Massage Parlor massacre in Atlanta

For sure more to this than the bs lie he told interrogators. It was a hate crime but that pos bastard knows he will get hit harder if he admitted that, as in execution. Now he will probably just get life. What a pussy.
This POS has hurt our lives too. Contrary to the bullshit media; AMP chicks voluntarily answer job advertising for these jobs. They are also recruited based on meeting wealthy American men who will tip them well. This asswipe is going to lower the talent pool because traveling to a foreign country for a job is scary enough for these women; now they will see violence against them; they won’t come. Plus the media is turning this into white supremacy which is bullshit too. This kid is religious wacko and should be put down;’the faster the better.
It was a HATE crime ....PERIOD!!
Call it what it was.
This piece of shit does not get to write his own narrative. Sexual addiction my ass.
Statistics don’t lie...and the rise in anti-Asian sentiment in the last year, egged on by some in power , contributed to this.
Let’s stop tip toeing around this . Originally Posted by Shownuff85
So you know more than the head of the FBI?
NolanRouge ...I don’t claim to know more than the FBI...but I have common sense and can call it when I see it. And I know that it is a FACT that hate crimes against Asian Americans has gone increasingly up in just the last year alone ...words matter especially when used by leaders .
Yeah this guy may be a religious nut....but that doesn’t exclude him from being a racist either ...hell...some Christians will use their racism to defend their actions which makes them the biggest hypocrites.
So called evangelical Christians voted in one of the biggest white supremacists in 2016...and look what that got us. I speak facts. This guy didn’t go hunting down a bunch of Caucasian hookers....he specifically went for Asian women.

I do not want to go tit for tat on this either. Momma always told me not to argue with I won’t.
And the FBI can’t have it both ways ...if it’s too early to say that this wasn’t a hate crime ...then also it’s too early to say it was strictly based on a sexual addiction .

And please stop it with blaming the media for every fuckin thing that stupid people do. The media is doing their job...and that is to report what has happened
The media is doing their job...and that is to report what has happened Originally Posted by Shownuff85
Yes, double 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ for the whole comment!
You do realize that the hate crimes against Asians is from the black community..!! Those facts you must have missed. Exactly how was the 2016 elected pres a white supremacist.. because the media you said were, “doing their job” and the democrats told you so...? . The FACT is, he did FAR more for blacks THAN THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT! Lol!!! He also didn’t eulogize a known KKK member like the president you voted in did... perhaps you missed those facts as well! 🤦🏻♂️
You’re a moron...

Once again...I won’t argue with fools.

There’s an old saying and it goes something like this...”don’t fight in the mud with a pig..”....why?? Because you’ll get dirty , and the pig will like it.
I agree Shownuff85. It's disappointing that other members agree with the fool. Pure ignorance!
u been watching CNN too much... he shot 2 white people as well.... did u forget about that...Just like CNN ??
This will be my last statement on this and then I’m done ...but this is for whodat...who felt the need to inject his ignorance...yes he also shot two white know why ??? Because he had was a mass shooting...those two white folks were in the wrong place at the wrong time unfortunately...that’s what happens in that type of situation . He emptied his gun/guns on everyone in the joint.
I do not believe in coincidences in life. We just so happen to have the ignorant rhetoric “Kung flu”, “China virus” by our leaders...words matter. Some folks feel threatened by that , the crimes (hate crimes against Asians) just happen to skyrocket in the last year(pandemic). Then this guy goes in to multiple parlors targeting Asian women. Not a coincidence Sherlock!!

Now.....I’ve said all I’m going to say. I’ve gone back and forth with the children on here and so that’s it.
Name0333's Avatar
I honestly don’t think it was a hate crime, when I first read the story the first two things that stuck out to me were, 1. All Asian owned businesses 2. All places where sexual services were offered. So that narrows it down to two possible motivations. If it was purely a hate crime, why didn’t he shoot up other Asian owned businesses? Why not shoot up an Asian takeout restaurant? To me it makes more sense that it was because of the sexual acts that these places offered. Besides, did you see the picture of him? He looked more like an incel than a racist. Although that’s just my opinion, he stated it was because of his own temptations as well, but I know a lot of people say he just wants to lower his sentence.

Either way he is a POS and deserves to rot
Figured id throw my two cents in here as well.

I see both points of this argument. And i can see how some could logically see these acts as being solely related to the guy’s sexual recreational activities +/- mental health issues.

But it’s hard to separate what happened from today’s political / social climate. What this man did wasnt done in a vacuum. The fact is, these murder were done in a society that is currently targeting Asian Americans.

Coincidence? Possibly. But it would be intellectually dishonest to not also acknowledge the other very likely explanation. That this guy was fueled by irresponsible rhetoric spewed by our political leaders and then further perpetuated on TV and social media.
he killed two white people also..... u been watching too much Fake News....
myren1900's Avatar
He targeted women. More specifically Asian women. If this was just an attack against sexual temptation, there were several strip clubs in the streets he could have attacked.
This was a hate crime!!!

Just stop watching Faux News.