Dick pic for screening?

cowboy8055's Avatar
I imagine some of these people aren't even escorts. They're just messing with guys.
I'd send her a pic of my dick. If my job was to make her laugh!
vanessaamour's Avatar
I have asked for a picture of a dick before for screening. I will ask them to put up a certain number of fingers or write my name on a piece of paper next to it to time-stamp it. I know that in the state of Indiana it is illegal for law enforcement to send a sexually explicit photograph, and when it's sting time up there sometimes that was the only way I was able to no that they were not le. One of my clients is in the legal profession and went over the codes with me, and told me that he suggested it if need be.
burkalini's Avatar
How about you send me a picture of your open pussy with a dildo in it with my name written on it
The only problem with that approach (Ok, not the ONLY problem) is even though LE can't send such pics, a John who plea bargained and agreed to help out in a sting can... So it's definitely not a fool proof concept...
vanessaamour's Avatar
See where u went wrong was if u called and i required u to be screened YOU were the one who needed to verify urself. NOT I i am reviewed and verified on here, TER, P411 and EROS therefore my legitness is easily seen
vanessaamour's Avatar
Feasibly yes, however if such an instance occured, when the case came into the courts, it would be dismissed due to reasonable pattern of behavior. Not the entrapment law , but similar. If the le didnt act in such a way the defendant would not in due act a certain way . Not sure how texas words it but that generally sums it up
See where u went wrong...therefore my legitness is easily seen Originally Posted by vanessaamour
Vanessa darling, whatever works for you! Is "legitness" a word?? It is always comforting taking legal advice from a hooker that makes up her own words....be careful out there everybody....and keep sending those dick pics!!
HoustonRiley's Avatar
I just love when Johns some how in their minds raise theirselves up above us providers.
Yeah we're hookers. But sweety you go around paying hookers
and putting your two sense in all the time on a hoe board.
One thing I cant stand is a rude trick. You Pay Prositutes as a hobby dude. You're on the boards daily!!! That's your world.
Be humble sit down!!!
Oh she made up a word she must just be a dumb hoe.....! Or maybe she just has a fun personality.
Its always the fat old guys who couldn't pick up a girl at a bar if his life depended on it!!
A bunch of reviews doesn't make you special just makes you a big ass trick.
You wouldn't make it past the first PM with Me. I see Gentleman. If a trick messages me like he's someone special. He's dismissed!!
Vanessa darling, whatever works for you! Is "legitness" a word?? It is always comforting taking legal advice from a hooker that makes up her own words....be careful out there everybody....and keep sending those dick pics!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I just love when Johns some how in their minds raise theirselves up above us providers....He's dismissed!! Originally Posted by HoustonRiley
I am humbled in your presence... Thancks for setting me straight... Me thincks somehow, in your mind, you may have raised yourself above me by insulting/alienating the majority of the male population of this site and perhaps a good representation of your customer base... Whatever works for you Riley dear... I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that I may never, ever get to pay you to leave my room...after fucking you silly(er)...Oh well...
vanessaamour's Avatar
A hooker yes, a College-educated hooker though.

legitness :definition: the degree of how legitimate something is.

One sucking cocks for a living does not necessarily mean uneducated. My vocabulary or lack thereof according to you, wasn't the issue at hand. Obviously comprehension is lacking on this post, so instead of focusing on trivial points why don't you put your computer to use, do a little research and educate yourself. My freedom is important to me so therefore I get all the information that I can to ensure that I remain that way. Now you have you a good day sir.
A hooker yes, a College-educated hooker though.

Aren't we all college educated hookers, after all...

legitness :definition: the degree of how legitimate something is.

Oh honey, thanks for educating me butt, The Urban Dictionary doesn't count...sorry...

One sucking cocks for a living does not necessarily mean uneducated...My freedom is important to me so therefore I get all the information that I can to ensure that I remain that way. Now you have you a good day sir. Originally Posted by vanessaamour
Stay in your own lane ladies!! Let's get this thread back on track - Now, where were we, oh yes, let's all embrace the idea of dick pics for screening...shall we?
vanessaamour's Avatar
Actually i wasnt referencing the urban dictionary. Nice attempt once again, elementary english Einstein


Appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being(the adjective)", "the quality of being(the adjective)", or "the measure of being(the adjective)".
calm + ‎-ness → ‎calmness
dark + ‎-ness → ‎darkness
kind + ‎-ness → ‎kindness
one + ‎-ness → ‎oneness
Appended to words of other parts of speech to form nouns (often nonce words or terms in philosophy) meaning the state/quality/measure of the idea represented by these words.
Therefore LEGIT+NESS
Now as i said before you have you a wonderful day hopefully someone will be gracious enough to allow you to believe that you fucked HER silly!
Dictionary time. Legit is slang for legitimate. The noun is legitimacy.
James1588's Avatar
Dictionary time. Legit is slang for legitimate. The noun is legitimacy. Originally Posted by papadee
"I give you now Professor Twist,
A conscientious scientist.
Trustees exclaimed, 'He never bungles!'
And sent him off to distant jungles.
While camped on a tropic riverside,
One day he missed his loving bride.
She had, the guide informed him later
Been eaten by an alligator.
Professor Twist could not but smile.
'You mean,' he said, 'a crocodile.' '

Okay. Legitimate is the standard adjective, and legitimacy the standard derived noun. By the same token, legit is a well-recognized slang equivalent adjective, and legitness will certainly serve as a well-recognized slang equivalent noun.

Now, at the risk of committing a thread drift, concerning penile images: I can only go by two professional ladies with whom I'm well enough acquainted that we have regular email correspondence. In both their cases, not only do they not demand dick pics, they explicitly demand an absence of dick pics. They would pretty nearly pay you to not send dick pics. I believe sending a dick pic would be a fast and reliable ticket to their do-not-see lists. And if I ever approached a working woman who demanded or requested such an image, or even suggested that such would be welcome, I would immediately know that she and I would not be sympatico, and I would disappear "wit' a quickness," as they say.