CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I take great offense to what you just said -- as a proud tea party member I know of NO ONE ... NOT ONE ... of the 1000's that I know personally that think a black man is unworthy to be president. Everyone of the 1000's that I know personally disagree with his POLICIES it has nothing to do with race ... Almost to the man we believe exclusively in 3 things - Lower Taxes, Less Government Regulation and more Personal Liberties ... AND THAT IS IT! Everything else is a concoction of a Liberally biased media, RHINO establishment Republicans, their pundits and people like you find it easier to parrot their platitudes than to find out for yourself what the tea party really is. I do not know if the African Americans did better under Bush and more over I do not care. I am not seeking a President that will improve the lot of the White People in this country - Frankly, I don't care about them either. What I care about is ME! What I am looking for is a President to improve my position not yours. You have been born into the greatest county in the world bar none, you have the freedom to make and create your own destiny as you choose ... you want to go to school go, you want to start a business go, do what ever you want to improve yourself or your lot in life just don't ask me to help you, because I am not asking you to help me.
Originally Posted by 5T3V3
I want a President who will leave me alone. I don't want him/her to improve my position or anyone else's. I want to free to make my own decisions and reap the rewards or consequences therefrom.
  • D.G.
  • 04-29-2015, 04:40 PM
All i know is that it will be a LONG time before we see another black president. Hillary or any woman will have this in the bag. Even an Asian or Mexican.
I take great offense to what you just said -- as a proud tea party member I know of NO ONE ... NOT ONE ... of the 1000's that I know personally that think a black man is unworthy to be president. Everyone of the 1000's that I know personally disagree with his POLICIES it has nothing to do with race ... Almost to the man we believe exclusively in 3 things - Lower Taxes, Less Government Regulation and more Personal Liberties ... AND THAT IS IT! Everything else is a concoction of a Liberally biased media, RHINO establishment Republicans, their pundits and people like you find it easier to parrot their platitudes than to find out for yourself what the tea party really is. I do not know if the African Americans did better under Bush and more over I do not care. I am not seeking a President that will improve the lot of the White People in this country - Frankly, I don't care about them either. What I care about is ME! What I am looking for is a President to improve my position not yours. You have been born into the greatest county in the world bar none, you have the freedom to make and create your own destiny as you choose ... you want to go to school go, you want to start a business go, do what ever you want to improve yourself or your lot in life just don't ask me to help you, because I am not asking you to help me.
Originally Posted by 5T3V3
A little quote, to get us started.

"People who tend to support the Tea Party, they tend to be sexist, they tend to be homophobic, they tend to be xenophobic; so it’s not just about race. It’s about difference. It’s about anything that violates their phenotypical norm of what it’s supposed to mean to be an American: white, mainly male, middle-class, middle-aged or older, heterosexual, and native born. Anything that falls beyond that description is considered not to be a true American and therefore … these groups are encroaching on what they see as the “real” America, the America that they’ve come to know and love through their lifetime."

You don't know ONE tea party person who is racist? Check these photos out and get back to me on that.

  • DSK
  • 04-29-2015, 05:04 PM
Neither one of you are African American so you don't know our plight - so if you think African Americans did better under Bush you are kidding yourself - thanks to the GOP and tea party promoting hatred and for poisoning people's mind to think a Black man is not worthy of being POTUS - this has led to increase in racism from whites and it is happening right under your nose. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I'm pretty sure most conservatives would accept The Honorable Clarence Thomas as President.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 04-29-2015, 05:10 PM
I love how he thinks Reagan cut govt spending. He said he would. But he didn't. Not by a longshot. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Reagan never promised to "flat out cut government spending" he was elected because he promised to cut taxes. He promised to cut Government Waste and Limit Government spending - which those who claim he did - argue that although the budget grew - it did not grow relative to GDP. (honestly I don't know and I don't care) His main economic theory was that if you cut taxes rather than reducing tax revenues you would actually increase tax revenues because businesses would invest that money and grow the economy. (i.e. - taxes cuts would pay for themselves or break even revenue wise by taking a smaller percentage of more total tax dollars) I am pretty sure this worked more like Reagan anticipated than how his opponents said it would - I have seen valid number crunches on both sides. Reagan and Obama both inherited recessions, but Reagan's was at 13.5% inflation, 21.5% prime interest rate, and 7.6% unemployment rate - and when he left office they were (4%, 10%, 4.1%) Was Reagans performance better then Obama's? Asbsofuckinglutly, but than again I am biased - I have the advantage of actually having been there!
A little quote, to get us started.

