Third-party Booking And agency

Spartan06's Avatar
As far as my post history yes I am a trucker Scum of the earth to a lot of people. I move dangerous goods not many people can do what I do. But I love it I've traveled all over the world And it's super hard to have a relationshiP.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Wrong thread. Sorry.
Spartan06's Avatar
What offer
TryWeakly's Avatar
As far as my post history yes I am a trucker Scum of the earth to a lot of people. I move dangerous goods not many people can do what I do. But I love it I've traveled all over the world And it's super hard to have a relationshiP. Originally Posted by Spartan06
I commend you for that. Truckers are the backbone of our national economy and people dont give y'all enough credit.

(Btw, I always flash my lights after a rig overtakes to let him know he is clear )
Spartan06's Avatar
Temporarily blinding the trucker. Try dipping them instead
TryWeakly's Avatar
I don't want to write a review because she was a very lovely beautiful woman I know how much a bad review her a provider. I also know a lot of girls look at these alerts all that they look at the email. In the appreciation that she will see this. She would change that wayS. I have a very strict list of things that I like to do and if it's OK with the provider we can meet and have fun but she met none of these things. Not a problem if I have known this upfront the conversation would nothings gone any further. I would've just said thank you for your time I appreciate the providers on the site I thank you for everything you do for us but if it's not meant to be it's not meant to be. I have Meet some very good friends on here providers that I would call friends. So thank you for helping all of us m so thank you but hoping all of us horny men. Originally Posted by Spartan06

OP you can still do the review ifn she was as such a lovely lady as you describe!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Temporarily blinding the trucker. Try dipping them instead Originally Posted by Spartan06
I dip them at night. Flash during the day.
TryWeakly's Avatar
My apologies on the earlier post. I had it mixed up.
Spartan06's Avatar
Like I said there's nothing to review we didn't do anythinG. When she saw the discussed in my face she texted with a friend and said yeah I don't do any of that I'm not going to stand in public and talk about it that's when I made the big line out of there
TryWeakly's Avatar

How is it you want to initiate a ban on "assistants" ? I am honestly curious how you came to this decision to band everyone together against that practice? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
This question is still valid tho...seems like an un-winnable fight.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Ah, I see the topic has been relocated to Coed. I believe most fellows will agree with the OP in that they prefer to talk directly to the provider they wish to spend time with, quite understandable.

It would be lovely to have insight from those ladies with assistants, or from agencies, although I'm doubtful that will occur. I actually think the practice of third-party booking is less common here in Texas than it is on the more metropolitan east and west coasts, or in brothelized Nevada, and likely confined to escorts on the higher end of the pricing structure, but that's only my supposition.

Not sure that the provider the OP is referring too really has a "booker" per se. Sounds like a very informal incident, one to be learned from, as the OP indicated. Having a "friend" do scheduling and a lady show up with no knowledge of the arrangements IS questionable. Providers should employ reputable and professional assistants, or be employed by competent agencies, if not doing their own pre-appointment prep.
Spartan06's Avatar
If you were going to rob a bank would you tell everybody or would you keep it quiet
The more people know the more unsafe and dangerous the encounter becomes

I understand about giving support the point of contact should be made by the provider.
It's the one thing that should be done by the provider no one else
onemixedguy and spartan06 need to get a room. I hate pimps as much as the next guy but a lot of ladies aren't equipped, for lack of a better word, to do their own screening and scheduling. Get used to it because it's not going to change.
I can see both sides to this. Obviously its some Gentlemen's personal preference to talk with the actual provider before hand. Hearing a women's voice helps your senses.

When I work; I never liked taking phone calls because I could never get the guy off the phone, and they would ask questions that I could simply just text or they can view the website. Such as "Where are you located?" I tell them, then they are like " Where is that at?" So its more convent for me just to text them a near location and they can google it. Or they would say I have a sexy voice and keep complementing me instead of booking. Personally I prefer to get the business aspect out of the way first then have fun later.

Also I had issues with people calling from land lines, and setting an appt only to send them the final location with a rejected message saying its a landline.

Now I have an agency as well, and ladies work for agencies literally out of convince, due to they can't get supplies or get a work phone or spend money on marketing themselves because they have families that can see their transactions, or they may have a second job and do not have time to pre-book appts while they are at their first job.

But I can defiantly understand the importance of talking to the actual provider you are wanting to spend time with.
You made my point young lady