Randy4Candy's Avatar
I'm for the one-way charter flight to Damascus. gritsboy, SEE, Trendy, JL, IBSyndrome, no-stones, Corneyhole, acp and the rest of these teawipe patriots would make a hell of a difference over there.
I'm for the one-way charter flight to Damascus. gritsboy, SEE, Trendy, JL, IBSyndrome, no-stones, Corneyhole, acp and the rest of these teawipe patriots would make a hell of a difference over there. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Now that's what I'm talking about!

In fact, my kind and generous offer still stands to pay for StupidOldLyingFart, AKA Gritsboy, one way (First or Business Class) airfare to Beautiful Downtown Damascus.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm for the one-way charter flight to Damascus. gritsboy, SEE, Trendy, JL, IBSyndrome, no-stones, Corneyhole, acp and the rest of these teawipe patriots would make a hell of a difference over there. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Alternately, let's just break the US into several different countries. Maybe a liberal one, a conservative one, and a libertarian one. Then we wouldn't have to support all those Democrats getting free stuff from the government.
Alternately, let's just break the US into several different countries. Maybe a liberal one, a conservative one, and a libertarian one. Then we wouldn't have to support all those Democrats getting free stuff from the government. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Are you proposing that each state get a proportionate share of the pie, based upon the latest population count, prior to the break out?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Are you proposing that each state get a proportionate share of the pie, based upon the latest population count, prior to the break out? Originally Posted by bigtex
If that works for you, it would be a great place to start the discussion. The "pie" includes debt, too.
If that works for you, it would be a great place to start the discussion. The "pie" includes debt, too. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I am very partial to the 50 state set up that we currently have. I will leave it to you and the rest of the "cut and runners" to find someplace more aligned to your distorted view of the world.

Perhaps Beautiful Downtown Damascus might be a little more appealing to your kind!

Just sayin'
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I am very partial to the 50 state set up that we currently have. I will leave it to you and the rest of the "cut and runners" to find someplace more aligned to your distorted view of the world.

Perhaps Beautiful Downtown Damascus might be a little more appealing to your kind!

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
The 50 states are currently ruled over by an imperious federal government in which conservatives are enslaved to liberal policies. That's what you faggots like about the situation. I say it is tyranny.
The 50 states are currently ruled over by an imperious federal government in which conservatives are enslaved to liberal policies. That's what you faggots like about the situation. I say it is tyranny. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I hate to burst your loony 'bubble' but you and StupidOldLyingFart can't both be Jerry Fletcher.

You guys need to choose who is going to be the second coming of Jerry Fletcher and which will be the designated follower.

Please let us know which one of you emerges as the Lead Lunatic!
Hanoi Jane and Jerry Fletcher whatta pair.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I am very partial to the 50 state set up that we currently have. I will leave it to you and the rest of the "cut and runners" to find someplace more aligned to your distorted view of the world.

Perhaps Beautiful Downtown Damascus might be a little more appealing to your kind!

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
and get gas'd by the stuff that was made in Iraq, no thanks

how can the big city of Houston not have a respectable bball team or baseball, your football is getting better?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Alternately, let's just break the US into several different countries. Maybe a liberal one, a conservative one, and a libertarian one. Then we wouldn't have to support all those Democrats getting free stuff from the government. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Nah, gutless puss-wad, you guys need to move on into the real world and be vigorous, forceful agents of solving REAL problems, not these fantasies you guys bandy about here.
Are you proposing that each state get a proportionate share of the pie, based upon the latest population count, prior to the break out? Originally Posted by bigtex
Well it sounds like that's what a lot of people want it all to come to. Your proportionate share would probably less than what it is right now. So be careful what you wish for.
Well it sounds like that's what a lot of people want it all to come to. Your proportionate share would probably less than what it is right now. So be careful what you wish for. Originally Posted by acp5762
Please provide the link. As I recall, I was merely asking for clarification, not wishing! There is a significant difference between clarifying and wishing, you know!

Then again, perhaps you didn't know there is a difference between the two which would explain why you made your ASSumption in the first place.
Please provide the link. As I recall, I was merely asking for clarification, not wishing! There is a significant difference between clarifying and wishing, you know!

Then again, perhaps you didn't know there is a difference between the two which would explain why you made your ASSumption in the first place. Originally Posted by bigtex
Iam neither wishing or clarifying. Merely commenting from what I observe in here.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar