Dubmaba - The Great Enslaver!!!

He's joined I B a Moron, getting the #2 spot on my Ignore list. He's just too dumb to deal with....

I was just about to post the same thing.

Rockhead appeared on this board barely a month ago and he is opining about how stupid others are like he have been here for a long time.

He is getting in Yssup's face like an old pro, even though Yssup has been pretty quiet for the last few weeks.

So, I think The Rockhead has been here before under another name. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I B Hankering's Avatar
I B a Moron Originally Posted by timpage
Another lib-retard confessional!
Is this Marshy - again?!? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
I was just about to post the same thing.

Rockhead appeared on this board barely a month ago and he is opining about how stupid others are like he have been here for a long time.

He is getting in Yssup's face like an old pro, even though Yssup has been pretty quiet for the last few weeks.

So, I think The Rockhead has been here before under another name. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Marshy, is that you? Originally Posted by bigtex
What took you guys so long? I busted Marshy, errrr Rockhead on August 8. If I am not mistaken, the referenced quote from above was his first post under his new name. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=811184&highlight=
....better than the previous' administrations....too say the least
LexusLover's Avatar
By this time in W's 2nd term, wasn't he is the mid 30's and falling? Originally Posted by bigtex
No. That's why I said:

"Not to steal your thunder, but to anticipate your "obsessive habits" ... Here are "his" numbers for 2005".....

.. and then gave you the polling numbers. Can you explain them to little timmie?
LexusLover's Avatar
Same stupid arguments, same type of polls....heard exact same thing about this time last year. Right before November 2012. Originally Posted by timpage
So when you like what the polls say, it's a good thing? When you don't they are bad?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-16-2013, 02:36 PM
when you don't like what the polls say, the polls are biased , specifically LIBERAL

Pick A Poll
Can you explain them to little timmie? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Timpage, LL ask that I explain to you why GW's approval ratings were so low and his disapproval ratings so high during his 2nd term in office.

In a nutshell, GW completely lost focus!

Side note to LL: There is no need to thank me for passing along the accurate information to Timpage.
LexusLover's Avatar
Timpage, LL ask that I explain to you why GW's approval ratings were so low and his disapproval ratings so high during his 2nd term in office.

In a nutshell, GW completely lost focus!

Side note to LL: There is no need to thank me for passing along the accurate information to Timpage. Originally Posted by bigtex
Keep your day job, ok?

What did he lose focus on?
As usual, you are an idiot. And now you are an idiot who can foresee the future. Oh, wait....your record on predicting what is going to happen in the future isn't too fucking good, is it? Originally Posted by timpage
Based on your logic, the Nobel Prize committee is a bunch of idiots because they awarded OBama the Nobel Peace Prize based on what they thought he would do in the future, which turned out to be wrong. Therefore you must also agree that Obama did not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize because it was given to him by a bunch of fortune telling idiots.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 08-16-2013, 04:46 PM
Who the fuck is Dubmaba, anyway?

Some kind of mash-up of Dubya and Obama?
What makes a person come across like an old pro? It is related to the intellectual knowledge of a person. We know that libtards have NO intelligence, do not rely on facts, and bitch and complain. When you have the facts on your side it is easy to come across as knowledgeable and easily destroy libtards who can't dispute fact but instead of debating the content will instead pick on a typo!!!!

Its obvious that libtards suffer from head up ass syndrome and have eyes full of shit which prevent them from seeing the facts. However, even wiping the shit off of their eyes does not help because libtards lack comprehension and the ability to read!!!
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 08-16-2013, 05:03 PM
What makes a person come across like an old pro? It is related to the intellectual knowledge of a person. We know that libtards have NO intelligence, do not rely on facts, and bitch and complain. When you have the facts on your side it is easy to come across as knowledgeable and easily destroy libtards who can't dispute fact but instead of debating the content will instead pick on a typo!!!!

Its obvious that libtards suffer from head up ass syndrome and have eyes full of shit which prevent them from seeing the facts. However, even wiping the shit off of their eyes does not help because libtards lack comprehension and the ability to read!!! Originally Posted by therock18
Was this meant to be a reply to my query? Because I'm not finding the answer, unless you're saying in a very roundabout way that it was a typo.
Rockman, don't come across too intelligent, they will think you are Marshall err Choom err Uncle Han erroneous hell they will think you are anyone they disagree with....they have already started threads about you and probably are burning up the PM exchanges...they are little girl gossip whores who cant deal with facts. And prefer name calling..
welcome to the game.

What did he lose focus on? Originally Posted by LexusLover
His job! (see below)

WASHINGTON (CNN) - A new poll suggests that George W. Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush his handling his job as president.

"No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president's disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

"Bush's approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by Harry Truman and Richard Nixon (22 percent and 24 percent, respectively) but even those two presidents never got a disapproval rating in the 70s," Holland added. "The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set by Truman, 66 percent disapproval in January 1952."

CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider adds, "He is more unpopular than Richard Nixon was just before he resigned from the presidency in August 1974." President Nixon's disapproval rating in August 1974 stood at 67 percent.

The poll also indicates that support for the war in Iraq has never been lower. Thirty percent of those questioned favored the war while 68 percent opposed the conflict.

"Americans are growing more pessimistic about the war," Holland said. "In January, nearly half believed that things were going well for the U.S. in Iraq; now that figure has dropped to 39 percent."

The numbers on the Iraq war come on the five-year anniversary of President Bush's "mission accomplished" moment onboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, when Bush proclaimed that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended."

The record low support for the war in a CNN poll could be one reason behind the president's unpopularity, but it probably is not the only one.

"Support for the war, the assessment of the economy and approval of Mr. Bush are all about the same - bad," Schneider said.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted by telephone from Monday through Wednesday, with 1,008 adult Americans questioned. The poll's sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
