Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste... AOC Says the Federal Reserve's Short-Term Liquidity Injection Justifies Blanket Forgiveness of All Student Loan Debt!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
and why not? those stinky chinks and their shithole live animal markets caused a global issue, covered it up for two months while it spread, causing massive financial impact for the world including themselves and we just let the economy go to shit over it?

you act like the rates are being cut for no good reason. if not for them chinks do yous really think this would be needed?

what an idiot you are. aren't you the moron who says on the one hand the fed debt doesn't matter then blabber like a loon over Trump's so-called huge debt run up which isn't happening?

and deny yer god queer Obama ran up 9 TRILLION? but that's okay .. it doesn't matter unless it's Trump, right?

did you watch the debate tonight? i did for the first hour to get a laugh then switched to "The Walking Dead". spoiler alert ... NEGAN KILLS ALPHA!

BAHHAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Your racist whataboutism is showing, Wacky.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your racist whataboutism is showing, Wacky. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

your socialist stupidity is proven.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
your socialist stupidity is proven. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If you say so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you say so. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

thank yous socialist poster!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Your welcome racist poster.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Berman has worked for MarketWatch, the HuffPost and Bloomberg.

Yep! she's a libtard!


  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2020, 05:26 AM
Your welcome racist poster. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Thank you 9500- when the default post for Fascist DPST's come up - "Racism"!!!
Foolish, shortsighted idiots who have no sense of personal responsibility - want the government to be responsible for everyone's personal decisions as adults for a lifetime.

Thank you - NO!!!

Absolve Student debt - it will never end - the next year - new students want their debt absolved - it means free college for all everywhere.

When America takes the national treasury as its personal pocketbook, the end of our represenative democracy - and imposition of toalitarianisms is near.

Welcome to your 1984 - Orwell would be pleased to see his prescience validated, 9500!
you guys use the red herring AOC loan forgiveness angle, hoping we won't realize the FED just cut rates to ZERO, which is free money to big business. how is that "better" than AOC's suggestion?

what about Trump's plan to slash payroll taxes.. isn't that free money too?

you guys have trouble meeting truth head on. anything to avoid saying anything bad about your KING Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Who is not meeting the truth head on here.

Cutting Fed interest rates isn't "free money" to anyone. It's interest free money that will be paid back. How does that equate to forgiving student debt. It doesn't.

Also, slashing payroll taxes isn't free money, it's letting the business keep more of it's money out of government hands.

It's not apples to apples in any way. Why people think the government is entitled to an unlimited supply of money from the people always amazes me.
perhaps, just maybe perhaps, aoc isn't all that stupid

wait, ok, I realize her other statements are stupid, such as the reason the unemployment rate is low etc

but here, she might just think kids wont know the difference and it binds the dumb kids to her and the left all the more

so she thinks the kids and others are dumb, and she just might be right

"they did it for the rich people, they should do it for us"

the left is all about by any means necessary you know
lustylad's Avatar
Cutting Fed interest rates isn't "free money" to anyone. It's interest free money that will be paid back. How does that equate to forgiving student debt. It doesn't.

Also, slashing payroll taxes isn't free money, it's letting the business keep more of its money out of government hands.

It's not apples to apples in any way. Originally Posted by eccielover

Thanks, you beat me to it. Chungy's stupidly false analogies made me cringe as much as AOC's original stupidly false analogy did.

Methinks both AOC and chungy have taken lessons from wtf in how to come up with the most ridiculously absurd "analogies" and the most inapt comparisons
lustylad's Avatar
Wikipedia. Right. Sure...

Did you try to discredit the substance of the piece? Or just the author? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Are you whining because TWK took a page out of your playbook? You always go after the source, never the substance. It's the easy chickenshit way to object.

Ever notice those little numbers that are sprinkled throughout every wikipedia article? They're called footnotes. And they link each statement directly to its source. That's how scholars check and challenge each other. Wikipedia is hardly infallible, but it's a far more credible source than anything you ever use.
lustylad's Avatar
So I guess you Trump sheep like to have a go at AOC and her so called Socialist programs but on the flip side you’re not going to get Trump to admit that there’s an even bigger handout of cash to huge corporations excess of $110 billion per yr. that’s billed to you, the tax payer.
It’s called Corporate Welfare and here are the most well known recipients
Walmart.....$6 billion per yr.
Nike.......$2.03 billion
Royal Dutch shell.......$2.04 billion.
Fiat Chrysler ........$2.06 billion.
Ford ...........$2.52 billion.
GM..........$3.58 billion.
Intel...........$3.87 billion..
Alcoa..........$5.64 billion.
Boeing.......$13.18 billion.
But of course if you don’t know about this then you’re not paying attention are you.
And you all bitch about socialism....well what the hell do you think this is then...scotch mist? Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Lookee here folks! Blissnpissboy spits out a bunch of numbers and demonstrates once again he's too utterly clueless to furnish a link. I mean, how stupid do you have to to be not to know how to cut and paste your source?

Not that it matters. We all know the numbers he rattled off do not represent "handouts" or "welfare" in ANY sense of those words. Rather, they are tax provisions (e.g. common sense deductions, etc.) that allow the businesses in question to keep more of what they earn and be free to reinvest it in hiring and new equipment - instead of forking everything over to the government, which is the dispenser of REAL HANDOUTS such as free college tuition for uneducated and uneducatable morons like blissnpissboy!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wikipedia. Right. Sure.

Can't you find a better reference source other than a site open to worldwide manipulation? Apparently not.

And why wouldn't I post literature that support my views? Moron. Did you try to discredit the substance of the piece? Or just the author?

Bring up schools that went out of business?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

gotdam boy .. u is STUPID

the author of the MarketWatch YOU posted used Corinthian College as an example ..

To see how the idea of student-debt cancellation made it to the mainstream, it’s useful to understand the experience of borrowers such as Nathan Hornes. Hornes, 29, had his federal student debt discharged after years of activism. In 2015, he was part of a group of 15 former students of for-profit chain Corinthian Colleges who went on a debt strike and refused to repay their federal student loans, which they argued were fraudulent, as a way to pressure the government to discharge them.

Corinthian filed for bankruptcy in 2015 amid allegations that the company had misled students about job placement and graduation rates — tactics Hornes said he experienced firsthand.

this is from your own article u dummy

I think that suspension of payment and suspension of interest for individuals actually effected by the virus could be justified. They would need to provide evidence of how they were effected i.e. I work for Blankman college and they suspended campus classes for six week and I was not permitted to return to work during that period. (I never had a student loan so I don't know if you have monthly payments or not.)
Sure, forgive the debts...only if the colleges and universities can pay back the money to the lenders as well. Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff didn't rip-off the public as much as the American liberal arts university and college system has.