Speaker McCarthy struggles

Offset the crimes...that is your point ? Don't they have community service for that ? Don't need Tucker and the Speaker to "make a deal" on the tapes.

Real images vs. cartoons

Continue living in your cartoon world

Maybe some of the Proud Boys can start using your office...without your permission. Got a good door lock ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
So we had a one sided highly edited hit job edited by professional TV producers who were told what the story had to be. You bought con job hook line and sinker.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Offset the crimes...that is your point ? Don't they have community service for that ? Don't need Tucker and the Speaker to "make a deal" on the tapes.

Real images vs. cartoons

Continue living in your cartoon world

Maybe some of the Proud Boys can start using your office...without your permission. Got a good door lock ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

who's "offsetting" crimes? Carlson has always stated there was violence and condemned it many times. he did show some of it also along with people just walking around freely.

i found the D.C. Police's statement last week on why they didn't arrest the Shaman dude. they were "undermanned". actually they were understaffed that day on purpose. Why? you'd think they would have called in everyone but the Chief didn't. Why?

this is why some of the police manning barricades opened them. they realized they had been fucked over by the D.C. Chief and no backup was gonna arrive. that allowed people to get to the building.

the point Carlson made is that there was no planned, organized insurrection.

even the Proud Boy's involvement is subject to debate. the DOJ claims they were the main instigators. others who were there say otherwise. they were there, they did participate. the rest is still pending in court. even the Proud Boys weren't charged with insurrection. interesting that especially if you take the DOJ's word as fact (not a good idea these days). they were charged with sedition. no one else other than the Proud Boys were charged with sedition. no one else.
VitaMan's Avatar
So that is why the Speaker needed to hand over the tapes to Tucker exclusively...is that what you are saying ?
So that is why the Speaker needed to hand over the tapes to Tucker exclusively...is that what you are saying ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
... WHY do you keep trying to put YOUR words
and ideas into other people's mouths??

Nobody is saying that Tucker should be the onley
person to get the footage...

WE have ALREADY MENTIONED in several threads now
that EVERYBODY should receive and show
ALL the footage.

... And why? ... So people can make up their-own minds.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Sorry Salty but your list of putting your IDEAS out that have no MERIT is a mile long.

You can say whatever you want about Tucker. The fact is it was a deal with the devil made between the Speaker, the radical right, and Tucker so the Speaker could get elected.

Unintended consequences are now happening. Who knows, Tucker may be washed up within a year.

FOX and Mr. Trump are no longer buddy buddy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So that is why the Speaker needed to hand over the tapes to Tucker exclusively...is that what you are saying ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

Yes. who else would have reported on these videos which show a different narrative than the Democrat's carefully crafted narrative (made for TV!)? Rachel Maddow at MSDNC? CNN?

bahahahaaa you know perfectly well CNN or MSDNC or any of the other far left media wouldn't look at what the bulk of the video really shows.

exclusive for now. McCarthy intends to make the full hours (41,000) openly available and as i hear not just other media, available to the public.

so tell me why you'd oppose that? or the Democrats?
... Hey Vita - Waco just made a good point.

Did anybody else WANT to release any other footage
form the Capitol? .... Did CBS? ... How 'bout ABC?

It's been TWO years.
None of 'em cried about it until Tucker did it.

Surely didn't hear CNN or MSNBC asking for access
to show anymore 6th Jan. footage.

They all showed whatever was leaked to them
by the Dems and of course, the FBI/DOJ.

So with THAT in-mind - Speaker McCarthy letting Tucker
and Fox-News show footage also surely seems fair to me.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
A deal was made...and everybody knows it.
A deal was made...and everybody knows it. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... So?

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Now both of you have to defend FOX and Mr.Trump...

And watch them tear each other down
VitaMan's Avatar
... So?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Don't be so coy. You are the one that latches onto and spreads every conspiracy theory idea.

A leopard trying to change its spots.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
A deal was made...and everybody knows it. Originally Posted by VitaMan

deals are made every day. your point is .. what?

Now both of you have to defend FOX and Mr.Trump...

And watch them tear each other down Originally Posted by VitaMan

FOX doesn't need defending. does CNN?

VitaMan's Avatar

Both of you defending FOX and Mr. Trump, while they tear each other down.

Now there's a cartoon everyone would like to see.

That deserves a double

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Both of you defending FOX and Mr. Trump, while they tear each other down.

Now there's a cartoon everyone would like to see.

That deserves a double

Bahahababa Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar