George Zimmerman to be Charged......

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-11-2012, 09:39 PM
The government is in a real fix. They have to get a conviction, or Florida will burn. But they know a manslaughter charge would have been a more prudent choice. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Agree. But prosecutors usually overshoot a little, just like pricing a house for sale.

More often than not the jury will get it right. I have faith in the criminal justice system! Originally Posted by bigtex
A pretty good percentage. Better than most systems I would think, though that data is probably impossible to get.

like OJ's trial? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
That's one I think they got very wrong.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-11-2012, 10:15 PM
Keep on lying, Old-goaT: here is an example of your 'stupid', 'nonjudgmental' lying.

Here you admit you were 'stupidly judgmental'. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'm so glad you can count to TWO! Even if one of those two is highly questionable.

But you on the other hand make "creative" posts with such regularity I can't keep track of them all. No matter how often I (and others) point out your significant deviations from reality you ignore them.

Since the post where you wanted to have sex with me--but I demurely refused--you seem to have pulled your turtle head into a shell and regressed. The only security blanket you seem to have found is one post where I admit I probably didn't word things well. It's so pitiful to see a grown man reduced to such illogical mutterings. So sad.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm so glad you can count to TWO! Even if one of those two is highly questionable. Once again you lie.

But you on the other hand make "creative" posts with such regularity I can't keep track of them all. No matter how often I (and others) point out your significant deviations from reality you ignore them.
Again you lie.

Since the post where you wanted to have sex with me
Most assuredly you lie.
--but I demurely refused--you seem to have pulled your turtle head into a shell and regressed. The only security blanket you seem to have found is one post where I admit I probably didn't word things well. It's so pitiful to see a grown man reduced to such illogical mutterings. Yet again you lie.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You are one pathetic, lying goober, Old-goaT.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, at least now that he has been charged, Nancy Grace will be able to get us the real story.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
2nd degree vs. manslaughter.

what's the difference?
pantsontheground's Avatar
It doesnt matter what the evidence is. Thanks to the MSM and the threats of violence, a hero is being charged with murder. Its absolutely sickening.
Af-Freakin's Avatar

pantsontheground's Avatar
This is a great day for black criminals. Now that they know that self defense is illegal, they will commit even more crime.
They had to charge him with something, the murder 2 charge is more than most expected and Martins parents get the full investigation they wanted. If they have something new on Zimmerman let them play that shit out but now that hes been charged the media can get back to the "Republican War on (insert cause or subgroup here)".
This is a great day for black criminals. Now that they know that self defense is illegal, they will commit even more crime. Originally Posted by pantsontheground
I guess, that will make people think twice about following strangers at night.

and Zimmermans brother is hawt, I'd gag him and fuck him.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Legal scholar and Ambassador of Peace chimes in on Zimmerman
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Let's give him a fair trial and hangin.
joe bloe's Avatar
Legal scholar and Ambassador of Peace chimes in on Zimmerman Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Mike Tyson makes me think Charles Murray was being optimistic.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-12-2012, 08:02 AM
You are one pathetic, lying goober, Old-goaT. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Another non-answer by IB. Why is no one surprised?

So you have been reduced to this: you cannot defend yourself with facts or logic, so you repeat over and over "you lie"? You sound like a little child "Oh yea?" and thinks that is a defense.

Why don't you try to address some of the questions I have asked you in the last few days? I'll answer it for you since you seem uninterested, unable, or unwilling to respond to them: because you know any answer will expose you as either a fraud or an idiot, with a healthy dose of bigotry tossed in for good measure.

You are frustrated and in a blind rage because I've repeatedly pointed out that you act just like the communists you claim to despise, and that you are hypocritical in how you form opinions but you claim any opinion that is contrary to yours is an evil lie.

PS: One of these days I'll understand what a "goober" is. Must be a southern thing. Like Good Ol' Boys and pointy white sheets.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Another non-answer by IB. Why is no one surprised? You are a lying goober, Old-goaT. Your claims of being 'nonjudgmental' have been revealed as a fraud.

So you have been reduced to this: you cannot defend yourself with facts or logic, so you repeat over and over "you lie"? You sound like a little child "Oh yea?" and thinks that is a defense.
Rattle, rattle, like the lying goober you are.

Why don't you try to address some of the questions I have asked you in the last few days? I'll answer it for you since you seem uninterested, unable, or unwilling to respond to them: because you know any answer will expose you as either a fraud or an idiot, with a healthy dose of bigotry tossed in for good measure.
Bigoted how? In the Zimmerman-Martin case, both parties are minorities. Your multiple, disparaging posts about Zimmerman are evidence of your bigotry (see below).

You are frustrated and in a blind rage because I've repeatedly pointed out that you act just like the communists you claim to despise, and that you are hypocritical in how you form opinions but you claim any opinion that is contrary to yours is an evil lie.
But you lie, so your words carry no import.
PS: One of these days I'll understand what a "goober" is. FYI, you ignorant moron, it's a small, insignificant nut that rattles in its shell when shaken: that's you in a nutshell! Your every post has been like a small nut rattling inside an otherwise hollow shell.
Rattle, rattle, you goober you!!! Must be a southern thing. Like Good Ol' Boys and pointy white sheets Originally Posted by Old-T

Now for an encore presentation of a post exemplifying lying Old-goaT's 'unbiased', 'nonjudgmental' conjecture regarding the Zimmerman case:

Of course they will investigate! Sure, and the Tooth Fairy will lead it.
I served on grand juries in Florida--in that part of Florida. The level of proof to get an indictment was something like: "Is there a dead body?" Check. "Is there a reason to believe this defendant was involved?" Check. "OK, take it to trial". Unless the potential defendant was connected to LE in some way. The corruption in the legal system of Florida hasn't changed a lot since the 1870s, and this is another example.

I was hoping this would at least get to trial; after that I assumed the jury system would give it as fair a hearing as could be done, whether Zimmerman was found innocent or guilty. Sadly this does not surprise me: the Good Ol' Boy system ensures it won't see the light of day. There will be some bile about "Trust us, we looked at the facts and we know what we are doing". Had a grand jury gotten the case and decided not to indict I would take that as a very strong statement that the case against Zimmerman was very weak. But to not bring the case to the GJ is the equivalent of a pocket veto and reeks of closed door smoke filled room deals.

Racism is alive and well in central Florida, but I don't know enough about this case to know if that is the underlying reason. I sincerely hope that is not what is at work here. If I had to guess it is more likely the Thin Blue Line taking care of its extended family. It is near impossible to get an indictment if LE doesn't show for the grand jury proceedings. Again, if there really was no substantial case against Zimmerman the right approach--and least politically painful one--would be to take it to the GJ and let them toss it out. That way it is the "people" saying so, not one part of the legal system passing closed door judgement on itself. Not taking it to the GJ screams that the DA was afraid there would be a incitement handed down.

If they were honest, many of the posters on here would be livid, yelling for a true, open, and honest examination of what happened. Any bets?
Originally Posted by Old-T
. nt=102

Okay goober, you can start your hollow rattling again.