How long shold I wait for responses?

I'm in the same boat as steeplechase in that I usually have to schedule in advance due to only having specific days that work. Sometimes those get replies, sometimes they don't. (And sometimes I see they get read but still don't get a reply. Quite craptastic in those cases.)

So a question for the ladies - is it considered stalker-ish if I send a second message after not getting a reply to the first inquiry? (I'm talking sending something a month or so later.) Or a different question, if you at times get tied up in real world obligations such as in Dannie's and Elysa's case, do you generally reply to PMs even if it's past the "due date" or do you move on and assume the guy will contact you in the future if still interested?

I typically move on from a provider if I see she read my message but didn't reply. If it goes unread though, I'm in the dark as to whether or not it's worth giving another shot.
berkleigh's Avatar
I sent out a request for check to Berkliegh on Sep 7th and received no reply. Through P411 I felt a check there would be fast. I figured after a week I just did not meet her requirements and moved on to others. It has worked out well as I have found others. I will not request a check more than twice as it is often thought of as stalking. Originally Posted by tucson
Hmmmm...I don't recall a request from you.

I do however reconize your Handle from a previous convo in a thread.

If you sent me an email thru P411, sometimes I have experienced a delay in recieving notifications.
I know several times, I often am not PROMPTLY notified of an email thru the P411 system as I should be.
It happens quite often. BUT, even if you did send an email or request/pre-screen, I am sure I would have responded.
Not sure, if other Providers have experienced this, but figured there was just a delay.
I don't log in to P411 daily so I depend on a notification to alert me of an email.

At times, I can be selective, but for the most part, I always respond.
I have absolutely No Problem speaking my mind, so if I chose to decline a meeting, I do Politely respond back that I am not interested.

I will admit, there are times I DO NOT respond to inquiries of my Password Protected Photos. I require booking, screening AND confirmation of an Appointment for those.

Reguardless, If you don't mind, please resend me what you had on the 7th of September so that I may see if I had a record of it.

I know on several ocassions I have had either delayed notification or none at all and if I continue to have this problem, I will contact Gina.

If it happens to be something else Tucson, I will privately email you my response. misspelled my name - BERKLEIGH

***That does go for anyone else, if you feel I have not responded, please feel free to send me another Email/Request/Pre-screen.
berkleigh's Avatar
*Update -

I did search for his email.
It was not sent to my P411 Account Inbox, but my Gmail.
What I found was a "PRE-SCREENING" request ONLY over a month and a half ago.

I did email him, explain the difference and apologize for confusion as well as try to reschedule.

Although " PRE-SCREENING " is not a request for an appointment, it should be clarified as it is confusing to some.

I don't mind if I am contacted by a follow up email or call or even text as things happen.

Sorry for the confusion Tucson
Berkleigh thanks for your consideration. We will get together soon you are someone I have wanted to meet.
berkleigh's Avatar
Berkleigh thanks for your consideration. We will get together soon you are someone I have wanted to meet. Originally Posted by tucson
Looking forward to it
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 10-26-2011, 12:20 PM
How long should I wait for a response from a provider when trying to make an appointment? If I haven't heard back after 2 days is it reasonable to move on and make an inquiry with another provider? Ladies, if you responded to an appt request after 2 days and the guy said "sorry, I made an appt with someone else because I didn't get a response," would you be offended?

I try to book appointments a few days in advance because I only have certain days/times that work well for me and if I don't hear back from a provider in a "reasonable" amount of time then I need to find someone else with availability before my window of opportunity passes. So, what is reasonable? Originally Posted by steeplechase
First of all, some women are not good at multi tasking or running a business the way it should be run...That is why you see so many ladies come into this business and they don't last very long, they thought is was going to be so easy... There is so much more to this than just laying on your back and making a quick buck!!! But back to the point, there is NO reason why it should take 2 days to get back to anyone.... unless the ladies don't want to give a reference....and if that happens at least send a courtesy email explaining the situation, letting them know you will get back to them as soon as you hear from the lady in question... I have a real job and I check and answer all my emails either on break, lunch or at my next break.. So in my opinion 2 days is to long to wait on any lady.... Move on to PLAN B, because there are a ton of lovely ladies out here that will respond to your email in less than 2 hours! Not 2 days!
GinaXXX's Avatar
I know on several ocassions I have had either delayed notification or none at all and if I continue to have this problem, I will contact Gina.
All P411 Requests go directly to the email you have listed on P411, and do not remain on P411.

