Every day, Biden smells like more of a loser.

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  • WTF
  • 10-24-2021, 11:43 AM
Without going through the article point by point....He will get the infrastructure bill passed.

He will get the other passed at around 2 trillion. He is pacifying the progressive wing of the party who wants the whole 3.5 trillion.

I will say that he does not give a fuck what Trump lovers think. Are any of you numbnut Trump lovers unaware of this fact?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who cares who penned the article. Read it and make your point for or against the substance of what was written. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
If it were to have originated at CNN (XiNN as some members of my ignore list call it) you’d have plenty to say.

Let’s start with what a loser smells like.

Then let’s talk about the Trump 30,000 lies you and other swallowed hook line and sinker.

Then we can discuss the skewed point of view.

And finally, prepare for the rage whining when Biden’s agenda is passed.

Grace Preston's Avatar
Every Day - teh liberal cultists continue to parrot Xinn.

They pave the way for their very own entry into teh AOC concentration camps. Originally Posted by oeb11

There you are again-- calling others names while crying if its done to you.

He asked for the source. While I'm sure based on history that Yssup's intentions are not pure and innocent-- asking for the source is, in and of itself, a reasonable request.

And for the love of God-- how long are you going to continue the "teh" thing? Its insipid and obnoxious and detracts from any point you may actually attempt to make.
Without going through the article point by point....He will get the infrastructure bill passed.

He will get the other passed at around 2 trillion. He is pacifying the progressive wing of the party who wants the whole 3.5 trillion.

I will say that he does not give a fuck what Trump lovers think. Are any of you numbnut Trump lovers unaware of this fact? Originally Posted by WTF
Biden doesn't care what anyone thinks, both Democrats and Republicans alike. He's just doing what his handlers tell him to do. If citizens are in support of these Bills great, if they aren't tough shit. These people don't care about any of us.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Based on history, my intention is to put some context behind any cut and paste job introduced with “I fucking told you so.”

Not only is required information in any debate, it’s common courtesy.

No innocent or guilty intentions apply.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Biden doesn't care what anyone thinks, both Democrats and Republicans alike. He's just doing what his handlers tell him to do. If citizens are in support of these Bills great, if they aren't tough shit. These people don't care about any of us. Originally Posted by Levianon17

See.. I don't even think he's doing what handlers tell him to do. Most of what he's been doing is pretty "on brand" for him for the past 40 years. I don't think he's an addled old man-- I think he's playing the hell out of that card in the event there are any repercussions.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
If Biden keeps this course, more and more Americans will be wishing he would smell like a corpse.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wishing the President would drop dead is a new American tradition. Goes back about four years.
If it were to have originated at CNN (XiNN as some members of my ignore list call it) you’d have plenty to say.

Let’s start with what a loser smells like.

Then let’s talk about the Trump 30,000 lies you and other swallowed hook line and sinker.

Then we can discuss the skewed point of view.

And finally, prepare for the rage whining when Biden’s agenda is passed.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As AE stated and this doesn't need verification...

" It’s worth noting that Ronald Reagan went on to win 49 states, three years later."

If the PISSANTS agenda is passed we ALL lose...I don't expect you to understand that because it takes someone with a grasp on reality!! You show where you stand supporting this out of control spending that will magnify the inflation rates we have now into a hyperinflation disaster. Carter's misery index come to mine

It's easier to ask you since you have over 52k worthless post...you can debunk her with just ONE accomplishment he has done for the country...he doesn't have a 38% approval rating without earning it. We were told by the wopo that our expectations from him were to high and as "SPOILED" Americans and we should lower them

That's right you have anyone that calls you out on your complete nonsense on ignore...wouldn't want you to get your head out of the sand and face REALITY!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This message is hidden because bb1961 is on your ignore list.
See.. I don't even think he's doing what handlers tell him to do. Most of what he's been doing is pretty "on brand" for him for the past 40 years. I don't think he's an addled old man-- I think he's playing the hell out of that card in the event there are any repercussions. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
What's puzzling is he has made this one statement more than once during Press Conferences. "I don't think I should answer that. I don't want to get into trouble". I've heard him make that statement on a couple of occasions. I am not sure why he thinks he could get into trouble for answering a question from the press. Whatever, maybe that's his game. Regardless, I've never like.d Biden. I think he's a "Showboating" Fucknut
This message is hidden because bb1961 is on your ignore list. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just adding to you 52k+ worthless posts...who gives a fuck who's on you IGNORE list it just shows your childish behavior
You were banned multiple time during Trumps presidency because of you TDS...and now you find the VALID criticism of the PISSANT unbecoming.
You are a hypocrite of the highest order!!
P.S. Whatever happened to HoseHummer??????
Wishing the President would drop dead is a new American tradition. Goes back about four years. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
This one has a much better chance. Keep your stubby little fingers crossed.
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