Hail and Farewell

Aww...wish you all the best...
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-03-2011, 11:21 AM
Dang JB. You were always 10 steps ahead of me around here. I'll miss you more than anyone because I'll have to actually do something around here. Good luck and safe travels to you. Originally Posted by foX
You ever see that Marc Harmon movie Summer School?

One guy sleeps through the whole summer semester wakes up and aces the test

Thanks for doing such a great job. Your humour and insight - and straightforward commentary - will be missed.

That is, if you really stay away
discreetgent's Avatar
Best of luck, JB; can't believe I'm saying this but you will be missed.
John Bull's Avatar
JB, was it something we said? Originally Posted by pjorourke
No PJ, it wasn't anything anyone said.

Fox, OMG, we thought you were dead. C'mon in and regulate these folks.

I'll be around from time to time but I'll just be one of the guys from now on. Charles won't have me to kick around anymore No more thread closings. hahaha
atlcomedy's Avatar
Where is Charles? Maybe he finally had a "satisfactory" session & was so overwhelmed he never let her leave???
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-03-2011, 02:14 PM
Where is Charles? Maybe he finally had a "satisfactory" session & was so overwhelmed he never let her leave??? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I'd hate to see the woman capable of giving charles a "satisfactory" session'' Can you just imagine
Good riddance!
You were a bully anyway
London Rayne's Avatar
Good riddance!
You were a bully anyway Originally Posted by JahiaraQ
That's some funny sh3t!
There comes a time when it's time to go. That time has arrived for me. I've been considering this for some weeks now. As I get older and more involved with family and health issues, I realize that I'm not doing the job for you folks that I expect of myself. And so, it's time for the owners to appoint a new mod. I'm sure they'll give you one who will do a bang-up job.
I'll stop in once in a while to say hello and tease you guys a bit but it's time for new blood.
Thanks for being a great group. Originally Posted by John Bull
I am truly sorry to see you go, JB. I tried to come up with something original, but I was just echoing what everyone else was saying. Don't be a stranger. I do appreciate your presence and views on the board, especially since they are so different than mine. We have tunnel vision if we only listen to those we agree with.

Best Regards! I think you have done a good job on whole over the last year or so

Has Tudor applied yet? Does he know the salary & benefits that come with the job? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I assumed the job had its salary provided by TARP, and the benefits under our current national healthcare. And that was one of the reasons why JB was leaving...he reject support from those entities.

No PJ, it wasn't anything anyone said.

Fox, OMG, we thought you were dead. C'mon in and regulate these folks.

I'll be around from time to time but I'll just be one of the guys from now on. Charles won't have me to kick around anymore No more thread closings. hahaha Originally Posted by John Bull
JB, I always knew you'd get the last laugh.

Where is Charles? Maybe he finally had a "satisfactory" session & was so overwhelmed he never let her leave??? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Actually, I've had a family emergency and been out of pocket for about 3-4 days. It's good to be back.
Anonone will miss you as a moderator....gee's that was mean....sorry dude, good luck..

tia travels's Avatar
Thanks for all your help John Bull!

Happy Trails!
Black Sedan's Avatar
Appreciate the service and your wit!
Sisyphus's Avatar
Can't wait for the campaigning to begin! Originally Posted by boardman
Like you'd get any MORE votes here!

Dang JB. You were always 10 steps ahead of me around here. I'll miss you more than anyone because I'll have to actually do something around here. Good luck and safe travels to you. Originally Posted by foX
Shit...sonuvabitch is right...he's in charge now.....

"Shane! Come back, Shane...."

No PJ, it wasn't anything anyone said.

Fox, OMG, we thought you were dead. C'mon in and regulate these folks.

I'll be around from time to time but I'll just be one of the guys from now on. Charles won't have me to kick around anymore No more thread closings. hahaha Originally Posted by John Bull
Can't be anything any one of us said...or we'd have said it long ago!

If you're retiring to the beaches of Lake Erie, JB, don't forget to pack plenty of GS03! It's good for sunblock...snowblindness...cha fing...you name it!
JB, was it something we said? Originally Posted by pjorourke

Thank you for your contribution and please don't be a stranger...