Classes of Prostitutes

Texas Playboy's Avatar
In my vernacular, a "slut" is a derogatory term for a promiscuous woman. It has nothing to do with money. She just likes it, and she enjoys a lot of different men. Take the derogatory out of it and "slut" becomes merely a woman with a high libido who gets around.

A "whore" is a derogatory term for a woman who uses sex overtly to get things she wants from men. Maybe she screws the movie producer to get cast in a role that is big for her career. Maybe she blows her boss from time to time for preferential treatment at bonus time. Maybe she trades certain sex acts with her husband for jewelry. For me, a "whore" is very mercenary about her sex. Not at all like a "slut". A slut loves sex. A whore likes what men give her for her sex.

A woman who is in the business of selling her sex for money? That's a "provider". And yes, there are different grades of providers: streetwalkers, hookers, call girls, escorts and sugar babies. This list is in descending order of daily volume. Not all providers are sluts, but the best ones are. Not all providers are whores, but the worst ones are.

But I think we should get "slut" and "whore" out of the lexicon here, unless we are truly trying to hurl an insult.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar

So, going by these standards for this thread discussion..........
1. Do you know what the missing types are and what your description would be?. Originally Posted by skbinks

What would my description be?

Lol you can call me what you want but you can't call me broke.
skbinks's Avatar
What would my description be?

Lol you can call me what you want but you can't call me broke. Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes
Love it.
WOMBAT's Avatar
I would have added Courtesan to the list.
Monica13's Avatar
I think it's just because there needs to be no titles or describing words. We are what we arw, and whether we do it for crack, for travel, or for college tuition, at the end of the day, we are all doing the same thing. Originally Posted by SpiceInTucson
I think your definitely right on this one. I often use the term whore not because it's degrading but beause it's just a word. As you said it all boils down to the one thing, we do what we do.

I don't find cunt offensive either. It's just a word too.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-12-2015, 12:01 PM

1. Do you know what the missing types are and what your description would be?

. Originally Posted by skbinks
A wife is the biggest contractual expense of all.
Rjames's Avatar
I pay my wife $9,500/month plus vehicle, vacations, and anything unexpected to bitch at me anytime she thinks that I'm happy. My "assistants" rates are much more affordable and I always leave there happy.

What I find strange is that some assistants openly call other ladies hookers etc but take offense if you happen to say hooker even jokingly. The best thing to do is avoid calling them any of those terms in my opinion.

I'd be slut if I had to label myself.

A wife is the biggest contractual expense of all. Originally Posted by WTF
skbinks's Avatar
I often use the term whore not because it's degrading but because it's just a word. As you said it all boils down to the one thing, we do what we do.

I don't find cunt offensive either. It's just a word too. Originally Posted by Monica13
I agree, it would be nice if all words could be "just words" and maybe some day that will happen, but probably not in my lifetime I'm sure.

There are words that have changed their meaning to be degrading, Fag and Gay are great examples. Neither had anything to do with homosexuality but are now used as an insult in a lot of conversations and the word is even changing again to be empowering words for some. For the most part, it was American's that changed the meaning to these too. Yes, every country has words that they have changed. Fag and Gay are still used in many countries to mean either a stick, cigarette, or "a tiring or unwelcome task" (Fag) or Happy (Gay). I'm not homosexual but if you call me a faggot, are you using it as an insult or are you actually blind and think I look like a stick?

Bitch is another one. That girl is obviously not a female dog but if you were not in the conversation and just heard someone say Bitch in their conversation to someone else, it is doubtful you would think they are talking about an animal instead of using profanity.

A word only means what you think it means in your head. The letters that make up the word and the word itself means nothing, unless you want them to mean something. So, a hooker might not be profanity to some but because of the way I was raised, it is an insult so I will "probably" never be able to change to thinking of it as anything different for me when I speak it. I know hooker is used here not as profanity, but just as a job description and I don't think that Spice, or any of the other ladies, calling themselves a hooker means they are degrading themselves either.

You don't like labels, I don't either in the context people are talking about them here, but we all use them for everything since a label is "just a word" used to describe something good or bad so calling yourself, White, Black, Hooker, Gay, etc., you are putting a label on something or someone to describe them. That is one reason in my original post I asked for an answer using those definitions for those words since those words do mean different things to different people. I wasn't trying to insult or anger anyone.

I really do love the way Spice described some things and I really like it when I see people who can actually remove the stigma of those words so that they are, "Just Words". I wish I could change like that.
skbinks's Avatar
I pay my wife $9,500/month plus vehicle, vacations, and anything unexpected to bitch at me anytime she thinks that I'm happy. My "assistants" rates are much more affordable and I always leave there happy. Originally Posted by Rjames
What would suck is if you were getting the same lack of sexual activity from both.
Rjames's Avatar
There's enough sex it's just very structured and predictable. I predict that I'm not going to enjoy it tonight any more than I did last night.

QUOTE=skbinks;1056941158]What would suck is if you were getting the same lack of sexual activity from both. [/QUOTE]
Monica13's Avatar
I'm totally not offended. I rarely am. I guess i pick and choose my battles.

I say just words because i know who and what i am. I don't pretend one way and act another. I never did care what other's thought of me or called me.

A lot of people use these terms because they know we hate it and it gets under the skin. I choose to not let it.
pumpkineater's Avatar
I would never use the words "whore" or "hooker" when referring to girls in the hobby.

I believe they are disrespectful and degrading to the ladies that have to hear them. Even if they say otherwise, I simply don't believe it. Words have meaning and words have power. Words can do real damage, in fact, more damage many times than physical abuse.

I also like the term 'provider' and use it often. Never used the phrase 'call girl' but that may be because I'm too young and that term seems to be something from the Vietnam area. (but, of course, I could be dead wrong about that... just my opinion.)

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Period. I don't want to be called a whore, or a slut, or a hooker, or a n****r, or a fag, or a bitch, etc.. So I will not use them in a conversation or in communicating with another. We are all human beings and need to treat one another with common respect and decency. IJS.

ICU 812's Avatar
Lables for the ladies are not that helpful.

Classifying the type of session and the way the encounter is arranged is more helpful.

Finding a random provider on the street (SW) and having a short duration sexual contact in your car for very little money is at the low end of the spectrum in my mind.

Two weeks in Dubai with a someone who can attend a business related social gathering , where the only remark attached to me is, "What a lucky guy!", (and for a LOT of money) is at the higher end, I would think.

In between comes the AMP experience, "studios" agencies and independent providers. Out-liers maight be Sex-tours to the Far East and Germany, All-Inclusive resorts in the DR, and vsrious variations on the SD/SB arrangement.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
Not to mention massage therapists (other) who happens to do "favors" for her clients as well....???? I'm between call girl/other I guess if we have to have a label. But I do like verified provider as well...
Jordan_Seduces's Avatar
You forgot the term prostitute. Personally, I think that number 1 and number 2 are on the same level as the word prostitute. I hate the first 3 terms. I have a friend of mine ( yes, strictly a friend!) That is a cop, he refers to anyone in the sex industry as a prostitute. We have spoken AT LENGTH about the differences in each of the categories above, but because he admits to never having dealt with a TRUE escort and only street women he has difficulty understanding/recognizing the differences from one to another. I tried to explain it, but in the city where he works its very economically depressed and all he sees are street women with junkie issues. He admits on a regular that I am very different from what he sees in his profession, but I haven't been able convince him there are differences between an escort and a street worker. If this ever gets legalized hopefully someday the world will see the value of what an escort provides.