You liberals need to watch Fox, I know you aren’t seeing it on your usual source

oilfieldace's Avatar
Yup, repugnants will investigate, sue and get laughed out of court and sanctioned like Don the Con’s 40 times!

Originally Posted by dumars
Or like Dems the past 6 years.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-18-2022, 11:12 AM
Or like Dems the past 6 years. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
The Dems have had quite a few convictions over the past 4 years....Trump pardoned many but rest assured they were convicted.
VitaMan's Avatar
Interesting point made by some judges that a pardon is an admission of guilt.

And for some, 1 pardon was not enough to keep them from committing another criminal act and ending up in jail.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I switched to Fox the other day.
They always seemed like a light weight outfit.
What do you know? They pre-empt #HeWhoShallBeNamed speech.
Why would they do that?!?!

I only turned to Fox because for some reason OAN wasn't there anymore? Can someone tell me what happened to that freeloading deadbeat (they were given a channel slot gratis by ATT *I* think) radical station? Originally Posted by Precious_b

Compared to who? Fox News is number 1 in cable news. Light weights don't usually come in at #1
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh goodie- more wasted time and energy. If the Jan 6 committee was a waste of time, and there were ppl who are in jail because of it, then the Hunter laptop investigation will be even less excitement. Reasons being:

1.A Democratic run Senate- will not process any impeachment from the house, just like they did it for Trump. Unless members of the Senate are looking for a way to remove Biden.
The House can impeach whatever the Senate does. Now the House can show the evidence and hope the outrage over things prods the Senate into action.

2. Last time I checked, Hunter wasn't running for office, and while there may be some innuendo of impropriety, there will not be enough time to get through the laptop and facts to do anything about it. This is not about Hunter per se, this is about how involved the "big guy" was with overseas affairs in and out of office

3. The ppl elected to the house are there to create laws for the citizens of the US. I'm fairly certain that the entire populous of the US has seen that investigations, lead to nothing in this day and age. Payback for looking into Trump- maybe, but results; nope Broken window theory political style. If you ignore law breaking then you encourage it. Biden has broken the law by many accounts, we just can't ignore it.

4. The lame duck presidency will be the worst 2 yrs coming due to nothing getting done, while we all pay these numbskulls to sit and bloviate on more conspiracy theories and accusations. What is on that laptop is not a conspiracy theory.
What we know so far (and some things we can't even discuss here) is that Biden and family have been in bed with some pretty unsavory characters with very deep interests in US policy overseas. If the president is compromised then it is in the interest of national security to expose it.

This is reminding me more about high school than anything, where we are gonna get that guy for saying bad things about our side; and vice versa. I'd rather they all got voted out. One thing is for sure- politics in the US is broken, and there are really bad rules that keep ppl there longer than needed. Imagine if there was no way for a speaker of the house or senate to limit the bills that came to the floor and they ALL had to be voted on; There actually might be some great things that happen in the congress. The fact that 70-80% never see the light of day is horrible.

No that is not something you'll hear about on Fox, CNN or any other channel. But if you're tribe wears red, and you are out for just watching a charade and more drama, the next cpl years will be fun for you. Just nothing getting done however will be the outcome. Originally Posted by eyecu2
High school huh? How about your brand new quarterback of your winning football team has just transferred in from a rival school across town. Where do his loyalties lie? Especially if his dad is the principal of his former school and his little brother is on the varsity team. Would you trust him?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
As for the ridiculous charge about Fox news being light weights; Fox News is made up of veterans, lawyers, judges, cops, economists, policy people, and recovering politicians. The others have mostly journalism majors with a few people with real world experience. Fox news also has had and does have several award winning reporters.
Precious_b's Avatar
Compared to who? Fox News is number 1 in cable news. Light weights don't usually come in at #1 Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Light weights in what qualitative do *you* mean?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Light weights in what qualitative do *you* mean? Originally Posted by Precious_b

FOX has been number 1 on cable for 20 years running. that alone makes everyone else lightweights ...

Fox News Dominates Q3 Cable News Ratings As All Networks See Declines In Prime Time

NEW YORK – February 1, 2022 – FOX News Channel (FNC) has accomplished another historic feat, marking its 20th consecutive year as the number one cable news network in total day and primetime, according to Nielsen Media Research.Feb 1, 2022

speaking of lightweights ..

