Dem/Repub just puppets

funfilled4ever's Avatar
Collectivism is an ideaology. It's big governemnt at its' finest, in which there is no individualism in collectivism. The people that run the show decide that everything is done for the good of The State. So who cares if we slaughter innocent children and women in war, that's just collateral damage and they had to die for the good of The State. It's all about a powerful few in a group deciding what's best for all, no matter how sociopathic and narcissistic. I hope i explained it well, but i probably didn't. Collectivists: Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung...just to name a few. Our government is a Corporatocracy and some say Oligarchy
Is there really any difference between the 2 parties? I mean granted I hate our new puppet in charge, but that's just it .... they're all puppets serving a higher master..... The Corporations and Big Bankers. Nowadays as everybody knows, elections are just bought and paid for by the Corporations. I will never forget Don Regan telling President Reagan to "speed it up". The parties are just there to make us feel like we have a say in something and they do nothing but divide us.... yet they have the same end game Originally Posted by funfilled4ever
I agree with you Funfilled in some of your points but none of these others on here will because they are drinking the Koolaide. The only thing that worries me a little is if someone from the religious right gets in office. There was a reason that it was written in the constitution that there would be a separation between Church and State. If they take over it is going be just like the Middle East. The Iranian government is a religious right form of government. All through history it has been shown basing a country on religion makes life horrible for the people. It is not religion that is a problem it is that individuals decide that they are God and it doesn't matter about laws, rules or anything else. If they believe something then everyone else better fall in line because God has picked them to decide the fate of the world. Give one them access to the button and they are going to push it because god has told them that some other country is full of sinners and they need to be destroyed. Oh and by the way I am not Dem or Repub I am a free thinker. I have voted for both parties. I really don't blame either side for taking money from the big spenders to fund their campaigns. It is a necessary evil. If we could get rid of lobbyist we would have a better running government.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Collectivism is an ideaology. It's big governemnt at its' finest, in which there is no individualism in collectivism. The people that run the show decide that everything is done for the good of The State. So who cares if we slaughter innocent children and women in war, that's just collateral damage and they had to die for the good of The State. It's all about a powerful few in a group deciding what's best for all, no matter how sociopathic and narcissistic. I hope i explained it well, but i probably didn't. Collectivists: Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung...just to name a few. Our government is a Corporatocracy and some say Oligarchy Originally Posted by funfilled4ever
Clear headed thought from a poster on this board?


I've been trying to wake these clowns up for years! Welcome aboard!
lustylad's Avatar
Collectivism is an ideology. It's big government at its finest, in which there is no individualism in collectivism. The people that run the show decide that everything is done for the good of The State. So who cares if we slaughter innocent children and women in war, that's just collateral damage and they had to die for the good of The State. It's all about a powerful few in a group deciding what's best for all, no matter how sociopathic and narcissistic. I hope i explained it well, but i probably didn't. Collectivists: Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung...just to name a few. Our government is a Corporatocracy and some say Oligarchy Originally Posted by funfilled4ever
Ok, I would say as a political philosophy, collectivism is associated with communism - a system under which the means of production are supposed to be "collectively" owned. That's obviously not a concept that private banks and corporations in this country endorse in any way. The forcible campaigns by Stalin and Mao to impose collectivism in agriculture and industry resulted in millions of deaths and widespread famine in the USSR and China. If you want to define collectivism more broadly as the opposite of individualism, the meaning of the word becomes less useful and precise because all social systems are a mix of the two.

I have no idea what a "Corporatocracy" is. Most people who use that word have a weak or non-existent understanding of economics and an affinity for groundless conspiracy theories. If you want to argue that large corporations wield too much influence, go ahead and cite specific examples to support your view. But to suggest that banks and corporations control everything is silly and absurd. The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world - how is that possible if corporations pull all the strings? Or look at how the NLRB under Obama has issued so many rulings favorable to his big labor union cronies and donors but toxic to business. Or consider how the EPA is destroying the coal industry.

Again, I don't know how you define "Corporatocracy" but I doubt that it offers anything more than a facile and highly inaccurate description of how our economy and government work in the real world.

funfilled4ever's Avatar
Lusty, I hear ya. Don't think of it as "imposing" Collectivism. Listen your a smart fella, but you're putting things in a small narrow box. If you only truly knew how deep the rabbit hole goes, you wouldn't even be able to wrap your head around it. All i can say is the truth is out there, but you're not going to find it on FOX, CNN, ABC or any of the other crap propaganda stations. Here is something to ponder.... why do we have a Federal Reserve, we damn sure don't need it and never have. The Bankers brought it to fruition and put it into power under a weak ass President. Why is it still going today??? All it does is keep printing fake money into our never ending Ponzi Scheme and keeps you and I enslaved in debt. It all about control brother....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'd like to know what fun filled did to attract such special attention from JDrunk. That's the real story here.
funfilled4ever's Avatar
Well according to him I'm a Communist Sympathizer and Obama lover, neither of which is true
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You must have caught him after 5pm.
What get me is simple shit that no one looks at. People are talking about putting boots on the ground in the Middle East but they want to cut the debt. Putting us in another shooting will only put a bigger strain on the economy. The Republican keep talking about Obama is the reason we have the current debt. They don't talk about Iraq where we at one time were spending 80 Billion dollars a month. I heard Jeb Bush kept us safe. Ask some of the family of the Soldiers that died from terrorist attack and see if their family was kept safe. The worst terrorist attack in history happened during's Bush's watch. Hate to admit it but I voted for him both time. I did think he was good but I thought that he at least better than the other guy.
Sorry, I didn't edit my comments prior to posting so I know there are some errors.