Party politics aside

You weren't part of the russian HOAX or cunters laptop being a russian plant??...just a rhetorical question.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Unfortunately, the Intel community took a huge hit to their institution with obvious partisan politics. Between what happened at the FBI, Intelligence and DOJ, " I work in Intelligence", will get you nothing more than a sneer.

Just heard the IRS is taking another look at Comey and McCabe.

IRS chief refers Comey, McCabe audit decision to inspector general for review

The head of the Internal Revenue Service has asked a watchdog to investigate the decision to conduct rare tax audits of former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the agency announced Thursday.

"The IRS has referred the matter to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration for review. IRS Commissioner (Charles) Rettig personally reached out to TIGTA after receiving a press inquiry," the IRS said in a statement.
The agency is under scrutiny following a report from The New York Times on Wednesday that the IRS conducted intensive tax audits of McCabe and Comey, both fierce critics of former President Donald Trump, during his administration.
McCabe told CNN on Thursday that he thinks "referring it to the IG is the right step, but let's see if the IG moves on it and then makes their findings public."
you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.....

famines and earthquakes in diverse places
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Unfortunately, the Intel community took a huge hit to their institution with obvious partisan politics. Between what happened at the FBI, Intelligence and DOJ, " I work in Intelligence", will get you nothing more than a sneer.

Just heard the IRS is taking another look at Comey and McCabe.

IRS chief refers Comey, McCabe audit decision to inspector general for review Originally Posted by HedonistForever
not what you think.

the irs audit on comey and mccabe was apparently done under the trump administration.

they're now looking to see if there was any "funny business" in their audit.

this is something that louse YR would harp on.
ICU 812's Avatar
I read an interesting book in 2018 (so, pre-Covid pandemic); a novel titled "The last Tribe". It is about a world wide pandemic that is nearly 100% fatal, with a survival rate of something like 1 in a million of population.

It is flawed as a novel and several basic assumptions are way-off, but the basic premise is horribly fascinating. Of course, everything that makes a modern-day society collapses when everyone dies within weeks of each other. So the story centers on how these few survivors find each other and how they strive to get on in a world where they may be the only living humans in NorthAamerica . . .

Monkey-Pox? Is that it or are they still tweaking some other strain of Corona Virus?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who are “they?”
You know “them”. Those people that are “saying”. “They” go by many names: someone, person i heard from, Lucy’s cousin’s brother’s friend, somebody, etc.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Quoting works of fiction. Why not? It's no different than most of the stuff we hear around here.

Yet I'm certain that people will argue that the fictitious novel is true, while documented reports are false.
ICU 812's Avatar
Quoting works of fiction. Why not? It's no different than most of the stuff we hear around here.

Yet I'm certain that people will argue that the fictitious novel is true, while documented reports are false. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think you have missed the point. Perhaps I was not clear. As the Seinfeld character, George Castanza often said, "It's not you, its me."

The novel is not cited as an authority or as a news source. I have even started that in my opinion, it is not all that good as a work of fiction.

However, the author does describe how our world wide society could collapse under a truly universal and fatal pandemic. The Black Death of the middle ages, the viral disease called Bubonic Plague, was "only" 30% fatal at the time and though still with us, is 100% treatable with therapeutics today.

What caught my attention was how quickly our standard of living can deteriorate from our current 21st Century high water mark to something like pre-Roman or earlier. By "earlier" I mean things like how to make fire and how to store food. The life path might drop back to "hunter-gatherer" in places. Without metal work it could be back to chipping flint.

The author missed a lot of that while looking for a mini--utopian, communal sort of ending. It might be worth reading in the context of this thread while recognizing that it is not great literature.
ICU 812's Avatar
Do you expect me to get in trouble with the moderator by mispronouning them? No, it safe to say "them or they". Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Sorry: I don't follow you in this response. Are we talking about the same things here?