joe bloe's Avatar
he paid $50K to sip Billy Beer and record Willard ?

peanut biz must be good eh .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Rush say's he got it off the internet. It's not likely he actually took the video.

Then again, he might have attended with laundered money from Red China or the Muslim Brotherhood. I hear they're always looking for bagmen to payoff Dimos.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2012, 01:55 PM
thats gotta be it!
LexusLover's Avatar
Harry Reid calls them "undocumented Americans." Originally Posted by joe bloe
They probably are in his state ...

North Americans from immediately South of the U.S. border
Central Americans a little farther South
South Americans farther South yet.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2012, 02:19 PM
The probably are in his state ...

North Americans from immediately South of the U.S. border
Central Americans a little farther South
South Americans farther South yet. Originally Posted by LexusLover

easy does it .. COF will edit you again

LexusLover's Avatar
easy does it .. COF will edit you again

lmao Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm always cheered by the spelling and grammar police ...

..... petty with no substance.

On a more substantive note ...

.. the polls on the sold called "gaffe" are that roughly 70% of the likely to vote would either vote for him for making the statement or the statement didn't change their mind. In the scheme of things this so called "gaffe" will not make a suficient difference to warrant the attention.....

.. but what it is doing is detracting from discussions regarding the substantive differences between the two candidates and that benefits Obaminable, because his bullshit has caught up with him and he wants to redirect the light.

What is at least academically interesting is that those who voted for him in 2008 are actually intending on votiing for him again in 2012 irrespective of his lack luster performance, his failure to perform to his promises, and his inability to profer an original thought.

I would think he will not be a candidate for positive examples of the value of affirmative action programs in the colleges he attended. He was assisted in obtaining degrees, but he doesn't seem to have learned much that can be applied in the real world in the way of producing anything of value. It seems lke he has the paper, but he doesn't have the skills.

It does seem that his campaign people agree. They would much rather ridicule Romney than boast about the intellectural superiority of their candidate and the great job he has done while in office.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2012, 03:06 PM
I like the syntax soldiers myself.
Income from capital gains is also income that has already been taxed. The capital gains tax is a double tax. Also, increasing the capital gains tax doesn't increase revenue, because of the negative effect on the GDP. Originally Posted by joe bloe
No it isn't. The original investment has presumably been taxed. The resulting profit hasn't. The profit is what you pay the taxes on not the entire sale price.

COG, I gotta go check out your other thread. I hadn't heard the bit was spun.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
It wasn't a "gaffe" it was Romney's views in private provided to donors at a $50K a plate fundraiser. The reason it is a problem is that a couple of those views differ markedly from what he has said in public. He will be dogged in the media and possibly in debates by questions about whether what he said in public or to his wealthy donors was actually what he meant and the truth as he sees it. Basically he was for it before he was against. it or vice versa. Damaging, not with most of his base, but it remains to be seen how damaging.

Also, it shows a great deal of contempt and disdain for all those 47% who didn't pay income taxes (they paid state, local, payroll, property if they owned and other taxes, just not income tax) in 2011. He basically said that none of them "take personal responsibility and care for their lives." The problem is that more than half of the 47% are supporters of the Republican Party in Red southern states and actually voted Republican for McCain last election! A bunch of them are retirees who worked their whole lives and paid taxes and now no longer do because they retired partially or mostly on Social Security.

BTW, the percentage of those not paying income tax is headed down toward 35% now and will drop further as the housing market comes back and we create more jobs.

Lastly, yes, there is a missing 1 to 2 minutes where it is claimed the recorder shut off. This is claimed to be like the Nixon tapes, except that it is what Romney said on the tape that is damaging and it is what got erased on the Nixon tapes that was suspected to be damaging in that case. I honestly doubt that even if it was a selective edit that anything Romney could have said during that 1 to 2 minutes would make up for what is on the tape or make it all better.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2012, 05:09 PM
if youre a fringe group rightwinger Romney misspoke aka gaffe

if youre the rest of the world he shoved his foot in his mouth
joe bloe's Avatar
if youre a fringe group rightwinger Romney misspoke aka gaffe

if youre the rest of the world he shoved his foot in his mouth Originally Posted by CJ7
Dimo's consider any comment, that doesn't show sufficient respect to the freeloaders, as a gaffe. Republican politicians are all supposed to live in terror of offending our precious welfare parasites.
Romney will be the new teflon candidate gaffs will just not stick...
Romney will be the new teflon candidate gaffs will just not stick... Originally Posted by ekim008
We can only hope....................that Democrats stop making up "gaffs" and just report the news.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Romney will be the new teflon candidate gaffs will just not stick... Originally Posted by ekim008

Romney's magic underwear seems to be made of teflon.
We'll see if that's true when the next round of polls come out.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-20-2012, 11:38 AM
By the way, the Romney "gaffe" tape was doctored. See my other thread. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And aren't you the guy who posted yet another thread touting how Obama said he's for redistribution? In a tape that was doctored?

Thought so.

COG, I gotta go check out your other thread. I hadn't heard the bit was spun. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Please oh please oh please oh please let me go to that thread and find where you commented on it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-20-2012, 11:45 AM
Dimo's consider any comment, that doesn't show sufficient respect to the freeloaders, as a gaffe. Republican politicians are all supposed to live in terror of offending our precious welfare parasites. Originally Posted by joe bloe
like willards old man?