Treetop78759's Avatar
Tree you are asking the WRONG person to help. You don't even know what you just did. You basically asked the fox to guard the hen house. Stupied, very fucking stupid. I have to say tree you made so sick as to want to throw up. BAD MOVE!If the was a another box beside the idiot box I would put you in trees. Sicken! Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
You mentioned before that you are convinced that human trafficking in nail salons is rampant. What have you done about it? Nothing?
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-11-2017, 02:46 PM
You mentioned before that you are convinced that human trafficking in nail salons is rampant. What have you done about it? Nothing? Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I get it, we all have some element of SJW in us and we all have our personal agenda, I just don't know if posting to this forum will get you the results you desire. Someone posted a few links, maybe you should contact these organizations and see if you can assist them? It seems it would be worth a shot.
Okayyyyyy, this is starting to creep me out. Tree Top - you're right - no one condones human trafficking but why are you posting it here?? This is a fuck board and this subject you insist on bring up over and over again is a real bone killer. Send an anonymous letter to LE outlining your information. They can take it from there. That's their JOB.

I can't believe you posted that "we should police our hobby" - really??? We don't have a totalitarianism regime here on ECCIE, you know.

I highly doubt that I will experience any repercussions from LE.

I've never been more serious about this. I'm not trolling. Eccie has a ton of dudes that frequent these places so it makes a great place to discuss.

If there was an issue with people not of age the entire board would flip out for good reason and make sure that activity stopped. My thinking is that people might feel the same about AMP'S if they know. I don't think anybody supports human trafficking.

There are approximately 50 AMP'S in town. That is a minimum of 100 gals. It's probably 150. Even if the trafficking and forced prostitution was only 25% that is a minimum of 25 ladies being held against their will and are sex slaves.

I just think we should police our hobby. I'm surprised that more females are not upset about this. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I highly doubt that I will experience any repercussions from LE.

I was not talking about LE.

I've never been more serious about this. I'm not trolling. Eccie has a ton of dudes that frequent these places so it makes a great place to discuss. That's your opinion or spin.

[B]They Don't Care or they would probably not be going there. /B]

If there was an issue with people not of age the entire board would flip out for good reason and make sure that activity stopped. Right. Do you think they would do that because it's morally correct or because if they didn't obey, they wouldn't get to play here? I'm just keeping it really fucking real. My thinking is that people might feel the same about AMP'S if they know. I don't think anybody supports human trafficking.

Sorry to be a bitch , but our society is purposely uneducated and taught not to think. Thinking outside the box is dangerous at times. Curiosity is too. I would venture to guess alot of guys go to amps to get instant gratification and unless they saw some girls in actual chains and beaten, would probably like to believe it's harmless. When you fuck an indy do you feel bad after? 9 times out of 10, even an Indy is not here because she just wants to be. She's here because of society. If every girl were honest, do you think they'd tell you, given another opportunity... A different opportunity making the same money that she'd pick being an escort? No need to answer that. It's just something to think about. Add to that the negative attitudes towards immigrants and women... Yes sexism is still very much alive and well in Murica'. Put the proverbial cherry of a sex working woman on top of that and you have a breeding ground for ignorance and indifference​. To top it all off, you come to a fuckboard​ to share your message putting off a vibe that says to me & this is just me..."look at me. I'm just a good guy trying to help." It seems as if you want to be rewarded with attention. Then you mention warning the men & not wanting them to get in trouble. It's kind of fucking nauseating to me. Like the priest appearing omnipotent then having his way with the alter boy. Yeah. That's the vibe I get. You are surprised more women/providers don't care? I'm pretty sure we fucking care. I can only speak for myself, but you are just not the type of person I want to see on here talking about rescuing girls yet warning the guys in the same breath. You really want to do help, go volunteer at one of the many organizations against this & move in silence​ and action. Otherwise, it looks phoney, self seeking, nefarious and a multitude of other things that disgust me. And the fact you have no fear of reprisal from LE or anyone screams you are either a fucking naive person or got ulterior motives to the max. This is not the topic to make yourself look like a fucking hero. Either be a real hero or please shut the fuck up. You are a disgrace to these women. If you were real, you'd be quiet and do this or not discuss this here.

I just think we should police our hobby. I'm surprised that more females are not upset about this. YOU have no idea how we really feel. You are too busy trying to look good & it makes you look guilty as fuck or just completely ignorant, to me. That's how this female feels about it.

I don't have any influence to have these places shut down.
Then, sit the fuck down & be quiet or go make a difference.
With that said, even before my crusade I've been warning dudes that my gut tells me it's time for a raid. They are happening all over the country and a city the size of Austin is ripe for a huge sting. I don't want to see any dudes arrested. Quite a flip flop there.

Like I said before, I don't expect any repercussions from LE. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
That's nice, because we all know just how anonomous this place is. If you do have good intentions, I pray you don't get off'ed or get the attention of LE on everyone here. You Know​ what happens then? This place goes bye bye & those vary women will have it even worse by being forced further underground. You are in way over your head or worse... You have ulterior motives.
Your posts are more than highly off putting to me & quite frankly, gut wrenching. They are a horrible reminder of what's wrong with so many human beings today. Just eeeww. If you really are that fucking naive, then my apologies. But this girl doesn't think so. You make the hair stand up on the back of my neck homie. You wanted real talk and a platform for discussion... You fucking got it. Sorry. Not sorry.


Treetop78759's Avatar
Okayyyyyy, this is starting to creep me out. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
At least I don't creep people out when I'm naked.
Yeah. You are a great fucking guy & extremely mature. Rolls eyes in the back of my head & not the good way. Thank God I'm about to get some of the best dick relief on this board! I can't wait to fuck the hell out of him and forget about this thread.
knotty man's Avatar
Yeah. You are a great fucking guy & extremely mature. Rolls eyes in the back of my head & not the good way. Thank God I'm about to get some of the best dick relief on this board! I can't wait to fuck the hell out of him and forget about this thread. Originally Posted by The Infamous One
Oh shit!
Did I forget we had an appt!!!
Still Looking's Avatar
Yeah. You are a great fucking guy & extremely mature. Rolls eyes in the back of my head & not the good way. Thank God I'm about to get some of the best dick relief on this board! I can't wait to fuck the hell out of him and forget about this thread. Originally Posted by The Infamous One
Hey sweetie I'm running late. Don't start without me.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Treetop78759's Avatar
Yeah. You are a great fucking guy & extremely mature. Rolls eyes in the back of my head & not the good way. Thank God I'm about to get some of the best dick relief on this board! I can't wait to fuck the hell out of him and forget about this thread. Originally Posted by The Infamous One
The reason I'm discussing it on this site is because all the AMP'S owners are on Eccie. It is a great and the only way to communicate with them.

This multifaceted approach has already had success. If you are all pissed off and went ballistic how do think the spa owner dudes feel right now?

They are a hundred times more angry but guess what? I don't care. I also don't care if you don't believe that I'm sincere.

Again, if you went nuts and have no interest in a SPA then what I'm doing is working.
Still Looking's Avatar
Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Hey sweetie I'm running late. Don't start without me. Originally Posted by Still Looking
Me waiting on our perfect night, SL.