The Executive Branch to the Legislative

HedonistForever's Avatar
There's no excuse for jumping to conclusions. It's a terrible thing to blame the wrong hate group. I wish this incident would get more coverage. Being singled out and murdered just because of your faith is despicable. It was a bitch-ass move for a minority in her faith. I'm sure she was just ignorant

As to the Hakeem Jeffries thing, that's a little closer to the truth. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

The Donald Trump that passed prison reform and has given Blacks the best employment numbers in history with median household income up by about $4,000? That Donald Trump is working with Jim Crow laws? More Trump Derangement Syndrome on display.

I have to say, I didn't expect that remark from you.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The Donald Trump that passed prison reform and has given Blacks the best employment numbers in history with median household income up by about $4,000? That Donald Trump is working with Jim Crow laws? More Trump Derangement Syndrome on display.

I have to say, I didn't expect that remark from you. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I'll take that last statement as a compliment. I do strive to sound reasonable. AT TIMES. Does Stephen Miller still work in the Whitehouse?
  • oeb11
  • 12-14-2019, 11:51 AM
There's no excuse for jumping to conclusions. It's a terrible thing to blame the wrong hate group. I wish this incident would get more coverage. Being singled out and murdered just because of your faith is despicable. It was a bitch-ass move for a minority in her faith. I'm sure she was just ignorant

As to the Hakeem Jeffries thing, that's a little closer to the truth. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

"I'm sure she was just ignorant"

Apologetic and excusing Tlaib's racist remarks - she has not apologized or retracted - nor will she.

Her remarks fit her narrative - which is the DPST truth regardless of facts.

Watch cnn for confirmation.

Tlaib is a vicious anti-Semitic and anti-White Racist - and it is just fine with the DPST's. It is a requirement to be a "Progressive" of the DPST's.
rexdutchman's Avatar
"Tlaib's nothing more then a MADA talking head NO truth , and cnn will back it up ,,,,,,,,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 12-16-2019, 10:20 AM
9500- stands with Omar and Tlaib's anti-Semitic and anti-White racism????
HedonistForever's Avatar
I'll take that last statement as a compliment. I do strive to sound reasonable. AT TIMES. Does Stephen Miller still work in the Whitehouse? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

It wasn't meant as a compliment and I thought it un-reasonable and "at times" you do sound reasonable, other times, not so much" and what does Stephen Miller have to do with you or I sounding reasonable? I am not now nor have I ever defended all of Trump's choices for adviser's. As a matter of fact I think many of his choices were big mistakes but I wasn't thrilled with Obama's choices either. I also think Trump is his own worst enemy and brings much of what comes at him from his big un-controlled mouth but then I didn't vote for the man because of his personality.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Stephen Miller, there's another Beauty..
  • oeb11
  • 12-16-2019, 10:39 AM
HF - It wasn't meant as a compliment and I thought it un-reasonable and "at times" you do sound reasonable, other times, not so much" and what does Stephen Miller have to do with you or I sounding reasonable? I am not now nor have I ever defended all of Trump's choices for adviser's. As a matter of fact I think many of his choices were big mistakes but I wasn't thrilled with Obama's choices either. I also think Trump is his own worst enemy and brings much of what comes at him from his big un-controlled mouth but then I didn't vote for the man because of his personality.

HF - +1
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
whats wrong with stephen miller? he's just a trump mouth piece who happens to support trump policies
  • oeb11
  • 12-17-2019, 08:41 AM
whats wrong with stephen miller? he's just a trump mouth piece who happens to support trump policies Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

As such - demonized by the DPST's and LSM - that is the issue
rexdutchman's Avatar
Very sadly Tliaibiie is the typical DPST hater bitch just trying her hardest to start shit and enrage people for no reason maybe even trying to start riots. She should be remove form office ! again MADA at work