I just begged Holly of Houston to stop in Abilene...

sovanna's Avatar
With Ms. Jessica flaking out on us and Sovanna's recent shenanigans (posting an appointment in Abilene, San Antonio, & Corpus Christi for the same day ), I just sent an email begging Holly to help out us Abilene guys by spending an evening in Abilene on her way to Lubbock this month. I'll keep advised of any response I receive... Originally Posted by Kerchunk
So I'm not the only one trying to spark interests with what Berkleigh said. You want to go ahead and just bash me bout these things. NO I did not make appts.

I haven't read or heard negative things being said about me until now. I'm a good person and I have good reviews. Just because I post ads for same days it has to be a big deal. I did apologize to those who contacted me personally, that wanted to see me but couldn't make it out to their city. I did not make any appts. to any cities because I had to play it by ear, if I can make it out there or not. Is it a crime to see where the interests are at? I have done nothing wrong. Sometimes the co-eds section doesn't help.

It is coming out of my own expenses and time to tour. I tell you what, it is not easy. Some men don't understand or have the heart to care what we have to go through as a companion. Nobody is perfect. Imagine being in our shoes. I do understand some men go through things too but I'm not mean to post in public. Why not address your problem to me directly? Originally Posted by Sovanna
Hey Berkleigh,
we would love to have you visit Abilene, I agree with Pistolero, come on out, the sooner the better!!
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Berkleigh - I'll go with you to Abilene... xoxox
berkleigh's Avatar
Berkleigh - I'll go with you to Abilene... xoxox Originally Posted by MarieLynn of DFW
Lets Plan it!
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Lets Plan it! Originally Posted by berkleigh
Plan a trip out to Odessa/Midland

Berk----you and I have a date with my desk.

When I get out your way----it's a glass elevator!
thetilly's Avatar
Holly, Hotlips, or Berkleigh, if you are gonna venture to West Texas, Please don't forget those of us out here in El Paso.
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
So I'm not the only one trying to spark interests with what Berkleigh said. You want to go ahead and just bash me bout these things. NO I did not make appts.

Originally Posted by sovanna
Perhaps there should be some blame on the men of West Texas, I know I have seen a post and thought well I will wait to see how things look when they are here and then will contact them...I would rather and I believe the ladies would rather that, than to make an appt. to find out you can't keep it...if they were borderline on making the trip successful and have those cancelations it will sour them from coming back out for sure...which may mean they don't come out at all for that particular time...sounds like she handeled it professionaly in letting the men know that had actually contacted her... My only suggestion is to not state you are going to be there, but that if enough interest is garnered and it will be a successful trip, that appointments will be confirmed, but should be done so with at least 24 hours notice, just my opinion...
sovanna's Avatar
I handled everything just fine thanks. Hope everyone is having a blessed day.
Yeah, I can't wait

Cowboy2Step's Avatar
I too hope everyone is having a blessed day...
berkleigh's Avatar
Plan a trip out to Odessa/Midland

Berk----you and I have a date with my desk.

When I get out your way----it's a glass elevator! Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
My ATF is in Midland..........I need to surprize him
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Lets Plan it! Originally Posted by berkleigh
Indeed it is in the works... plus I want to eat at that great steak place all the Cowboys down there have been talkin' about!!
so, what steak house is it. Oh maybe the house at the YYYYYYYY. LOL
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
My ATF is in Midland..........I need to surprize him Originally Posted by berkleigh
Let me know when you're coming. Your next ATF is anxiously waiting!
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
Ladies, I know where they serve a great tube steak !!!