No surprise really

In your post, I quoted the portion that stated, "Who cares?"

I'm saying other men will. I can't imagine any woman choosing a mate based on what other men will think of him, except in the specific case where some kind of father figure approval is needed.

I would find a conversation with any man who has found some way of fending for himself a fascinating conversation. I don't give a crap what kind of wage he's paid. Some of the biggest badasses I know parachute into fires, are special forces at E-5 wages, do ministry work in the most challenging conditions imaginable, etc.. It's not what you do. It's, do you do something? Are you a bartender? A janitor? A hedge fun operator? A wildcatter? A computer programmer? I don't give a shit. I'll find any and all of those interesting.

But a man who stays home to raise the kids while his wife is the sole provider, is so completely emasculated, that he would be of no interest to me.

I don't see why that should have any bearing on anyone. But I know I'm not the only man who feels that way. I would be willing to wager a large amount of money that most men in this country would feel very similar.
London Rayne's Avatar
I can't speak for what other men do or feel. I am ONLY saying what I would care about, and if a man is that INSECURE to let other men dictate what he should find admirable, he is a p*ssy, and that would NOT appeal to ME. A real MAN or woman for that matter, can stand on their own without giving a fk about what the world thinks..I know, I never have.

If you have to live your life and feel secure based on what OTHERS say you are, you have a problem with yourself. I want a man who takes pride in what he does, whatever that may be. If he feels beneath himself for staying home with his OWN children, that says it all. It is one thing for a man to abuse a woman and take advantage of her, but them BOTH agreeing on terms, is really none of our business. I know plenty of men who are ok with cleaning the house, washing the dishes, and changing diapers for a period of time.

It is all about partnership and that does not always work out like we expect. Are you to say if a guy has no job and meets a nurse, that she can't support him for a few years, and then he do it for her down the road? Yes, who does CARE what other men think! They are not in that relationship, so I could not give a fk about their opinion. We are not talking about a pimp here who sends his lady out to suck strange d(ck all day lol.

So, I don't deny the perception part, but I am saying I don't give a fk.
You are spot on, Proud of Texas!

And it's not just with women, it's men too. I've noticed it in my civilian business that as a single woman with no significant other I have to really prove myself to my clients and when networking with my peers. It's like I'm standing on one leg until I show them otherwise. But I digress...

What I'm learning from having younger siblings is that it's beginning to be more socially acceptable to let a woman take care of the financials. It has a lot to do with the ratio of available good men to women. Women are feeling that they have to lower their standards to get a man.

My mother, afraid that my standards are too high, has told me to 'make myself a man'. You feed him, dress him, take him to church, and teach him how to act in public. That's understandable in a time when, like you said, a man's sole identity was in his work or skills. If nothing else, he had the skills to pay the bills, or could at least prove himself useful. But in a time when men are not learning to work with their hands anymore, and they're not mowing their own yards, checking the fluids in your car before you get in it, or even taking out the trash, if I'm the sole breadwinner, it's like a slap in the face. No, you are not getting any tonight. Biatch. LOL Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Try being a woman and asking for a table for one at a restaurant. I'm not saying they'll kick you out, but you can almost feel the whole place looking at you, wondering why you're eating alone. ESPECIALLY if you're attractive.

I get the same kind of curiosity as a guy, but because of the way I carry myself, I've found they just figure I'm from out of town, or I'm a food critic, lol.

I think one of the biggest mistakes women make, is this idea they're going to change a dude. I'm not saying it's impossible, because I've seen it, but more often, I've seen a lot of misery. There's a saying that goes, "If you teach a pig to sing, you just end up wasting your time and annoying the pig."

I will say I do hope you find the right man some day. And I hope you find him without having to lower your standards.

As far as the business world, I'm judged by the fact I've never been married, I have no kids, and I'm not currently in a relationship. But it's a whole different universe justifying myself as a man, than a woman in the same circumstance has to go through. No doubt about it.
So where does taint tickling come into play? Originally Posted by pyramider
That space between the pussy and the're the last person I thought would need a map?!?
London Rayne's Avatar
I get that woman eating alone thing, which is why I have never done on. It's as if the world is conditioned to believe that all of us are desperate little flowers who must be so sad without a man in our lives. Pfft...yea ok. Sure, it's nice to have a guy around for New Years Eve and Valentine's day, but damn, if I have to deal with him the entire year to avoid being alone for just those two days, I will just hire an escort.

If a guy is alone, it's because he wants to be. If a woman is single, it MUST be because she can't get a man. People need to understand that we are not all made the same. Not every woman needs a man to be content in life, just like not every guy needs to bang random strangers to be happy in his marriage or overall.

Some people value success and power so much, they barely have time to even masturbate, let alone devote an hour or so to another human's sexual needs. My ex is a prime example.