Stimulus checks

Hotrod511's Avatar
Trump doesn't need to buy votes, he will easily win re-election in November. I believe his administration handling this situation is a level above what we saw with Katrina, and even 9-11. But none of that is why he is going to get 4 more years...

The Democrats have spent too much time slinging mud and playing politics, without developing candidates to challenge Trump. Hillary lost the last election just as much as Trump won it. At this point Biden looks less electable than she was. Originally Posted by DNinja69
You are right but don't waste your time with a moron like the Spacedog, they have to keep their candidate Que Pro Joe hidden from the public!
Will Americans receiving $1,200 stimulus checks even make a dent in the economic downward spiral that's happening?

Or do we think this is just a stunt to keep the public calm?

I'm pretty sure most people will appreciate anything at this time but I just really don't feel that that's going to help businesses stay afloat Originally Posted by Sienna91
I think it will be a big help for people to pay their bills - I hope Pelosi quits blocking it.
I know it will definitely be a big help for people to pay their bills I just don't know if it'll be enough

Kind of hard to a stimulate an economy with only $1,200 per person/family if all businesses are closing
and of course I'm thinking of head right now but we don't know how long this thing is going to stretch out

Where you going to spend your money if you have nowhere to spend it?
Because I know a lot of people are seeing it as it's only the entertainment sector that's closed right now but you got to keep in mind that one industry being down the economic impact that industry has on the entire world

I'm not going to lie I'm scared
Hotrod511's Avatar
I hope it doesn't pass Trump needs to Veto it if they let all the pork Pisslosy crying Chuck want in it
Well they're running out of time so something has to happen
I think it will be a big help for people to pay their bills - I hope Pelosi quits blocking it. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Amen. I already know several people who think its a done deal.
I know it will definitely be a big help for people to pay their bills I just don't know if it'll be enough

... Originally Posted by Sienna91
Right and its going to help the people who we pay the bills to to pay their bills and keep the chain going.

Because I know a lot of people are seeing it as it's only the entertainment sector that's closed right now but you got to keep in mind that one industry being down the economic impact that industry has on the entire world

I'm not going to lie I'm scared Originally Posted by Sienna91
I don't blame you but try not to be. Turn off the TV and net if its too much. People are finally appreciating the lower level folks who do the dirtyjobs. It's not just the entertainment industry affected.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Don’t make rash, uneducated comments until you get the facts in their entirety.

We all know you Trump sheep don’t even bother to do any kind of fact checking or research on the details of this aid package. and WHY the bill fell flat on its face.

And I’m not going to educate you...go bloody well find out for yourself.
Just don’t rely on the ranting and raving by Moscow Mitch.
He’s an even bigger LIAR than Trump. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

If you've read all 1400 pages of it and you know damn well you didn't, why didn't you post it?

Here, I'll do it for you

But I'm not going to read all 1400 pages any more than you did or ever will.

What I heard tonight, admittedly on FOX news, was that there are hundreds of pages of items that have nothing to do with helping businesses or workers like forgiving Postal debt. New "racial identity rules" for any business that gets money. Translation, we want to know the race of every person you hire and if it doesn't meet our "quota" system, you will pay a price. Lots of stuff for the Green New Deal like automotive emission standards.

What does any of that have to do with getting money to people and businesses IMMEDIATELY? Not a damn thing and although I can't prove any of this any more than you can post the bill you want us to believe you have read, it sounds exactly what Democrats would do, try to shove their identity, racial politics into a bill meant to help the unemployed and businesses.

Now if you can prove any of what I just wrote is wrong, I will offer my apology for taking the word of Tucker and Hannity but until then PROVE IT's WRONG!

Here is the FOX news "spin" ( the left will say ). Watch it and tell me what isn't true.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

What I heard tonight, admittedly on FOX news, was that there are hundreds of pages of items that have nothing to do with helping businesses or workers like forgiving Postal debt. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
How the House Democrats' stimulus plan compares to the Senate's

After the GOP’s latest measure tanked twice during test votes in the Senate, House Democrats wrote a competing proposal to save the country from economic destruction at the hands of the coronavirus. The House measure would boost emergency funds for agencies, mandate "green" rules for airlines, eliminate a payroll tax suspension, kick in additional help for hospitals, schools and food banks, and more.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Will Americans receiving $1,200 stimulus checks even make a dent in the economic downward spiral that's happening?
Or do we think this is just a stunt to keep the public calm?
I'm pretty sure most people will appreciate anything at this time but I just really don't feel that that's going to help businesses stay afloat Originally Posted by Sienna91
It will be spent in less than a week at the grocery store.
It is what it is.
Amen. I already know several people who think its a done deal.
Right and its going to help the people who we pay the bills to to pay their bills and keep the chain going.

I don't blame you but try not to be. Turn off the TV and net if its too much. People are finally appreciating the lower level folks who do the dirtyjobs. It's not just the entertainment industry affected. Originally Posted by gnadfly
bambino's Avatar
It will be such a pleasure watching Trump board Marine One for the last time on January 20, 2021, whisking him away to who gives a fuck where, with his stumpy little Corgi tail tucked firmly between his pudgie ass cheeks. Originally Posted by Lapdog
It will be a pleasure watching you be a miserable turd for four more years.
Lapdog's Avatar
In your dreams, bambi.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You should probably get used to the idea of Trump being your president, at least for a bit less than five years. Without huge fraud, which can’t be discounted when it comes to Democrats, Biden has virtually no chance of winning against Trump. The man is barley coherent and the Bernouts will all be staying home, doing beerbongs and watching Netflix.
Lapdog's Avatar
Go pull your own pud, jizzy. I don't need you pulling mine.