Again... I'm NOT dealing with these crazy girls anymore!!!

cheatercheater's Avatar
While I agree KL may be a mess, I don't see the need to spew unrelated shit at her. Her pics don't do it for you, that's fine. Your imagination starting to run wild with conjectures of smell.
Why not let the parties involved hash it out and write the "facts" as they each see them, and then everyone else can decide if they want to visit or not.

No real reason to paint the brothel red, we know its a brothel, the sign out front says its a brothel. Just saying...
Grace Preston's Avatar
KL.. don't misconstrue MY words as being in support of you. If you think for one hot second I believe 100% of your story, you are out of your mind. However, I find the topic of this thread rather ironic given my recent history with the OP.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Why not let the parties involved hash it out and write the "facts" as they each see them, and then everyone else can decide if they want to visit or not. Originally Posted by cheatercheater

Thats a good idea......give me just 1 second to decide.

Ok.. I'm done. FUUUUUUUUUUUCK NO!!!!!

I will have neither one, thank ya very much.
fletch's Avatar
and to think that bosslady conjured up this elaborate scheme complete with all the drama just to steal a kenwood stereo with 100 pound speakers, a curling iron, a straightener and a black light.

i sure hope it was worth it <<insert sarcastic tone here>>
Ok... In a nut shell....

GP's issue with me is because she does not know the whole truth about what went on between me & her ATF..... I guess I can say that cause she is going out her way every chance she get to say something negative about me... I use to speak to GP... I still don't have an issue with her... I said something about the mouth of her ATF & since then she has been a throne in my side that I do ignore.... GP had absolutely nothing to do with what went on between me & this hobbyist... If the hobbyist ever decides to tell the truth( which I don't he will) she will understand that in our second session... Yes GP there was a 2nd( I know you don't know because not even a month ago is when we talked & he stated that you still don't know about our 2nd session.... In his own words I made him feel less desirable because I wouldn't kiss him in the mouth... While he knew why I said what I said to him in chat... He has let it go.... GP I really hope you do the same.... I don't have to kiss any man in the mouth if I feel like in my 1st session with them, chip teeth bits was dropping into my mouth...

Now I know most people are guilty of gossip so if you want to say something about me talking about other provider do that... We all talk about each other... Not about to go through no type of guilt trip on this site about you crazy women who come at me like I did something to you to harm or hurt you...

I will always remain sweet because that is just me.... Do I get mad? Yes I have a right to be pissed at this KL BS because all I did was try to help this person who clearly does not see that she has some serious mental issue & need help.... I will hesitate to the fullest the next time some female on this site ask me for anything...

I have not one time started any thread to cause problems... This was posted merely to let it be known that there are some crazy women on here that can not get nothing from me... Yes it includes GP, simply because she is listening to what a hobbyist said... Not feeling desirable made him feel bad but again it had nothing to do with GP who will again make another post or comment because now everyone will see why she has an issue with me... Again I have never said anything out the way to her & use to speak to her in chat... So she wants to get all crazy behind a hobbyist I will let her.... This is why I block her when I see her in chat... The issue she has with me is not my problem...

KL.... May God bless you because hon you seriously needs help....
BLT, as the story goes, always be careful of who you decide to associate with.

Unfortunately, it's so easy to let friendship and acquaintances ruin your business and reputation. Even some hobbyists that we trust and adore are capable of potentially starting drama.

For the most part, it would help to keep things like this off Internet forums. By all means, if you have to, go to a field somewhere and duel it out like the old days.
BLT, as the story goes, always be careful of who you decide to associate with.
. Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
The best advice ever printed on this website, applies to gents and ladies alike. +100
Dang + Yuck
and... I was only responding about yucky mouth syndrome (for anyone). If someone (guy or gal) doesn't take care of their mouth/oral hygiene etc. then I doubt they take much care of the rest of themselves.

It's just one of those things that I find a tad gross. It's your mouth damnit.
Patella +1 on advice

SD +1 on mouth
KittyLamour's Avatar
Texas Cowboy ... I paid her for a ride to pick up my GROWN son and rent a hotel... I didn't ask for her help or need it. Don't you get it when I said she made the whole thing up? She lied to paint me a villain made up the whole situationl... She did not help me. She assaulted me... she robbed me and she made up a story to cover her ass and make me look like a piece of shit.

You and Bosslady make a great couple yall can sit there and be mean to people together and see how miserable you can make each other...

Lets not discuss my income which is not hurting at all like you suppose it to be. Sweetie my life it just fine. My clients are great guys... I have a beautiful new apt... NOT SECTION 8 lol
KittyLamour's Avatar

I am not your "hun" don't call me that. I despise you from the bottom of my heart and I pray that your lies all come back to haunt you.

I was told by another member you bragged to them about getting rid of the stereo you stole from me... and laughing about it... If you are so helpful... give back the shit you stole. I want my stereo in my new apt and I really hate buying another curling iron...I have a list if you want to see it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Why did I even click on the link?!

Not ten people would know about this shit storm -- whatever the fuck it is about, and God knows I don't, and I read your post (sadly) -- unless you had posted the fuckin' rebuttal. Lord, when will they ever learn?
TexasCowboy's Avatar
KL....There have been many times that I have read some of the fabricated stories that you made up and posted on here in a sense to get money out of individuals......For these reasons when expressions are made by myself about your character it is to highlight your intentions that 98% of what you say when you want others to believe you are in trouble is complete BS.....Individuals do not mind helping others that need assistance as long as that person is honest and not trying to take advantage of someone as you have been known to do in the past and seem to have this profile to carry it into the future....

For these reasons personally I would not help for there is no sincerity in place and taking advantage of others makes a person pretty petty and low in my opinion.....There are a lot of individuals that need help in the world today and I would not hesitate to contribute to make their lives better along with the family that they are trying to support.....During the summer helped two Single Moms raising kids by themselves and working by letting them have the finances to take their children to the Aquarium, Waterpark and the Zoo so that their kids can have and enjoyable summer.....
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 09-01-2013, 12:14 AM
you guys ever want to say STFU