When you receive a Private Message on P411, you will get a notice sent to your email, which is what you are talking about. I'm not aware of them being "delayed", and certainly let me know right away if you experience a problem like that.

Also, Appointment Requests and Pre-Screening Request are basically the same thing. They both mean a client wants to set up an appointment at some time in the future, and neither means that an appointment is booked because it has been sent. They are both inquiries about a future appointment, and on the client side both fall under "Appointment Requests".

So a question for the ladies - is it considered stalker-ish if I send a second message after not getting a reply to the first inquiry?
Only by the tiny, but very vocal, percentage of providers I refer to in my previous post in this thread.

First let me say I love P411 and trust it beyond all others. I use the pre-screening as a way to make sure I am accepted by the provider and want to schedule their services soon. When I don't get a reply I think they have no desire to see me. Will the provider get any thing from P411 when I do? Can I put a notice in my bio to ignore one providers nasty references?
  • PT4ME
  • 10-26-2011, 01:26 PM
While I agree she should not be offended, I disagree with your theory that she is swamped with gents. I think sometimes it's expected that we are all doing this as our sole means of income. Personally, I have a career that can sometimes prevent me from getting back to someone in a timely manner. I don't check my hobby emails and p411 when I am traveling with my job, for instance. I don't have the time to do it.

I do get back with everyone eventually. Some will be understanding and patient, others will move on. I'm not offended if they move on. I love my job and providing is very secondary; I provide for fun, and not making the hobby my sole means of income, keeps it fun for me.

Not all of us are sitting by the phone/computer waiting for an appointment! I know that can be really annoying, but there are also like 800 providers to choose from. ONE of them is bound to answer! Originally Posted by Dannie
WOW Dannie,
I would not expect you to divulge what your personal career is, but I find it hard to believe that there is ANY reason other than "because I didn't want to" that you did not get back to someone within two days.** That is a persons right to feel that way, but that is not a "couldn't", it is a "wouldn't."
You site "traveling with your job" prevents you from doing it. Bus driver? astronaut? I am hard pressed to come up with any occupation that prevents you from returning some kind of correspondence within 48 hours.
My brother works underground quite a bit, and even in the mines they get i-net service in most places, and the "dead zones" are definitely less than two days apart.
Not all of us potential "clients" expect you to be sitting by the phone or computer all day, hell ya gotta fuck sooner or later, but no response to a business communication does not sit well with me at all BUT that is just my .02 not "law", just "opinion". And as for that "1", can I get a reference so you can save me "inquiring within" on the other 799?

** - barring natural disasters, extended power outages, jail stays

First of all, some women are not good at multi tasking or running a business the way it should be run...That is why you see so many ladies come into this business and they don't last very long, they thought is was going to be so easy... There is so much more to this than just laying on your back and making a quick buck!!! But back to the point, there is NO reason why it should take 2 days to get back to anyone.... I have a real job and I check and answer all my emails either on break, lunch or at my next break.. So in my opinion 2 days is to long to wait on any lady.... Move on to PLAN B, because there are a ton of lovely ladies out here that will respond to your email in less than 2 hours! Not 2 days! Originally Posted by fawn
+1000 ..... I am so glad this was written by a provider before I said it.... and as usual, the lady said it better,

I agree with Dannie and PMD...
Tuscon (and Gina for that matter)...sometimes the way a client chooses to contact a provider - the notice is only given through the email...and it can occasionally get lost in the shuffle of the online world duties....

I have personally suggested that these requests be visible through P411 also - just like "messages" are.

I was gone for a bit, and I did get back to the people who sent me a p411 appt booking/prescreening thing-a-ma-do....but it was in a mix of several "you have a message on p411" type emails as well. I have just learned I have to click open every single one and not assume a p411 email is just notice of a message on the site.