"People who tend to support the Tea Party, they tend to be sexist, they tend to be homophobic, they tend to be xenophobic; so it’s not just about race. It’s about difference. It’s about anything that violates their phenotypical norm of what it’s supposed to mean to be an American: white, mainly male, middle-class, middle-aged or older, heterosexual, and native born. Anything that falls beyond that description is considered not to be a true American and therefore … these groups are encroaching on what they see as the “real” America, the America that they’ve come to know and love through their lifetime."

You don't know ONE tea party person who is racist? Check these photos out and get back to me on that.

https://www.google.com/search?q=tea+...cQ_AUoAg&dpr=2 Originally Posted by WombRaider

You need to go to Prager University and unlearn your condescending/racist behaviors...

wellendowed1911's Avatar
I want a President who will leave me alone. I don't want him/her to improve my position or anyone else's. I want to free to make my own decisions and reap the rewards or consequences therefrom. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I really don't like what you represent- you are a narcissistic prick that wants everything your way. I bet people hated working with you because you don't like taking orders or criticism. You think your shit doesn't stank and that you have all the answers- this proves you are an arrogant bastard. Why don't you go live in an area where there's no government or hell just go live in the wilderness.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
A little quote, to get us started.

"People who tend to support the Tea Party, they tend to be sexist, they tend to be homophobic, they tend to be xenophobic; so it’s not just about race. It’s about difference. It’s about anything that violates their phenotypical norm of what it’s supposed to mean to be an American: white, mainly male, middle-class, middle-aged or older, heterosexual, and native born. Anything that falls beyond that description is considered not to be a true American and therefore … these groups are encroaching on what they see as the “real” America, the America that they’ve come to know and love through their lifetime."

You don't know ONE tea party person who is racist? Check these photos out and get back to me on that.

https://www.google.com/search?q=tea+...cQ_AUoAg&dpr=2 Originally Posted by WombRaider

+100000000 what he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 04-29-2015, 05:26 PM
A little quote, to get us started.

"People who tend to support the Tea Party, they tend to be sexist, they tend to be homophobic, they tend to be xenophobic; so it’s not just about race. It’s about difference. It’s about anything that violates their phenotypical norm of what it’s supposed to mean to be an American: white, mainly male, middle-class, middle-aged or older, heterosexual, and native born. Anything that falls beyond that description is considered not to be a true American and therefore … these groups are encroaching on what they see as the “real” America, the America that they’ve come to know and love through their lifetime."

You don't know ONE tea party person who is racist? Check these photos out and get back to me on that.

https://www.google.com/search?q=tea+...cQ_AUoAg&dpr=2 Originally Posted by WombRaider
I absolutely love the ignorance of your post ... it so perfectly illustrates my point ... at a meeting here in Houston I personally helped throw out 20 people who brought signs like that to our rally ... because WE DONT ALLOW RACISTS TO BE IN OUR TEA PARTY GROUP ... PERIOD! they proceeded to walk across the street and be photographed by TV and newspapers ... and what do you think appeared on the front of the paper and as headlines ... One guy told me he knew for a fact that 6 of them were members of the Kingwood Democratic Party - if that is true it is just sad ... but the way to find out is to go to one and sit quietly and listed. Hell if your black you will probably be scared shitless by white people wanting to hug and welcome you --- yeah we know what they say about us, so we bend over backwards to make sure a black person that has our philosophy feel super welcome and will stay.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I take great offense to what you just said -- as a proud tea party member I know of NO ONE ... NOT ONE ... of the 1000's that I know personally that think a black man is unworthy to be president. Everyone of the 1000's that I know personally disagree with his POLICIES it has nothing to do with race ... Almost to the man we believe exclusively in 3 things - Lower Taxes, Less Government Regulation and more Personal Liberties ... AND THAT IS IT! Everything else is a concoction of a Liberally biased media, RHINO establishment Republicans, their pundits and people like you find it easier to parrot their platitudes than to find out for yourself what the tea party really is. I do not know if the African Americans did better under Bush and more over I do not care. I am not seeking a President that will improve the lot of the White People in this country - Frankly, I don't care about them either. What I care about is ME! What I am looking for is a President to improve my position not yours. You have been born into the greatest county in the world bar none, you have the freedom to make and create your own destiny as you choose ... you want to go to school go, you want to start a business go, do what ever you want to improve yourself or your lot in life just don't ask me to help you, because I am not asking you to help me.
Originally Posted by 5T3V3

