Cancel Culture Comes Home To Roost

biomed1's Avatar
Of the Following . . .
#2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.
VitaMan's Avatar
Mr. Musk had some comments on a variety of these topics.

Now many advertisers are canceling their ad purchases with his company.

What would be an appropriate buzz phrase for this ?
eyecu2's Avatar
Mr. Musk had some comments on a variety of these topics.

Now many advertisers are canceling their ad purchases with his company.

What would be an appropriate buzz phrase for this ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Talk shit- reap shit. His poor employees are really the ones that are going to be affected. Less income, more layoffs. Cause Elon doesn't know how to run that business. If he was smart, he would have put someone with at least some background in PR in the operations role. He has a very meager understanding of the balance of opinions and income. Guess when your money is originally from a rich Daddy, you don't have to learn that.

Not to impune Musks' other things like Space x or Tesla, but any public message board needs to be run by a public messaging expert! Which he is NoT.
lustylad's Avatar
Not to impune (sic) Musks' other things like Space x or Tesla, but any public message board needs to be run by a public messaging expert! Which he is NoT. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Wtf is a "public messaging expert"? You mean someone like Jack Dorsey or Parag Agrawal? They turned twitter into a far-left echo chamber and a censorship factory for the DC swamp and the DNC.

At least Musk learns from his mistakes. While his critics are desperately trying to smear him as an anti-Semite, he was over there in Israel wearing a flak jacket and touring the front lines with Netanyahu.
VitaMan's Avatar
The point is not about Mr. Musk.

The point is advertisers are canceling ads because of his remarks. So cancellations occur no matter what side of the issue you are on, or what your point of view is.

You can take it a step further. Many high level executives at oil companies (and others) keep their views
on alternative energy and the climate issues private.....because they don't want to get fired - (canceled) - the "he wanted to spend more time with his family" thing.

Cancel culture is not anything new. 24/7 social media is.
ICU 812's Avatar
Cancel culture is not anything new. 24/7 social media is. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Yes, that and the related tech phenomenon that preserves every thought that we post online and often what we say and do in public.

It is my view (considered to be insufficiently documented by some), that tithe recently published views of many young people still in academia and those just entering the job market will follow them for many years to their detriment. In effect, they will have bvlacklistged themselves.
eyecu2's Avatar
Wtf is a "public messaging expert"? You mean someone like Jack Dorsey or Parag Agrawal? They turned twitter into a far-left echo chamber and a censorship factory for the DC swamp and the DNC.

At least Musk learns from his mistakes. Originally Posted by lustylad
Well a "Public Policy" expert would have been a good start. You know somebody who studied either marketing, public policy, or even communications. Those are all public policy experts and have training and such. They have education,training and knowledge about the repurcussions of blowing ass all over a public forum. Btw - I never said anything about Dorsey, but he actually was a better boss at twitter despite your claims of censorship. He knew how to run it, and to attract new users and advertisers. Course Elon could tell everyone to fuck off and run the place out of Jakarta India if he wanted to. The platform is garbage anymore. The changes to how ppl can reply or engage on conversation is 1/2 what it used to be. It loses about 3.7% daily

It's a private company and they didn't support lies and outright bullshit.

So while that part above maybe subjective by a conspiracists view, -what isn't, is the loss of technical experts leaving twitter, and the same with the sponsors who buy ads.
Musk should have realized that he can have any opinion he wants, but him broadcasting it as the face and owner is a fucking STUPID idea. Especially when it could affect ppl who are not interested in politics but rather earning a living.

So As far as him learning how to run this business, ...if he learned anything, it's how to run a company into the ground and wear a black cowboy outfit. He's still running his mouth, and accelerating the downturn.

Not sure that really counts as learning, or demonstrating knowledge - but I'll leave that up to your interpretation
ICU 812's Avatar
Then post a link. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Arab American has job offer recinded by pro-Israeli law firm.
ICU 812's Avatar

Harvard President attempts to take back what she said under oath.
ICU 812's Avatar
The libreal's cancel culture strikes again:

What we say and do can have consequences.
ICU 812's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Isn’t there another whole thread about this?