545 vs. 300,000,000 People -By Charlie Reese

Yssup Rider's Avatar
A "lot" of the corporations pay the "majority" of the tax base?

Illinois state taxes are driving out businesses in the droves? (I thought we were talking the Feds here. And I thought they used Lexuses and Mercedes Benzes.)

"GOD ONLY ASK YOU GIVE 10%?" WOW! Well, I guess GOD has all the money now, along with his designated collectors, of course. And if God's been able to hold the line on tax increases for 3,000 years, God must know something we don't! Are you serious? Really?

Howzabout some facts here? Opinion is great and I'll die for the right for you to express yours, no matter what it is, but, man, this is yet another case of

  • Booth
  • 05-25-2011, 09:15 AM

God only ask you give 10%.
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Excuse me? Any conversations between God and myself are done by PM and you do not have access to my private messages. You have NO CLUE what God asked me. None. Zero. Zilch.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
There is nothing Fuzzy in my statement. When you punish someone for taking risks and being a success why do more.

I will give you a simple scenario. Little Tommy does all his chores and saves his allowance to buy a new bike. His father then tells Tommy he gave his bike to little Johnny next door because his parents can't afford to pay him an allowance. Little Johnny also does not do any chores because he knows his parents can't pay an allowance. If you were Tommy would you want to continue doing chores and saving money?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Excuse me? Any conversations between God and myself are done by PM and you do not have access to my private messages. You have NO CLUE what God asked me. None. Zero. Zilch. Originally Posted by Booth
The Bible does not discriminate from any believer. God only asks you to tithe 10%. If you tax churches then preachers would have every right to campaign for politicians. Oh ya and the meaning of separation of church and state is that no one can tell you how to worship God. Booth God did give us free will you do not have to give him anything and you do not have to believe either.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Come on man. Don't confuse belief and religion. The church has been raping the public since its inception... figuratively and literally. As has all organized religion.
Munchmasterman's Avatar

I am. You don't seem to understand the system we live under. The 545 are our representitives. We pick them during those election thingys. Since they are our representitives, We The People are to blame.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

And there is no Cat License Tax? If those taxes were not around 100 years ago, which ones were?
Any idea how much the USS Harry S. Truman costs complete with aircraft?