Many Thanks to our H.H. Hosts!!!!!

Sorry I missed it, count me in on the next one...I have missed them for a couple of years but the kids are about grown and I am ready to get out and about!
Wow PPE! How did we let THAT happen?! I guess we will have to make up for it next time, huh?

And Lace...what can I say? You are a doll! We really need to try to make the photography deal work. Lots of water and trees around here that would make great backdrops I'm sure!

Can't wait till next time!
Torito's Avatar
Clearly there are few better ways to spend a Wednesday evening...

Originally Posted by RaginCajun

And some of those better ways were in attendance.

As always, thanks to all who helped. I enjoyed seeing friends, old and new, Surge, TNT, PPE, Jimerz, Makenzie, Reagan and others not yet posting.

So nice to see my friends and Gal Pals again. Thanks to TX and RC for putting on the best parties ever.
I had to leave a little early to make an appointment. (wink, wink) But, I had a great time while I was there as usual. Everyone seemed to be having a great time themselves. Can't wait for the next one.
TrulySummer's Avatar
It as a great social. Thank you to all that attended. We had 55 gents and 37 hot ladies.

A special thank you to Greyfox, one of the original door guys, for helping with it. He loves checking the ladies. Also, thank you to all to lovely and sexy ladies who lended a hand or body part to help at the door. Fawn, TNT Kelly, Ryann, Blaze and Cayenne: thank you very much.
Well, once again I am slow to post.

The social was awesome. It was great seeing folks - especially since I missed last time. The guys were so sweet and the girls were just yummy!

Eager for next time!