you STATE "Five people did NOT die that day and no policeman was killed on that day." But in the article is clearly says: "when Trump's rally turned into an assault by hundreds of his followers that left five dead, including a Capitol Police officer."

It's really not a long article, did you miss this part?

"Miller testified that he was concerned in the days before Jan. 6 that sending National Guard troops to Washington would fan fears of a military coup or that Trump advisers were advocating martial law."

The little wanna be dictator lost, he'll pay in due time. Period. Although I do understand having the Russian hooker piss on him, I'm sure he was just trying to find a way to get the taste of years of being teabagged by Putin out of his mouth.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did JD have to redo his “rudimentary research ?”


He should have checked his homework before he turned it in. Then we’d just be disputing the lack of facts presented and virtually non-existent support for his arguments.

I wonder how he’d grade one of his “university students” who did such a half-assed job?

This post is a knee jerk Trumpist reaction to original, documented post about the Use (or lack of it) of the National Guard on Jan 6. All this thread has done was to support the premise of that thread, without calling the other side idiots, morons and fools.

Thanks for the expose, JD.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I can imagine what is being said right now and I bet none of has to do with the actual OP. They'll be complaining about the messenger and kind of hijacking this thread. Moderator?

I'll do like Trump and wait for them to dig their own graves with their mouths.