I've screwed up a couple of times thinking that's what it was.

I don't think any ladies should be offended if they haven't gotten back with you very fast - and you are no longer available. Many of us (myself included) have "RL" demands that absorb a major amount of our time. In my case - I could probably hop on every day or so, but even trying to do that - I've forgotten and lost track of time. I keep up with it better when I have an appointment coming up so I can keep that person posted or vice versa.
WOW Dannie,
I would not expect you to divulge what your personal career is, but I find it hard to believe that there is ANY reason other than "because I didn't want to" that you did not get back to someone within two days.** That is a persons right to feel that way, but that is not a "couldn't", it is a "wouldn't."

Point taken. I guess because I don't want to check my hobby emails on my lunch breaks. There, I said it. I don't wanna! I'm at work and on my breaks, I don't want to respond to thirty emails and check references and set up appointments. My bad! Fawn is a Hell of a woman and my hat's off to her! I literally have time for about three or four appointments a month, and I will never ever answer my emails on my phone while on my breaks. It ain't happenin'. I'm so awful! Bad Dannie!

You site "traveling with your job" prevents you from doing it. Bus driver? astronaut? I am hard pressed to come up with any occupation that prevents you from returning some kind of correspondence within 48 hours.

Sometimes I come home or to the hotel (when traveling and after working 10 plus hours), and I just want to eat and go to bed. Wake up in the morning, rinse and repeat. So again, I guess you are right! I'm a lazy hooker!

My brother works underground quite a bit, and even in the mines they get i-net service in most places, and the "dead zones" are definitely less than two days apart.

Does he write personal and often lengthy correspondences on his lunch breaks or work a side job that he can do from a computer, while he is down there? I kid! I kid! .....kinda

Not all of us potential "clients" expect you to be sitting by the phone or computer all day, hell ya gotta fuck sooner or later, but no response to a business communication does not sit well with me at all BUT that is just my .02 not "law", just "opinion".

Oh geezus...sometimes it takes me several days, sometimes a week, but I always respond so I wouldn't say that is "no response". I am always apologetic if its been an unreasonable amount of time, and often offer discounts for inconveniences (LOTS of guys can attest to that) so if that gets yer tighty whiteys in a wad, I am sorry! Like I said, I understand if they pass. The overwhelming majority are very understanding, and often just ask me to keep them posted as to my availability. Hope that helps. Originally Posted by PT4ME

Also, let me just add, I rarely post ads so it's not as though I post an ad and then don't respond for several days. I would expect Fawn would respond in a timely manner, as she does advertise fairly regularly. That makes sense! I'm not quite as active in the hobby, but when I do post an ad, everyone gets a response that day. Just wanted to clarify. Yes, I expect if you are advertising availability, you should probably respond within a day or two.

Should I start to disable my p411 ad if I am not available for say, a week? Take down my showcase when I can't "provide"? Legit question. I've considered it, as I think it would help avoid causing any anger/annoyance to hobbyists such as PT4ME, who don't get a response as quickly as they would like.
I would think an explanation on P411 would handle that. Leave your account active just say you are involved in RL at this time and an answer may not be coming quickly. I for one would understand as I look out a month ahead.
I would think an explanation on P411 would handle that. Leave your account active just say you are involved in RL at this time and an answer may not be coming quickly. I for one would understand as I look out a month ahead. Originally Posted by tucson
Great idea! I didn't really want to disable and re-activate my ad each week, as I do tend to get more of the gentlemen who are traveling and make WAAAAY advanced arrangements. Thank you for the suggestion!
Likewise with Soccer guy's statement, I don't know what to make when a lady has read your pm and doesn't respond as well, I probably take it the same way, she isn't interested at this moment. I assume that is likely the universal thoughts of most guys.

I try to give them time to respond, but it gets me wondering too.

I have give props to the ladies that have an A game in the communication process ie. Bryleigh. I really don't care if they don't give out their # and location until the last moment, because you know it is going to happen.