#MeToo Creator Tarana Burke

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  • 02-11-2018, 05:06 PM
So what is the main thesis of Taleb's book? Is Tarana Burke a black swan?

For someone who doesn't read and only goes to movies, ! Originally Posted by lustylad
TB's movement is a black swan you dumb fuck. Not her but the movement.

Dumb fucks like you never admint how much you do not know...which is one of the thesis of the book.

I both read and go to movies. After going to d'Sousa movie, I'd never waste money on his books.

Now stfu until you decide to quit lying out your ass.

lustylad's Avatar
TB's movement is a black swan you dumb fuck. Not her but the movement.

Dumb fucks like you never admint (sic) how much you do not know... which is one of the thesis (sic) of the book. Originally Posted by WTF
There are plenty of topics I admit to knowing little about. You should try it sometime.

So you're calling the #MeToo movement a "black swan"? Not even close.

Here is Taleb's definition of a black swan:

"...an event with the following three attributes. First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations, because nothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility. Second, it carries an extreme impact... Third, in spite of its outlier status, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable."

Sexual abuse has been around as long as sex itself. It's hardly an outlier per Taleb's definition. It isn't new or suddenly extreme, either as a phenomenon or a political issue. Given the mainstream media's obsession with President Pussy Grabber, it was already apparent and predicted well beforehand that a movement was likely to spring up.

Using Taleb's own 3-part definition of a black swan, you just struck out.

Wanna try again, dipshit?
bambino's Avatar
TB's movement is a black swan you dumb fuck. Not her but the movement.

Dumb fucks like you never admint how much you do not know...which is one of the thesis of the book.

I both read and go to movies. After going to d'Sousa movie, I'd never waste money on his books.

Now stfu until you decide to quit lying out your ass.

. Originally Posted by WTF
You’re a real Renaissance Man. A home builder, Lawyer, and now a movie critic! Siskel and Snitchy!!!!! What can’t you do besides get a hard on? BTW, Mooschell was our first Tranny First “Lady”!!!!!!
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  • WTF
  • 02-11-2018, 05:40 PM
There are plenty of topics I admit to knowing little about. You should try it sometime.

So you're calling the #MeToo movement a "black swan"? Not even close.

Here is Taleb's definition of a black swan:

"...an event with the following three attributes. First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations, because nothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility. Second, it carries an extreme impact... Third, in spite of its outlier status, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable."

Sexual abuse has been around as long as sex itself. It's hardly an outlier. It isn't new or suddenly extreme, either as a phenomenon or a political issue. Given the media's obsession with President Pussy Grabber, it was already apparent and predicted well beforehand that a movement like this was likely to spring up.

Using Taleb's own 3-part definition of a black swan, you just struck out.

Wanna try again, dipshit? Originally Posted by lustylad
It passes all three of Taleb's definition you nit wit.

It is an outlier, it is having huge ramifications and there was no reason to think it would go the way it did you dipshit.

Ask Steve Bannon...
lustylad's Avatar
It passes all three of Taleb's definition you nit wit.

It is an outlier, it is having huge ramifications and there was no reason to think it would go the way it did you dipshit.

Ask Steve Bannon... Originally Posted by WTF
Listen you stupid buffoon... the subtitle of Taleb's book is "The Impact of the Highly Improbable". There is nothing improbable about women forming a movement to combat sexual harassment.

Once again, it's not an outlier. It's not "outside the realm of regular expectations" per Taleb's definition. There are dozens of movements in the recent past that "point to its possibility". (Ever heard of the Tea Party? Also not a black swan!)

While it has had a big impact to date, it remains to be seen how sustainable it will be.

Finally, there is no need to explain it after the fact. Lots of people, in hollywood and elsewhere, now brag openly about how they saw it coming:


Strike one, strike two, strike three for you, dipshit.

MeToo is not a "highly improbable" or once-in-a-hundred-year event. Not a black swan. Not even close!

Wouldn't it be great if YOU were a black swan? Then I would only have to bitch-slap ONE moronic buffoon instead of thousands of them!
lustylad's Avatar
What can’t you do besides get a hard on? Originally Posted by bambino
Don't sell snitchy short. There's plenty he can't do. Like tell the truth. Or put his money where his mouth is. Or avoid applying double standards. Or recognize a black swan. Or refrain from posting under other handles when he is banned. Or... (you fill in the blank).
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  • WTF
  • 02-11-2018, 10:00 PM
Listen you stupid buffoon... the subtitle of Taleb's book is "The Impact of the Highly Improbable". There is nothing improbable about women forming a movement to combat sexual harassment. The improbability is that the movement is so effective! shit for brains.

Once again, it's not an outlier. It's not "outside the realm of regular expectations" per Taleb's definition. There are dozens of movements in the recent past that "point to its possibility". (Ever heard of the Tea Party? Also not a black swan!) You're right , the Tea party movement was a black turd.

While it has had a big impact to date, it remains to be seen how sustainable it will be.

Finally, there is no need to explain it after the fact. Lots of people, in hollywood and elsewhere, now brag openly about how they saw it coming: Yea and after the fact people brag openly about seeing the housing crisis.