CNN employees brace for layoffs after network chief warns of ‘unsettling’ changes ahead

CNN to Carry Out Layoffs in Early December

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
speaking of lightweights...

it have to be a program not in the top 10 cable ratings rankings.

Rachel madcow is the only one thats been in the top 10 cable ratings ranking.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Let's see, definition of a lightweight. How about CBS with it's "ground breaking" investigation ( two years after the fact ) that "verified" ( sorry Leslie "it's never been verified" Stahl of 60 minutes"), that Hunter's laptop HAS NOW BEEN VERIFIED by CBS that the laptop is Hunter's and no indication what so ever that it was written by anybody other than Hunter and no reason to believe that everything Hunter wrote, wasn't truthful especially the part when Hunter told his sister that DAD won't make HER pay him half of everything she makes..

Fox News along with the New York Post and some actual journalist, broke this story 2 years ago with every Democrat, Social Media, MSM and US Intelligence agencies claiming it to be Russian disinformation.

Can you imagine all the people who will now be on TV apologizing? Ha Ha, don't hold your breathe, there will be no apologies.

Another example of "lightweight journalism" would be the FACT that nobody but Fox News is the ONLY news organization with reporters and sophisticated drones, reporting on the border EVERYDAY. No other news organization has reporters giving daily briefings on the border.

If you aren't watching Fox News, you have no idea what is happening to this country especially the "sexualazation" of children.
Precious_b's Avatar
FOX has been number 1 on cable for 20 years running. that alone makes everyone else lightweights ...

... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ah. That "qualitative" is right up there with the Komotsky Pravda and TASS. Ima MediaZona guy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ah. That "qualitative" is right up there with the Komotsky Pravda and TASS. Ima MediaZona guy. Originally Posted by Precious_b

oh please. TASS is state owned and Pravda was the official newspaper of the Soviet Communist party while it existed. it's still the official paper of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

comparing FOX to state owned/political party owned media is a dog that don't hunt. if you want to infer FOX is a conservative mouthpiece fine but what does that make CNN or MSNBC? left leaning mouthpieces.

and it doesn't alter the fact that FOX is the top cable channel and has been for 20 years.

you might find this interesting ...

More Democrats watch Fox News during prime time than CNN: data

Opinion | Democrats With a Dirty Secret — They Watch Fox

shocking isn't it? is it any wonder CNN's ratings are tanking?

what could these Democrats be looking for on FOX they can't apparently get on CNN? the truth perhaps???
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-23-2022, 06:33 PM
Fox News is basically the only right wing news channel...all the others are splitting up the left leaning crowd.

So it isn't surprising they have the most viewers.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fox News is basically the only right wing news channel...all the others are splitting up the left leaning crowd.

So it isn't surprising they have the most viewers. Originally Posted by WTF

so because so many of the media are far left as you point out (and we all know) FOX is number one because there are too many far left mainstream media to compete with FOX.

thanks for clearing that up!

btw how do you explain why Democrats watch FOX?

this should be interesting ..
HedonistForever's Avatar
Add another one to the list. My Democrat friend who has been a Fox hater which he gets not from watching Fox but listening to all the liberal media bashing Fox. So tonight he told me he will start watching Fox ( Tucker ) to see what I keep telling him about. He is a smart guy, just brain washed. He lives in Louisiana and Louisana, even with a Democrat Gov ( go figure ) has a red as can be legislature and Louisiana is at the bottom rung of the latter in every single category that makes a difference in peoples lives like education, so he has pretty good reasons for hating the Republican party but I keep telling him that he has to increase his knowledge beyond Louisiana if he wants to know what is really happening in this country.

Literally every time we talk he says "I didn't know that". Maybe he'll finally watch but I doubt it, he is too far down the rabbit hole to bring back.

One of the last things he said to me is that all the stuff about Hunter just seems to ridiculous to believe. I said "and if it is true"? Maybe now that CBS has confirmed that it is Hunters and was written by Hunter and no reason to believe Hunter wasn't spilling his guts about his father who he says has controlled his finances forever, maybe he'll start seeing the light but again, I doubt it.

He wanted to make me a deal. If I watch Morning Joe, which he says he watches every morning, he'll watch Tucker. I said sorry, I don't really care what you watch and I'm not watching Morning Joe for even my best friend.