Is Joe Biden qualified to serve as President Of The United States?

  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 10:50 AM
Not even the POTUS Biden served under will endorse him.

His health is failing - SR paints a rosy outlook that does not match Biden's appearance and mental issues.

Qualified - he served as VP - probably the best qualification for a position for which qualifications are questionably relevant.

He would be a failing health President - who will not last through a year of campaigning and 4 years in office in the most demanding, strenuous political position in the world.

Not to mention the corruption he freely admitted to - bragged about - on TV. And other corruption issues are surfacing.

Disagree - SR.
8. he sniffs womens' necks and hair Originally Posted by Chung Tran
you're beginning to catch on

Biden looks a lot healthier than Trump. Biden works out 5 days a week. He is 5'11" and weighs 178. He has had some health issues in the past as have most people his age but right now he is given a clean bill of health.

... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You ever see him move? It's bad. He'll be 79 if elected. He already has had many "brain farts" in the last month.

he is as qualified to serve as Trump. I would rather see a different nominee, but Biden is still better than McGovern, Dukakis and Hilary. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yeah but McGovern and Dukakis are dead.

8. He's creepy Originally Posted by Chung Tran
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 11:05 AM
Either McGovern or Dukakais (as soundly rejected by the American people as they were) would be better than anything the DPST's have - the DNC can dig them up and run them - No Prob!
DPST's are seting themselves up for another epic failure - trying to sell Socialism to a country which wants it not!
They will keep pushing their Soylent Green New Deal and idiotic schemes - and Lose!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Either McGovern or Dukakais (as soundly rejected by the American people as they were) would be better than anything the DPST's have - the DNC can dig them up and run them - No Prob! Originally Posted by oeb11
kind of a mean remark, considering how McGovern's daughter died.
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 11:27 AM
CT - care to comment on how anything the DPST's offer as candidates is better than Trump?
Frankly - I am not a fan of Trump's political/personal persona - but he is far better in what he does for this country than anything the DPST's offer.

Still - I would vote for Pence for POTUS.

And - a shame this country cannot seem of offer any leadership options better than Trump or H.....!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
8. he sniffs womens' necks and hair Originally Posted by Chung Tran

9. he fondles, touchy feely creep.
Chung Tran's Avatar
CT - care to comment on how anything the DPST's offer as candidates is better than Trump? Originally Posted by oeb11
yes.. Medicare for all.

while it is far from a perfect idea, it is better than NO PLAN or DESIRE to fix what I consider to be a major problem.. lack of viable Healthcare options for many people. considering it ranks as the #1 concern in Polls (granted, the economy would be #1 if Trump had not helped there, considerably), a lot of folks think the same as me.

Hell, I might be ok if Trump simply left Obamacare alone.. but he is on record, and his actions demonstrate, that he wants to kill the whole thing.
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 12:23 PM
I would disagree on Medicare fo All - what we have now - a combination of private insurers and Medicare/Medicaid - is not perfect - but to destroy the entire private insurer business, and have the notoriously inefficient US Govt. take over all health care - at bankruptcy costs which will destroy the economy - No thanks.

See - the US VAH system for how Govt. medicine runs.

Are the republicans remiss in not carefully crafting a catch-all plan for those with pre-existing conditions - Yes.

At this point - The ACA is still better than Medicare for All - by far.

Bernie and Warren simply want control - to tax and spend, and ration medical care to Americans.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Not even the POTUS Biden served under will endorse him.

His health is failing - SR paints a rosy outlook that does not match Biden's appearance and mental issues.

Qualified - he served as VP - probably the best qualification for a position for which qualifications are questionably relevant.

He would be a failing health President - who will not last through a year of campaigning and 4 years in office in the most demanding, strenuous political position in the world.

Not to mention the corruption he freely admitted to - bragged about - on TV. And other corruption issues are surfacing.

Disagree - SR. Originally Posted by oeb11
Unfortunately your OPINION does not match up with his doctor's statements on Biden's health or Biden's looks. I think he looks great and looks to be in good health. Much better health looks-wise than Trump who is obese and admits to a diet and exercise regimen that might lead to an early death.

"Joe Biden is a “healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old male … fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency”, the former vice-president’s doctor said in records released by his campaign on Tuesday.

Trump’s own health has been the subject of relentless speculation, not least around the release of ebullient descriptions of his health by his personal doctor, Harold Bornstein – later revealed to have been written by Trump himself – and White House physician Ronny Jackson."

If you have anything to support your OPINION that Biden has failing health, please cite the source.

As far as Obama not endorsing Biden:

"Biden reiterated that he asked Obama not to endorse him, and he stuck by that stance even when asked whether he’d want Obama’s backing if the field narrowed to three people.

“No, because everyone knows I’m close with him,” Biden said. “I don’t need an Obama endorsement.”"

Whether Obama does or does not truly support Biden, this has been Biden's statement all along. I'm sure you consider it a non-truth but until Obama comes out and endorses a candidate we don't know for certain.

When corruption issues arise they will be faced. Thus far, assuming you are referring to Biden holding back funds from the Ukraine until ViKtor Shokin was removed from office, there is absolutely no evidence that anything inappropriate was done.