What I outlined in RED in your babble just proves me to how fucked up you are- if everyone thought that the POTUS job is to improve what is good for them than the POTUS will never get shit done- so Obama or any other POTUS should only be concerned with your problems???? Go fuck yourself you selfish bastard- - WHO IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE FELLA?????
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I absolutely love the ignorance of your post ... it so perfectly illustrates my point ... at a meeting here in Houston I personally helped throw out 20 people who brought signs like that to our rally ... because WE DONT ALLOW RACISTS TO BE IN OUR TEA PARTY GROUP ... PERIOD! they proceeded to walk across the street and be photographed by TV and newspapers ... and what do you think appeared on the front of the paper and as headlines ... One guy told me he knew for a fact that 6 of them were members of the Kingwood Democratic Party - if that is true it is just sad ... but the way to find out is to go to one and sit quietly and listed. Hell if your black you will probably be scared shitless by white people wanting to hug and welcome you --- yeah we know what they say about us, so we bend over backwards to make sure a black person that has our philosophy feel super welcome and will stay. Originally Posted by 5T3V3
I absolutely love the ignorance of your post ... it so perfectly illustrates my point ... at a meeting here in Houston I personally helped throw out 20 people who brought signs like that to our rally ... because WE DONT ALLOW RACISTS TO BE IN OUR TEA PARTY GROUP ... PERIOD! they proceeded to walk across the street and be photographed by TV and newspapers ... and what do you think appeared on the front of the paper and as headlines ... One guy told me he knew for a fact that 6 of them were members of the Kingwood Democratic Party - if that is true it is just sad ... but the way to find out is to go to one and sit quietly and listed. Hell if your black you will probably be scared shitless by white people wanting to hug and welcome you --- yeah we know what they say about us, so we bend over backwards to make sure a black person that has our philosophy feel super welcome and will stay. Originally Posted by 5T3V3
Bullshit. Your evidence is anecdotal at best. I've seen tea party rallies with nothing but those racist-ass signs. You want to go back to the good old days, when the black man and the brown man knew their place and kept their mouth shut. I know what you want.
Deflect ALL you want (lefties); but Obama's economic policies have been a disaster for those stuck in poverty (especially the black community). The numbers (unemployment, household wealth, household income, dependency on government largess, etc) don't lie.

And Obama's failures have nothing to do with the color of his skin....................but play the race card all you want. It doesn't stick any longer. You have overplayed your hand with phony allegations of racism.

Refute Obama's failure with facts and figures, not wild-eyed accusations of racism.
Deflect ALL you want (lefties); but Obama's economic policies have been a disaster for those stuck in poverty. The numbers (unemployment, household wealth, household income, dependency on government largess, etc) don't lie.

And it has nothing to do with the color of Obama's skin....................but play the race card all you want. It doesn't stick any longer. You have overplayed your hand with phony allegations of racism.

Refute Obama's failure with facts and figures, not wild-eyed accusations of racism. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
so... wait a minute. I thought that liberals were all about the poor. Now you're claiming they aren't. Which one is it?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Deflect ALL you want (lefties); but Obama's economic policies have been a disaster for those stuck in poverty. The numbers (unemployment, household wealth, household income, dependency on government largess, etc) don't lie.

And it has nothing to do with the color of Obama's skin....................but play the race card all you want. It doesn't stick any longer. You have overplayed your hand with phony allegations of racism.

Refute Obama's failure with facts and figures, not wild-eyed accusations of racism. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Can you post the stats of the poverty levels of Blacks under the other POTUS starting with Reagan please? Sow me a GOP president that had great economic policies for Blacks.