MOSG During Half Hour Sessions

capt_nemo35's Avatar
Wow, I didnt know I had friends in the'll need to let me know who they are before I can have them do anything on my behalf. If any threats were made, it was you making threats on me when you stated you were going to post negative BS about me saying I demanded a service and got pissed with you when you denied it....when we both know the truth is you declined to offer what I was looking for and I politely said thanks and declined to see you. I'm over this silly game you're playing. I have the text messages showing you got pissy when you changed your mind on offering a service when you realized I was moving on and I simply said 'no thanks'.
capt_nemo35's Avatar
Grow up and accept the fact that I made a decision to not see you based on the fact that you didnt offer I service I was looking for. It's that simple. No threats were made, other than you threatening to bash me on the boards and warn quality providers to stay away from me. I frankly informed you that I would respond to anything you posted, and I have. I'm not running from anything because I didnt do anything wrong. I dont take it personal- I move on. You dont offer the service I want, I find a provider that does. You want to make this a big drama pile and lie about shit and I want you to stop texting me and simply move on. Thanks
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
To answer the question I say if he can do it the go for it...Why I allow 30 mins session because sometimes thats all the time in world he has to spend on himself due to his real world duties so why limit him.
MARTlAN's Avatar
I love hh sessions and they are always enough time to meet, fall in love, propose, get married, fuck like crazy, then Im tired we get divorced and I go find another one and do it all over again.
Gr8fun's Avatar
Still think we are paying for time with provider, not number of shots!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Still think we are paying for time with provider, not number of shots! Originally Posted by Gr8fun

Exactly and its up to you how you choose to use it
The only games I play are dress up and doctor,lol...
ozmosys's Avatar
Whatever happened to service with a smile? If it's not about time, and especially quality time, then next thing you know, they'll be wanting to take multiple fares. "Hey, I've got two holes. Why shouldn't I double book?"
WyldemanATX's Avatar
If it is only one per Hhr I would ask how much for 5 minutes. I can pop 3 times an hr so to me MSOG is however many times I can within the time frame that is what I am gonna do.
I do sevice with a smile, in fact any Austin guy who has seen me will tell you I smile and so do they.

And Oz.. Some girls do double book, lol... Most provider's I know don't fly to greece without paying for a plane ticket.
I've gotten Greek regular menu every time in Austin .
Im just wondering if it actually is Rose responding to this or Jay... Her "representation" Originally Posted by Suave78

Did everyone miss this one???

Rose was he talking to you or this Jay, are we talking to Rose or Jay??
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Should be an all inclusive flight. I hate upsellers.
No capt, I was pissed when you threatened to try to ruin my good name "my reviews prove that" and threatened to have your friends post bad reviews... I only respond to the text you send, grow up. If I'm lieing then I can post your threats.. I guess your gonna say that's not your number and I some how stole your phone since we never met. You only snapped when I asked you not to contact me because I didn't like the way you were talking to me. Now your trying to switch what happened to me like it happened to you.
Guess your gonna lie and deny these threats you made too... I don't play games and I explained why I changed my mind. I hate drama and bs. I didn't mention your name because I didn't want to start crap but only wanted to protect myself from your threats. You named yourself and made this go further when you kept texting me. Here's your text where you threatened me.
And your right.. You don't want to see me and I don't want to see you as well. I don't cut my time short with anybody. Once you pop you can spend the remaining time cuddling, talking, showering.... I do not cut time short. Playing games it NCNS, not providing, sending people to wrong address and I do not do any of that. I provide and I do it well as my reviews show. I'm the lier yet I have not lied once. Here's your threats you text me. On this note I protected myself from you trying ruin my reputation and people can judge for themselves.. If anybody doubts these text being "real" I will foward them to anybody who wants the truth...

(staff edit; picture of private communication removed; ztonk) Originally Posted by asian rose

Capt, since she's posting text shots why don't you do the same. Rose it looks like he is telling you to leave him alone in that text (you know the part you seem to be skipping) and telling you if you are gonna threaten him he can threaten you back.
Isn't posting personal communications on Eccie against the Guidelines ?