! Originally Posted by lustylad
Seriously? Someone abused this woman?

Originally Posted by lustylad
Did they catch the sorry pimp that threw acid in her face?

No, you wouldn't. Everyone knows you're severely and irreparably comprehension-impaired.

Just like you pretend to read books by Dinesh d'Souza and Nassim Taleb.

The best you can do is listen to the audio version of the Cliff Notes. Even then, you still don't comprehend anything. Originally Posted by lustylad
So what is the main thesis of Taleb's book? Is Tarana Burke a black swan?

For someone who doesn't read and only goes to movies, you sure presume to make incredibly ignorant, sweeping blanket statements. You don't say which specific parts of which specific d'Souza books are fiction and explain why. Instead, you dismiss EVERYTHING in ALL of them. And then you come back and admit you've never read any of them!

You're a fucking joke! And a fraud! And a MORONIC BUFFOON! Originally Posted by lustylad
I'll have to praise WTF but in 15 years he finally learned how to do some basic HTML markup. But that should have only taken a day. You should have seen him in the mid2000s when he thought a movie or C&W song quote was a valid counterargument.

.. BTW, Mooschell was our first Tranny First “Lady”!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Please, the picture of the #MeToo bitch was bad enough, don't remind us of Moochelle. I'm glad to not have to look at that underbite jutting bitch anymore. I'm even more glad how I don't have to watch the press fawn over how beautiful she wasn't.
lustylad's Avatar
The improbability is that the movement is so effective! shit for brains. There is nothing improbable about it, you blind unthinking fool. The movement is effective because: 1) President Pussy Grabber is in the White House and the dim-retards think he is vulnerable on the issue even though he beat hildebeest by 10 percentage points among white women, and 2) the dim-retards are desperately trying to regain the moral high ground after one of their own - Harvey Weinstein - was exposed as an unbelievable fucking pig who felt entitled to expose himself to every young woman in hollywood and counted on his donations to lib-retard friends and lib-retard causes to protect him from the consequences of his deviance. It's all about politics.

You're right, the Tea party movement was a black turd. The Tea Party was very effective using the same standard you strain to apply to MeToo. They have an 8-year track record. They would have been even more effective if odumbo hadn't corrupted the IRS and instructed Lois Lerner to block their 501(c)(4) applications.

Yea and after the fact people brag openly about seeing the housing crisis. https://www.billboard.com/articles/c...vement-january
Gawd, are you stupid. You didn't even open my link. Many of the people who are bragging can point to their twitter posts or blogs that predicted a MeToo-type movement a year ago.
Originally Posted by WTF
I originally asked you if Tarana Burke was a black swan as a fucking joke! You're so retarded you took it seriously. Now you're twisting like a pretzel arguing MeToo is a black swan! Black swans are highly improbable, once-in-a-hundred-year events - like you having an erection.


She’d make a train take a dirt road. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
And they had to tie a pork chop around her neck when she was a kid to get the family dog to pay with her.
Seriously? Someone abused this woman?

Originally Posted by lustylad
About like Stan Dininshit was " sexually abused..." !
No, you wouldn't. Everyone knows you're severely and irreparably comprehension-impaired.

Just like you pretend to read books by Dinesh d'Souza and Nassim Taleb.

The best you can do is listen to the audio version of the Cliff Notes. Even then, you still don't comprehend anything. Originally Posted by lustylad
Mebbe he can ask the " Perfesser " to explain it to him between fudge packings !
Don't sell snitchy short. There's plenty he can't do. Like tell the truth. Or put his money where his mouth is. Or avoid applying double standards. Or recognize a black swan. Or refrain from posting under other handles when he is banned. Or... (you fill in the blank). Originally Posted by lustylad
Or....he can't resist offering his ASS AND MOUTH to every illegal that strolls by him ! Gotta be made into a " spitroast " by his " Gente " !
I originally asked you if Tarana Burke was a black swan as a fucking joke! You're so retarded you took it seriously. Now you're twisting like a pretzel arguing MeToo is a black swan! Black swans are highly improbable, once-in-a-hundred-year events - like you having an erection.

YOU. ARE. A. FUCKING. MORONIC. BUFFOON. Originally Posted by lustylad
Snitchy likes to distract threads. He also misuses phrases. Again, in the mid 2000s any argument that he couldn't think of a valid counter argument for he'd misuse the phrases "red herring" or "slippery slope". One year he must have used "slippery slope" 50 times. It teetered between "intellectual pathetic" and "sadly funny."

LL tried to educate him through repetition but finally threw up his hands. WDF has been yelling from the children's table ever since.
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  • WTF
  • 02-12-2018, 09:57 AM
I originally asked you if Tarana Burke was a black swan as a fucking joke! You're so retarded you took it seriously. Now you're twisting like a pretzel arguing MeToo is a black swan! Black swans are highly improbable, once-in-a-hundred-year events - like you having an erection.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes, I know , you thought it was funny to degrade a black woman's looks.

Do you think Steve Wynn saw this coming?

