What's your favorite position for FS?

Saintsfan's Avatar
Gloria, I would like to say that I could handle it..but I don't know if I could..haha ! But I would love to try and see . LOL

Jag, you are right ! These women would more than likely outlast me and tear me to shreds.....but who cares !!! Haha ! I'd have one hell of a time, huh ? LOL
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I've never seen a "fivesome", but I've seen a foursome (hobbyist and three providers) reviewed on ASPD Arkansas Independent Reviews before it died.

IIRC, the guy shelled out $1K/hour for that experience.

What would a fivesome go for? I can't imagine less than $1.2K, maybe $1.3K per hour.

I envy you guys who can spend that much on your hobbies.


Lea Madisson's Avatar
JAG... you know my very favorite for me personally is cowgirl or RCG. I like slowly lowering myself on a hard cock, manuveuring my pussy until the tip of the man hits that magic spot inside me... then I ride it hard and deep until I cum at least a couple of times or the people in the next roon start banging on the walls for me to stop screaming!

OMG... was I too graphic???? Did I bring back memories?


Lea Madisson's Avatar
You got that right, bodyofagodbuda...haha ! But I'd sure give it a try and last as long as I could !

Dallas...you are making me want you more and more . I can't wait until you arrive in the hub city (Hattiesburg) ! You, Gloria, and Belinda ! Ummm ummm ! What a lovely 3 piece special . Hey, can we throw Roxxane into the mix as well ? ! Originally Posted by Saintsfan
Okay... if you get Dallas, Belinda, Gloria AND Roxanne, you better add me to that mix!!! The benefit of having so many girls in bed with you is that if you need a break, we can occupy our time with each other!! LOL


Saintsfan's Avatar
Yea, Lea..u would have to be included ! Don't worry, I read the review that JAG had on you and Roxxane . WOW !!! If I ever get the chance to meet him, I'd have to shake his hand on that one.... LOL . That's something that deserves R-E-S-P-E-C-T !!! That duo of two sexy women like you & Roxxane, is something I'd be up for anytime . LOL
I love doggie, CG and RCG! I like a man being dominant in the doggie position, but I sure like using him as my toy in CG and RCG.
That said, it is hard for me to pick a definitive favorite. I do love having a man on top of me, with my ankles over my head.... allows for nice deep penetration and *other* stimulation at same time. Doggie does allow for the ass slapping and hair pulling, both of which are big turn ons!
Some dirty talk is always welcome as well, and works in all positions!
DallasRain's Avatar
damn lea I am so ready for an orgy!!!!!wooohoooo!!!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Oh my, what have I unleashed! This is great stuff, and I hope I live long enough to try every favorite position with each of these very sexy ladies!
Cajunman's Avatar
Ok Ladies,

Gloria, Belinda, Dallas, and Lea,

I have a birthday coming up next month. I would love a double. It has been several years since my last.

Lea Madisson's Avatar
Ok Ladies,

Gloria, Belinda, Dallas, and Lea,

I have a birthday coming up next month. I would love a double. It has been several years since my last.

Cajunman Originally Posted by Cajunman
hhhmmm... how do you pick... of course since you named all four, are you asking for a "Quad"???? LOL
DallasRain's Avatar
bring it on cajun babe!!!wooohooo!!!
sandmanlou's Avatar
I am in agreement with RPMsouth. CG, RCG and ACG are the best.
gimme_that's Avatar
ACG is my favorite, especially if she has a big butt.