White House Incompetance Continues....

Munchmasterman's Avatar
"let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning".... Meatloaf

She used sleep deprivation on him and got her answer that night.

And now he’s praying for the end of time.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Did you notice they use the name of the company for the catastrophic incident that occurred under the noses of most of the Bush administration to define the epitome for upper management corruption and malfeasance?

Did you notice that the author tried to compare Solyndra to Enron? If you didn’t laugh on your own then read up on why they are nothing even remotely the same. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yeah it proves that the incumbent is a failure.
Still waiting for the proof of Obam's supposed intellect....can somebody point me to his IQ tests, academic records, or other exhibits that.........

I can categorically say that Bush has a superior intellect over Obama; but I can't prove it because we have Bush's academic record from Yale, but we need Obama's from Harvard to compare against......

And we know that Bush's academic performance at Yale was alot higher than the esteemed Al Gore (we have both Bush and Gore's records for the comparison).

Obama won't release his academic records.......why not? What is he hidding?
Still waiting for the proof of Obam's supposed intellect....can somebody point me to his IQ tests, academic records, or other exhibits that.........

I can categorically say that Bush has a superior intellect over Obama; but I can't prove it because we have Bush's academic record from Yale, but we need Obama's from Harvard to compare against......

And we know that Bush's academic performance at Yale was alot higher than the esteemed Al Gore (we have both Bush and Gore's records for the comparison).

Obama won't release his academic records.......why not? What is he hidding? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I see you have taken another heapin' dose of hate pills again this morning!
waverunner234's Avatar
Still waiting for the proof of Obam's supposed intellect....can somebody point me to his IQ tests, academic records, or other exhibits that.........

I can categorically say that Bush has a superior intellect over Obama; but I can't prove it because we have Bush's academic record from Yale, but we need Obama's from Harvard to compare against......
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Bush sure didn't follow those classes ... eh what's it called .... "how to Govern a country"? And his math was for sure below every level.
Big Tax Cuts + starting 2 wars = ??? (equilibrium?) Every high school kid would have done a much better job.
The above posts by Wave and BixTex is dribble..note how they don't dispute my statement with their own set of facts but with typical liberal jibberish...

here is a link referencing the New Yorker magazine which published Bush's transcripts from Yale indicaing his cumulative grade rating; comparing his academic performance equal to Kerry's.....


and another link:


and another:


Still waiting for the Obama zombies to offer up similar proof of the so-called intellect of the Slacker-In-Chief !

waverunner234's Avatar
Do you really think I give a fuck?
  • Laz
  • 09-04-2011, 09:53 AM
Good grades do not mean anything. I want to see a policy that Obama has championed that demonstrates an understanding of the free market economy and how it works. Bush had flaws, we all know that so put it in the past. Show me anything that Obama is doing that is an improvement over the past.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think I understand the real meaning of your avatar now.

You are subconsciously telling us that you are really only a one-trick pony.

Everyone of your posts is about bashing President Obama.

Don't you have anything else to say, man?

Why don't you surprise us with something radical and write a review instead of your incessant and one-sided diatribes against President Obama?

You must be Rush Limbaugh in disguise, but still doing your same tired old spiel here on the board!

. . . Give it a rest Whirly. You are tiresome and it's time to get off your hobby horse!

The above posts by Wave and BixTex is dribble..note how they don't dispute my statement with their own set of facts but with typical liberal jibberish...

here is a link referencing the New Yorker magazine which published Bush's transcripts from Yale indicaing his cumulative grade rating; comparing his academic performance equal to Kerry's.....


and another link:


and another:


Still waiting for the Obama zombies to offer up similar proof of the so-called intellect of the Slacker-In-Chief !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Corporate profits are currently the highest this year since 1947. Yet the corps still are not hiring in the US and shipping more jobs overseas.

Obama may be US President but he doesn't control the corps.

IMHO, all the corps should be called out as unpatriotic.

And if you say that the corps are only maximizing profits to please the shareholders, then you should point the finger at them, but certainly not Obama. He has no control over jobs, but he gets the criticism.

Just as Perry has not control over jobs, yet he is taking the credit for Texas. The jobs in Texas are a benefit of groups of people fleeing the North, and jobs being created to serve the people who fled to Texas. That is NOT something Perry did. It was a happenstance of time and opportunity.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
It's called the Delphi Method/Technique. They can't answer the question, because they lose momentum. They may not even be aware they are using the delphi method, but they have been taught how to manipulate the argument to gain the advantage. The statistics that we all see are not being used to show fact, they are only being used to shape your opinion. They know that if they persist that even a lie can become an opinion based truth and their opinion is the only truth (in their own mind). Some people are extremely susceptable to this technique like some people can be hypnotized and some people can't.