"A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament."
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 12:37 PM
A DPST "doctor" on Biden's health - watching him on stage is far more revealing to me than a shill opinion.

Biden is just avoiding that Obama did not promptly offer his support when he announced for POTUS - that is just avoidance and rationalization.

It will be interesting to see what the investigations turn up on Biden / Biden in Ukraine and other countries. New releases implicate Nasty Pelosi's son in Ukraine and other shenanigans.

I would like to see the DPST and LSM to dig even 1/10th as vigorously into those accusatins - with evidence to support- than they have spent persecuting/obstructing/resisting/harassing Trump's presidency and those for equal treatment under the law in the House slanted, biased :Star chamber hearings"!

You are more than welcome to vote for biden - if he lasts long enough and secures the DPST nomination - I predict a vote for Biden for POTUS - is actually a vote for the VP candidate for POTUS - which may well be a way for the DNC to thwart H... at the convention - if motivated to do so - and install a Progressive-totalitarianMarxist as POTUS when biden becomes incapacitated, or otherwise.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You ever see him move? It's bad. He'll be 79 if elected. He already has had many "brain farts" in the last month. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Trump waddles when he walks.

This u-tube video is a little over a year old but I doubt much has changed in Biden's health:

"In the other corner, we have Trump, and despite his rather combative demeanour, hasn't really displayed anything to show he has the physical prowess to back up his posturing. While he, like Biden, was active in sports during his college years, his physical fitness soon fell away amidst repeated attempts to dodge U.S. Army Drafts. By 1969, he was given a classification that put him at a very low-chance of being drafted for the Vietnam War, which would lead us to assume that his fitness didn't last long past his early 20s.

These days, he's clinically obese according to his most recent doctor's examination, and has actually come out vocally against engaging in any form of exercise other than occasionally taking a walk around a golf course.

“All my friends who work out all the time, they’re going for knee replacements, hip replacements – they’re a disaster,” Trump told The New York Times in 2015. Three years later, a white house doctor was informing him he needed to lose 10 to 15 pounds — something he's failed to do.

Suffice it to say then, in terms of both strength and speed, we're calling this one for Biden, and as they say physical health links strongly to mental health, we're calling that for the democrat as well."

“I’m not going to sugarcoat aging,” said well-known aging researcher S. Jay Olshansky of the University of Illinois at Chicago. But, he added, “how many times they’ve traveled around the sun should not be a litmus test for the presidency.”

"For his part, Biden's always been a pretty active guy: He played football in high school, and stayed busy lifting weights, working on his core, and jogging with Obama during his time in the White House. Meanwhile, Trump basically survives on trash, refuses to exercise because he thinks the body has a finite amount of energy, and—when he does work out—limits himself to walking and playing golf, the least strenuous sport known to man. Not to mention those pesky bone spurs."

I may worry somewhat about Biden's gaffes but even being 4 years older than Trump, Biden is in much better physical shape than Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 12:50 PM
SR - you are welcome to your opinion.
I beg to differ.
Trump waddles when he walks.

This u-tube video is a little over a year old but I doubt much has changed in Biden's health:

"In the other corner, we have Trump, and despite his rather combative demeanour, hasn't really displayed anything to show he has the physical prowess to back up his posturing. While he, like Biden, was active in sports during his college years, his physical fitness soon fell away amidst repeated attempts to dodge U.S. Army Drafts. By 1969, he was given a classification that put him at a very low-chance of being drafted for the Vietnam War, which would lead us to assume that his fitness didn't last long past his early 20s.

These days, he's clinically obese according to his most recent doctor's examination, and has actually come out vocally against engaging in any form of exercise other than occasionally taking a walk around a golf course.

“All my friends who work out all the time, they’re going for knee replacements, hip replacements – they’re a disaster,” Trump told The New York Times in 2015. Three years later, a white house doctor was informing him he needed to lose 10 to 15 pounds — something he's failed to do.

Suffice it to say then, in terms of both strength and speed, we're calling this one for Biden, and as they say physical health links strongly to mental health, we're calling that for the democrat as well."

“I’m not going to sugarcoat aging,” said well-known aging researcher S. Jay Olshansky of the University of Illinois at Chicago. But, he added, “how many times they’ve traveled around the sun should not be a litmus test for the presidency.”

"For his part, Biden's always been a pretty active guy: He played football in high school, and stayed busy lifting weights, working on his core, and jogging with Obama during his time in the White House. Meanwhile, Trump basically survives on trash, refuses to exercise because he thinks the body has a finite amount of energy, and—when he does work out—limits himself to walking and playing golf, the least strenuous sport known to man. Not to mention those pesky bone spurs."

I may worry somewhat about Biden's gaffes but even being 4 years older than Trump, Biden is in much better physical shape than Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

That's just an opinion unless you've actually seen first hand that Biden is in superior physical shape than Trump. To be President doesn't really require any physical prowess. What is required is leadership and a winning attitude, something Biden has often proves he lacks.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR - you are welcome to your opinion.
I beg to differ. Originally Posted by oeb11
On that we agree. Although I would like to see you back up your opinion with supporting information. If you think Biden's health is failing, fine, but providing the opinions of others who are knowledgeable on the subject would be helpful in making your case.