ECCIE has become uninteresting to an extreme

Raw dog's Avatar
I agree ... I stick to the national threads most of the time, because it appears this is where the grownups play. Here it appears that name calling and bad mouthing is keep to a minimum, and the MOD's I assume set and require a civil tone of discussion where even if someone disagrees with my opinion they disagree in a respectful way.

I totally agree - in local threads 10-12 people dominate and posts on everything, because anyone offering a contrary opinion is immediately attacked. the MOD's actually encourage the angry tone with statements like "our community seems to be enjoying the discussion" which really means we are having a ball flaming you, you jerk off - how dare you post in our community, and in the community I am thinking of the MOD's actually do much of the attacking. I have even been threatened by several MOD's ... oh the threats were carefully couched in subtlety, so as to not break board rules, but they were definitely threats. It is like these MOD's have decided that adult discussion is boring and if we are not screaming and yelling at each other it isn't fun. And there are always the little children that love to get off on making people angry. So, I guess we vote by not participating locally and when someone looks into the logs and sees new posters are being chased off by 10 or 12 people they will intervene and make corrections by place new mods in their place, or they look and decide their happy and we move on to some other service that is more mature. In the end I doubt if this thread will change anything, because most of those that feel like me are to afraid to post and the 10 or 12 will be along shortly to call me and idiot ... Originally Posted by 5T3V3

I totally agree!!! Well said.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 05-12-2015, 09:52 PM
Kind of like a woman's cycle? Originally Posted by pyramider
Like a bicycle? you know cause hookers are mostly bi ... get it? see what I did there? and that taint nothing ...
SknyDiva's Avatar
Yep it's the cycle. Only time theres anything interesting that happens is when we get all moody and bitchy. Otherwise it's boring as hell.
bojulay's Avatar
Its very possible theyre moving on to somewhere more interesting.

Perhaps a place with less drama, more positive people, and uplifting spirits

But, who knows Originally Posted by lemoncrush
It's because that superfine lemoncrush is all the way over there in Houston.

It's just too much of a depressing downer to think about.
Raw dog's Avatar
I would love it if people would just talk, express what they really feel because this is all hidden by assumed names. The people on this site could be your co workers your bother your dad for all you know say what you feel. Nobody judging anyone. Hell your paying for the sex anyhow. None of the women are doing it for free and if you think for a second they care about you!! Lol. They care about there donation. My 10th grade teacher told me something that stuck with me to this day. "He who has the gold makes the rules". You have the Gold make your rules.
SweetDulce's Avatar
I agree ... I stick to the national threads most of the time, because it appears this is where the grownups play.

the 10 or 12 will be along shortly to call me and idiot ... Originally Posted by 5T3V3
Idiot, idiot!! ...
oops, I forgot I'm not 1 of the tards that has nothing to do all day except insult business woman and the good men that adore them
..u know what i mean donkey. they luv to give me free publicity by hating on me, and ive only been here since Jan.
myfavhobby's Avatar
I enjoy this hobby. I cannot afford to hobby every day. Therefore, I log on and read the threads. I read the reviews. That allows me to hobby vicariously. But more to the point of this thread, I enjoy reading about how the ladies feel about subjects related to this hobby. My eyes skip over the drama because I just do not wish to deal with it.
pumpkineater's Avatar
I try to check out the boards every other day or so. In my main hobby town it is a handful of gents that keep the boards going. But I find them respectful and honest and have been following their leads to see great providers. I wish I could hobby every day, but alas the wallet is not that thick.

there is a lot of great information here on eccie, and I'm usually overwhelmed by going through all the interesting threads. When I come across 'drama' it is a refreshing change of pace... and unlike the ^^^above poster^^^ I enjoy reading the drama for laughs and for how people respond to attacks. Like, "will they lose it?" or "can they hold it together?" or "now that's a pithy remark." etc..

Good times so far, and looking for more of them. Next time I get a call to go down to the humidity capitol of Texas I will be looking for that sweetDulce girl... she sounds like a hot time!

  • YSD
  • 06-02-2015, 06:59 AM
I agree with the majority here. The board has lost its congeniality. Every single word gets parsed. You can't enjoy any
Provider without name calling and insults. Used to be a lot more fun when the spirit of sharing was the main focus rather than the allegedly witty banter (insults) that has become the norm. And I also agree that the mods fan the flames and encourage and protect their own little clique. There is a lot of childish behavior these days.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
I imagine a discussion board where the turdtards go completely ignored while the decent, intelligent folk talk amongst themselves. What a fine board it would be.
Wakeup's Avatar
Fuck that noise...
pink taco's Avatar
If they got chased off by words on a screen, perhaps Eccie is better without them?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... this place is becoming a god damned wasteland. Originally Posted by Bobave
I took my talents to South Beach.

But before you know it it'll be The Holiday Fundraising Season, and I won't want to miss that.

(Hi, M!)
bojulay's Avatar
Like a cat funeral??

Ever been to a cat funeral?? You would know what I mean.
SknyDiva's Avatar
Like a cat funeral??

Ever been to a cat funeral?? You would know what I mean. Originally Posted by bojulay
Who goes to a cat funeral?? Lmfao!! Who brings up a cat funeral on a fucking whore board? Who cares?? Haaaahaaahhaahaaa