To show this technique at work, look at the R debates and straw polls. Who, in general, wins the straw polls, but is marginalized by the pundits and "national" polls? Ron Paul wins the majority of all straw polls but they are pushing establishment R's like Perry. The only people that actually like Huntsman, that I have seen, are the left wing pundits. I haven't met anyone on the right that actually likes Huntsman, but the left tell you that the only candidtate that can beat Obama is someone like Huntsman. They are trying to shape the opinion of the listener to shape the policies of the next election. It's fairly obvious that the incumbent can't win so they want someone who leans left to advance their ideology, because if the next president doesn't tow the establishment line, he will lose a reelction bid just like Bush 41.

The power of the Delphi method in gaining consensus is first that comments are anonymous, on a SHMB is easily obtainable, which helps the OP avoid defending their original position. It also allows them to be gradually swayed by the majority but without undue direct social pressure. Being able to see what others have said or scored and then rethinking your own position can act as a very effective influence.

Those of us who don't follow one of the "2" party lines call the people who do, "sheep."
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Corporate profits are currently the highest this year since 1947. Yet the corps still are not hiring in the US and shipping more jobs overseas.

Obama may be US President but he doesn't control the corps.

IMHO, all the corps should be called out as unpatriotic.

And if you say that the corps are only maximizing profits to please the shareholders, then you should point the finger at them, but certainly not Obama. He has no control over jobs, but he gets the criticism.

Just as Perry has not control over jobs, yet he is taking the credit for Texas. The jobs in Texas are a benefit of groups of people fleeing the North, and jobs being created to serve the people who fled to Texas. That is NOT something Perry did. It was a happenstance of time and opportunity. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
LTNS CT, you are right and wrong, IMHO. Yes, Perry is taking credit which is a falicy. However, the people are migrating to Texas because the state has a business freindly model compared to the states they are departing. That business freindly model creates a CLIMATE that grows jobs that wouldn't be here otherwise.

That said, blue state ideology is also migrating to TX with those jobs, which will eventually change the demographics, because, lets face it, liberals are a lot more politically active than conservatives who tend to say, leave me alone. However, the silent majority is waking up, because the politicians are now actively attacking their way of life.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It is fairly obvious that "the incumbent" won't win the election?

You must be joking!

It is not even clear who will be running against President Obama, but you pompously state what you believe the election results to be "fairly obvious"?

. . . Give us a break, Nostradamus!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
It is fairly obvious that "the incumbent" won't win the election?

You must be joking!

It is not even clear who will be running against President Obama, but you pompously state what you believe the election results to be "fairly obvious"?

. . . Give us a break, Nostradamus!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
They are and you'd be a fool not to see the writing on the wall. It's not a prophecy, it's a statement of the writing on the wall. Just look at TTH who is now bashing BO for being a wimp. The hard-liner left see him the same way and with black unemployment at it's highest in 27 years, he's about to loose a large constituency that votes or at a minimum a disenfrachised voter base who will not show up to the polls. Or the hard-line enviro-nuts who just lost key policy power when obama pulls the plug on EPA policy making.

The unemployed and underemployed, even on the left, see him as weak, by not bringing jobs back form overseas especially when his jobs czar, Jeff Immult, is one of the CEOs shipping those jobs overseas.

It appears you are pretty blinded by idol worship. Have you fainted in his presence yet or do you get a tingle up your leg when he reads from a teleprompter? Bleet much?
  • Laz
  • 09-04-2011, 11:22 AM
LTNS CT, you are right and wrong, IMHO. Yes, Perry is taking credit which is a falicy. However, the people are migrating to Texas because the state has a business freindly model compared to the states they are departing. That business freindly model creates a CLIMATE that grows jobs that wouldn't be here otherwise.

That said, blue state ideology is also migrating to TX with those jobs, which will eventually change the demographics, because, lets face it, liberals are a lot more politically active than conservatives who tend to say, leave me alone. However, the silent majority is waking up, because the politicians are now actively attacking their way of life. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
DFW is correct about the climate that creates jobs. So let's look at the climate Obama is pushing. High health care costs, high energy costs, high labor costs, higher taxes, higher gov regulation, etc.. Given all of that why would any corporation operate here if there was a viable alternative elsewhere. We need to have an attitude in DC that businesses making money is a good thing and find ways to support that here in the US.